Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2133: Still obedient

The great prophecy itself is evil, and the power is extraordinarily horrible. ╪┠╡.?.

After the enhanced version of the curse, still more than ten times stronger than expected, a curse will be a curse to the ruthless bombardment.

As a person to shoot, Lin Fei himself was shocked, the system is too powerful.

The most terrible thing is that this curse is mysterious and unpredictable. It is like a sword on the head, and it will fall at any time.

"The curse is dead!"

The white brow was deeply wrinkled and almost became a 'chuan' character.

"The mantra was actually killed, or was killed by a stroke. What is the emperor in the end, how can he master the terrible spell of the great prophecy!"

The whole night of the white night moved, and I could not touch the connection.

“Don't it be that the Emperor is the man of the curse? This is an important news!”

At the beginning, Wanjian Mountain Villa and Shendaomen appeared next to Emperor Tian, ​​and everyone was upset. No one knows when this Emperor Tian colluded with them.

If that's the case, everyone doesn't feel much.

Wanjian Mountain Villa and Shendaomen are not small, but in the thirty-three holy world, at most, they are top-notch forces. They become vulnerable in the face of those forces, and they can easily launch a giant strongman. The forces swept away.

It is getting into trouble now.

After the curse was exhibited from Emperor Tian, ​​everyone would not have a headache. This is not only a bad deal, but also involves the forces of the Holy Trinity.

White nights, the devils of the devil, Chen Hao and other sacred sons, after the curse of the son was killed, all showed a dignified color, especially the last sentence, coupled with the siege of thousands of warlord strong, they gradually felt attentive Powerless. ┞┠═.[[. c(o{m{

"We all underestimated the Emperor!"

The demon singer smiled bitterly. "The emperor mastered the curse, and it was still a big prophecy. No one knows if he still masters the curse!"

"Mom, an inconspicuous seal world. How can this abnormality come out!" Chen Haogui is the Son, but he also has to admit that the Emperor who mastered the spell became more terrible.

Break through?

They have become unsure.

Curse palace, a horrible force. Even if it is a giant, it is not willing to offend any disciple of the curse.

Because, the curse is notoriously short.

The 100,000 Emperor of the Emperor, or the realm of the Nine Stars, is undoubtedly an insurmountable gap. Easily trap them to death.

"You let us surrender, what are you?"

There was a whisper of Tianjiao, and the boxing method was shocking. A dozen of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor was shocked. At the same time, a wave of hands was released, and a frame was released. The figure was blocked behind, and the figure was blurred and the shadows were heavy.

This is to break through.


The shadows of the sky gathered together, and the Tianjiao fell out of the void. The curse of the body is entwined, and the screams are constantly screaming, and they are turned into nothingness under the eyes of everyone.

"Everyone can go out and break!"

Lin Fei held his hand. ╡w{ww..

After the last incident, Lin Fei made preparations, and he wished that they would break through and break out how many kills. He did not believe that he could escape from the Master of the Curse.

Let's not say anything else. Light spells can make everyone drink a pot.


The rest of the Tianjiao, who had a heartbreaking break, secretly made a chill.

Curse fire, it is a terrible attack that is no less than a big prophecy.

In addition to the specially crafted curse treasures. The outsiders can't stop the invasion of the curse, and the living ones are burned into nothingness, and the bones are gone.

Two kinds of spells appear, all of which are top-level. No less than throwing a blockbuster.

"Don't act rashly!"

White nights are not like letting everyone go to death.

"This time people have been prepared, we want to break through!" Chen Hao said, "There are big prophetic techniques and cursing fires. I believe this void, hiding people from the cursing palace, it is hard to break through!"


"Everyone gives up resistance!"

Even white nights. There is no way to break out.

This emperor is terrible.

The rest of the people looked at the White Nights and gave up their rebellion. They also lost their minds. Instead of giving up in vain, it would be better to see what Emperor wanted to see. Based on their background, Emperor should not dare to kill them.

The latter idea, they also have skepticism in their hearts.

The mantras are killed, let alone them.

"Bai Gongzi, you made a good choice!" Lin Fei smiled. "Hey, you won't kill you, just make a deal with the forces behind you. Hey, this person is very good at talking!"

Good to talk?

Everyone does not believe this.

The 100,000 warlord is besieged, it is a good talk.

"This is a kind of gadget that you can refine. You are safe and can keep your life. If there are other ideas, this gadget will give you a perfect gift. You will be satisfied." !"

A piece of gadgets is sealed on the Tianjiao.

This is a blooming flower, the color of the flower is dark, but it gives a heart-rending dangerous atmosphere.

"Don't tamper with each other. In this flower, it should be a blessing of the curse and another curse. Once it bursts out, our body is absolutely difficult to resist!"

Seeing a lot of white nights and realizing the dangers.

"Bai Gongzi has a good eyesight, but he can recognize it at a glance, and admire it!" Lin Fei clap his hands. "Since I know it, I don't have much to say!"


Tianjiao, who gave up resistance, was guarded by sword slaves and sword slaves.

The eternal warship, a pseudo-giant-class treasure, was also taken away by Lin Fei, and it can provide some help for the promotion of Blood Day.

"Bai Gongzi, thirty-three holy days, some other people are in the place, please ask for trouble. The province's east to find the west!" Lin Fei smiled and looked at the white night.

White night smiled, "I have no choice!"

"You say it!"

The white night became a prisoner, and without knowing the details of the Emperor's heaven, this time naturally will not be offended. It can combine the curse and other secrets to form a unique threat treasure, but not the average person can get it out.

No one is willing to offend the Emperor without unremitting the danger.

How do you want to live and say it.

In my heart, the Emperor of Heaven will offend the thirty-three holy forces. When the giants do their best, even if they are on the top of the war, they will not be able to stop the anger of the giants.

The Emperor of Heaven, now is on the road to death.


Captive of the priest of heaven.

Lin Fei took the knife slave and the sword slave to the camp of various forces.


On a plain, several forces joined together to form a base camp.

When the torrent of black pressure came, the camp was opened, and the sword slaves and sword slaves rushed in like a flood, killing them, and the plains were filled with blood.

Lin Fei almost did not have to shoot, knife slaves and sword slaves became the most terrible fighters on the battlefield.

The night glory such as the white night was held behind.

"Unless the giants are coming, they can't stop the sharpness of the heavens!" White night sighed.

"It’s terrible. In particular, they have mastered the swordsmanship of Wanjian Mountain Villa. The top knife of the sword is so terrible that it is terrible, and it is not afraid of life and death."

The battle on the battlefield is clear to them.

"They are finished!" (To be continued.)


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