Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 1972: Extremely dangerous

"I was finally waiting for me!"

Lin Fei believes that the system will not be wrong.

A bad old man appeared, Lin Fei really doubted that he was wrong.

If you are not talking to yourself, you may even suspect that the other person has just passed through the space and just emerged from this place.

The system quickly sent a hint to lock the position on the old man.

The fat stone is in the hands of this guy.

However, the people who came out were not quite the same as Lin Fei’s imagination. It was too old, and the body was messy. There was no such thing as a strong man. It was like an old man who was eating and eating.

In addition to a ruddy complexion.

The old man in front of him, Lin Fei is very strange, never seen, memory has no impression.

"Luo Tian Shen Huang really backed up a black pot!" Lin Fei secretly said, "He said that the mixed space, self-contained, is also a destiny treasure?"

The system did not sweep out, Lin Fei paid special attention.

A few days ago, the strong people gathered, many of them were strong, and those who were present could not find the whereabouts of the old man. His system only swept the rough area.

Lin Fei is hard to pay attention to.

The messy old man put away the treasures of the mixed space space, and suddenly, his eyes directly on Lin Fei’s position.

The space is heavy and heavy, and the space is too heavy. At this time, it can't stop the other person's eyes.

"This can feel it!"

Lin Fei was shocked.

The old man’s eyes pierce through this area, and the glances come and go.

"Don't you just feel wrong? It's really old!"

Looking back, the old man shook his head.

Just now, there was a slight movement in the space. When I went to check it, there was no trace of it. The old man was hesitating for a moment, or shook his head.

The old man said to himself.

Turn around and leave

"This reaction is too fast, I have not moved!"

Hiding in the system space, Lin Fei can't figure it out.

The little devil scorned, "You are still a strong loser. Just surprised you, causing a slight fluctuation in space, the old man is terrible, you are hiding fast. You have the power of space, no trace!"

Hey! !

The little devil just finished.

Lin Fei's original location, a figure appeared quietly, it is a bad old man.

"It seems that the old man thinks more!" The old man shook his head. "This world. Who can perceive the existence of the old man, except for those who, however, they are now taking care of themselves, let alone looking for an old man."

The old man turned and left.

The space does not have a half-point movement, as if it fits.

"Return to the carbine!"

Lin Fei was really ready to go out.

I did not expect this old man to be so embarrassed, actually killed a carbine, still quietly.

Lin Fei is not going to go out for the time being, just come again.

This old monster is very concerned about his feelings. It's hard to keep it from coming.

Lin Fei stood on the pulse of the Holy Emperor and sat down. Now he uses the fate of the gods to suppress the Holy Spirit and pack up the clothes.

"There are few people in the world who are aware of the existence of this person. Then, this old man should be a very powerful existence!" The meaning of Lin Fei's words, "Dare to love, there are so many secret things in this world, if not advanced Mode, it is estimated that you have to blink now!"

Lin Fei did not fight with the old man. I can feel that this person is very scary.

Very very scary kind.

It is harder to steal from the hands of Luo Tianshen, and it is harder than killing a person. Luo Tian Shen Huang is even more unable to explain, the strength of the old man must be above the Emperor Luo Tian, ​​the other party does not kill the Emperor Luo Tian, ​​the purpose is to Luo Tianshen to recite the black pot, so that people forget the existence of his number.

"The bad old man is very likely to be a destiny!"

Lin Fei had a vague guess.

The little demon reminded, "Master. You better not go out now, the old man is hiding in the space, always staring at it!"

Lin Fei blinked, "Rely, so shameless!"

He kept him for five days.

Now the old man is going to keep himself?

Lin Fei wants to cry.

"It is shameless!" The little devil said yes.

Lin Fei suddenly said, "You know me now, why don't you remind me before!"

"You didn't say it!"

Lin Fei surrendered.

"Give me the advanced mode, stare at me!" Lin Fei really had a headache. "Can you scan the old things roughly dangerously!"

"This requires a thousand fate points!"

Lin Fei used to be a little devil to ask for fate points.

However, a thousand, still very vomiting blood.

"As for this expensive!"

"You can't give it!" said the little devil.

No way, Lin Fei can only give it.

A shameless old man who keeps his own appearance, Lin Fei does not care.

"Scan now!"

Lin Fei is very confident in the system, even if the old man is a mess, he must also eat the system's losses.

The old man's face was sitting on the ruddy disk.

"The feeling of the old man can't go wrong. In this space, there must be people hiding. However, I can avoid my search. Is this person a strong man? It seems that no one among all the candidates is strong. To this extent, even if it is the Emperor Luo Tian, ​​the dream of the Emperor, these are not good? Is it the shameless guy of Heaven? It seems unlikely, who is it!"

The old man took out a bottle of scented stuff, sipped it, and there was no movement in the surrounding space, his eyes flickering.


Bad old man laughs

"Master, this old man is extremely dangerous."

Soon, the little demon reminded.

"You said it is extremely dangerous?" Lin Fei blinked.

"You will see it yourself!"

A virtual picture appeared in front of Lin Fei.

"The bad old man: extremely dangerous!"

"Combat power:???????"


"Repaired: ??????"

"Last mortality: 100%!"

Seeing this, Lin Fei opened his mouth.

"How are all question marks!"

This is the first time Lin Fei has seen a person is a question mark.

Especially the final mortality rate, although it was the first time I saw it, Lin Fei knew that this must be the death rate of the other party.

One hundred percent?

Too scary!

"We can't simulate the specific strength of the old things, the specific repair, the specific life, don't look at him very old, in fact extremely dangerous."

Lin Fei asked, "So, he is almost truly invincible in this world. Whoever kills who wants to kill, who will destroy it?"

"Yes, you can understand this!"

"I can't stop the invincible defense."

"According to the system calculation, you can resist, the second natal life points can not be added." The little devil said.

This time, Lin Fei is dumbfounded.

It’s so arrogant!

Lin Fei is very hard.

After the emergence of the invincible defense, he helped himself a lot. Even the attack of the destiny is also consumed by two or three percent. Now, in the hands of an old man, all the power can be consumed with one blow.

Lin Fei is very unconvinced.

Can be said systematically, most of them will not be wrong.

The little devil continued, "However, the owner does not have to worry, this old man is unlikely to exert his full strength. According to the system's calculations, the old man is hiding from him, it should be a few powerful rivals!" (To be continued.)

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