Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2134: Illegal invasion

Shendi Mountain space.

"Not good, run!"


"The realm of such a high level, and mastering the advanced knife and swordsmanship, can't stop it!"

"Don't kill us, we surrender!"

With the invasion of the black torrent, even the ten-star warlord strong, at this time also the scalp numb, a wave of enemies wrapped around, that feeling no one wants to experience.

One by one the forces were swept away.

"They are finished!"

The white-night son, who had been watched by the Emperor, sighed softly.

All the way to sweep the forces of the parties, the white night to experience the horror brought by the Emperor.

"I didn't expect that there was no taboo in the heavens. Except for the Tianjiao disciples, the rest of the people killed!" Chen Zi, the son of the sage, said coldly.

Their team is also expanding.

The emperors in and out of the inside and outside were watching, and then the treasures of their bodies were suppressed. They all lost their minds and rebelled.


"You have also been caught!"

"Hey, who knows that the Emperor’s men are so tyrannical, the autumn wind sweeps the leaves, it’s terrible!"

The familiar Tianjiao were arrested.

This is inevitable for someone to identify.

In the team, Tianjiao are dejected.

Usually, the self-sufficient strength is tyrannical, and the arrogance of the various forces is kicked in front of the Emperor, and they are caught alive.

If you want to die, Lin Fei does not mind sending them on the road.

In fact, the Tianjiao who wants to die is a minority. After no hope, he decisively chooses to surrender. They are the best proof of the White Night, at least not killing Tianjiao.


After sweeping another power.

The great forces of the entire Shendi Mountain space have been basically cleaned up, and the rest are also a few powerful top forces.

No one can stop Lin Fei’s sea tactics.

The most important thing is the Emperor of the Emperor, or the strongest of the nine-star warlords. The number of 100,000, one wave after another, how much to die.

"You can attack a few other top big forces!"

Lin Fei looked back at the prisoners behind. The eyes are picked up and waved. The mighty Warlord Legion went in one direction toward the Shendi Mountain space.

"Emperor, if I were you, I would never go to them for trouble!"

The white night suddenly said, "You don't know their terrible."

"This is awkward place, no matter how powerful it is!"

Lin Feitou did not return, directly throwing a domineering words.


There are still four top-level forces left in the Shendi Mountain space.

These four top big forces. In the thirty-three holy worlds, there is no exception, there is a top-level existence, the power has a giant-level powerhouse, and there is a stronger presence.

They didn't do the same with others, they started to work on Emperor Tian.

This kind of behavior, they dismissive.

Therefore, no matter what the wind is heard, they always occupy a site in the Shendi Mountain space, waiting for the appearance of the origin. This is also a manifestation of their self-confidence in their own strength.

Boom! ! !

Tens of thousands of legions, the spirits of God gathered together. Reopening the sky, domineering and invincible.

"Interesting, that heaven is coming!"

In a valley. At the peak position, sitting on an old man, a white hair, eyes like electricity, through the heavy void, saw the torrent of the mighty.

Hey! !

Several Tianjiao came up from the foot of the mountain and appeared next to the old man.

"Chen Chang, this should be the Emperor, rumored that he has tens of thousands of nine-star warlord strong!" A black and white eyebrows of Tianjiao. Cold eyes gazing forward.

"A good indigenous, annihilating other forces will think that the world is invincible. This is too much to take yourself too seriously, really thought that we are bullying!"

"Chen Chang. Let us teach you a day, it is best to catch him alive. At that time, there are treasures on the body that will belong to our Poseidon City!" Another Tianjiao asked to play.

Neptune City is one of the top forces in the thirty-three holy world.

"You are not allowed to shoot!" The old man stood up. "This Emperor is not so good to deal with, whoever despise the other party, saying that you must not fall here!"

Digital arrogance is not very natural.

"Chen Chang, you are helping others, destroying their own prestige, he is an indigenous, if not for a chance, how will it be our opponent." A Tianjiao is not convinced.

They are born noble, and they are comparable to those who seal the world.

The words of Elder Chen are undoubtedly stimulating them.

Chen Wanyan shook his head slightly and felt very disappointed. "Don't you see the power of the Emperor, tens of thousands of nine-star warlords, and there are several forces that can be done, can you do it?"

Of course, these words Chen Wanyan will not say it.

"Under the Emperor, you have a lot of people, what does it mean!"

The rumbling sound of the rumble spread.

The entire Shendi Mountain space spread and everyone heard the sound.

Lin Fei’s eyes glimpsed. “It’s not a simple elder in the city of Poseidon!”

Neptune City, the news from other people, is a top force. If in the thirty-three holy world, Lin Fei may have a scruples, now in the Shendi Mountain space, the giant strong can not come down, he has no good concerns of.

"Shen Di Mountain is a sly place, where can't you go? Chen Elder, you say it is not!"

Lin Fei first stunned people and emphasized the belonging of the Emperor Mountain space. In fact, he gave his own reasons for the shot, and you are not satisfied.

For this top-level big force, Lin Fei is not too guilty to be offended.

Chen Wanyan realized that the Emperor was not good.

"Emperor, the Emperor Mountain space said that it is yours, you really are what you are!" There is a arrogant smile, "I also said that this Shendi Mountain space is me!"

"In front of you, a junior is not qualified to speak!"

Lin Feihu looked at it, Tianjiao screamed, the curse burned, and instantly became a powder.


Chen Wanyan was shocked. "What is your relationship with the curse!"

Lin Fei held his hand and stood up. "Chen Chang, your Tianjiao is too unruly. It is best for you to take care of it, so that you don't have to wait for the conversation. You don't like people who talk."

Chen Wanyan secretly said that the other party’s death, Tianjiao’s death can only be white, and looked back at them. “Take the old man shut up!”

A curse fires under Ma Wei, Tianjiao is taboo, and after being scorned, he can only glare.

This is the most difficult attack to resist.

"The Emperor Tianxia, ​​Tianjiao is not sensible, you killed him, and the gas is out." Chen Wanyan looked at Lin Fei. "Can you say it?"

"Chen Chang is so refreshing!" Lin Fei laughed. "Hey, I like you." Since you asked, you may wish to tell you that the Emperor Mountain is a sly place, then the source is also awkward. You want to blame the origin of the fruit, it is not impossible, the premise needs to pay an entrance fee, otherwise, in the eyes of you, you will be illegally invaded, killing innocent!" (to be continued.)


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