Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2135: Still have to fight a game

"killing innocent"

The last three words resounded over the Shendi Mountain. ※▲壹壹w□.Look at 1_k to see a >

"It’s too overbearing!"

"An elder of the Aboriginal Dare and Poseidon City said this, I really admire the five-body cast!"

"Illegal invasion, what he said is wrong!"

‘“Although there are more than 90,000 emperors in the Emperor, but the city of Neptune is not so good to provoke, this is a deadly way!”


Those captive arrogants, clapping their hands, screamed, and they were forced to plant a big heel on the sea **** city.

Who does not know the strength of the sea **** city in the thirty-three holy world.

Now, the Emperor is not afraid of being afraid of it, and looking for Shanghai Shencheng, it is equal to finding a big headache for himself.

at the same time.

A number of tyrannical insights swept through the entire Emperor Mountain space.

They are the elders of the other three major forces.

God recognizes the shape and forms a clear figure that appears in the sky.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted the exclamation of Tianjiao.

"They are coming!"

"I have seen the one on the left. It is the elder of Tianya Mountain. A thousand years ago, it was a powerful Tianjiao!"

"The top one, I also had the privilege of seeing one side in the distance, an actuarial, very savvy elder, an elder from the Flame City!"

"The black robe, the knife of death, is the best at the knife, but the elder of Sky City!"

In the sky, the three figures are invincible and powerful. △〓壹Read the book〓△w see w◇w要.1>

"A good killer is innocent, you are the arrogant, I don't know the heavenly and earthly emperor?" The middle-aged person in a brocade has forgotten the cold.

"They all said that there is a arrogant guy in the seal world. I didn't believe it before. Now the elders believe it. You think of the elders!" Lin Yijian of the Flame Mountain, squinting, his eyes blinking, seems to be actuating what.

Yu Lin doesn't like this Lin Yijian elder, this guy is too much. Who knows what this will be calculating, he likes to use force to blow everything.

"Hurricane is not arrogant, I don't know." Yu Lin said lightly, "I just know. This emperor is a bit interesting, I don't know how to block me."

Chen Wanyan's face is also gloomy. This kind of words are on the top, no one dares to say, especially in the case of face. That is challenging the city of Neptune.

After the appearance of the elders of the other three forces, Chen Wanyan’s eyes narrowed.

"This is impossible."

Lin Fei’s appearance of the three power elders is no exception. From the time of entry, the system monitors the Shendi Mountain space, and any changes can be known at the first time.

"There are three shadows in the district, and they are also good at this!"

Lin Fei snorted and suddenly screamed like a blue sky. △壹Reading w◆w看w看.Book 1_k see a book n book s book h want>

Hey! ! !

The sword slave and the sword slave formed a sword array, and they did not say hello at all.

Three gods recognize the shape. Obviously, I didn't expect that the Emperor's day was so violent that he would not give them the opportunity to show up. The army would press the border and hit the face.

"Emperor, you dare!"

"Reverse. On the contrary, you an indigenous also dare to do it for us!"

The army pressed the border and drowned the three afterimages in the sea of ​​people.

Although the three gods have a good fighting power, they are exploding in an instant under the sea of ​​people. You can't do it for a while.

"Even if the deity is coming, you can't kill it!"

Lin Fei is very calm in his eyes.

"Chen Chang, do you think this is the case!"

Chen Wanyan also intends to wait and see. It is best to let them go to test the emperor, and I can see some of the end buttons. After all, tens of thousands of nine-star warlords are not afraid of life and death. It is very scary.

If it is a giant strong. There is nothing to care about. Chen Wanyan is not, just a ten-star warlord strong. Even if there are treasures on hand, there is not much room for it.

"This Emperor is innocent to play cards according to common sense!" Chen Wanyan was also shocked, and Emperor Tian actually broke the three identities of the three elders because of a few words.

"Is this going to the old man?"

Chen Wanyan was not sure about Lin Fei’s thoughts.

Although Chen Wanyan has a card in his hand, he really has to go all out and be sure that the other three are cheaper. When the source is not available, it is not good to go back.

"That doesn't know how much this entrance fee is for the Emperor," Chen Wanyan turned his head and immediately got an idea.

With Chen Wanyan's understanding of the other three, he was smashed by the gods. Although the impact was not great, they certainly couldn't swallow this breath, and they must come to find the troubles of the Emperor.

This point, Chen Wanyan even wants to close his eyes.

"It’s still Chen’s elders, this is the admission fee, you can look over it!”

A piece of jade slips.

Chen Wanyan caught it in his hand, and he didn't think that the other party would ask for much. The gods went in and the face changed instantly, and the whole face was dark.

"The origin of the fruit is the essence of the wild world, a source of fruit can create a strong person, and then there will be a giant realm, this admission fee in the eyes of the top forces of Poseidon City, it is not worthwhile at all Let me mention it!" Lin Fei smiled.

Chen Wanyan was turned back by Lin Fei in one sentence, and his heart was angry. "This **** guy, behind the earthen buns, dare to open this condition. This is a red/naked robber!"

The materials on the jade, some of which are common goods, but also have some value.

This is the big opening of the lion.

This makes Chen Wanyan embarrassed, how to answer it.

The black-pressed army gradually came closer.

Chen Wanyan, as an elder of Poseidon City, has never encountered such a situation, it is really uncomfortable.

"This is impossible. You are in the big opening of the lion!"

After some meditation, Chen Wanyan still refused, and the perfunctory mind was gone. Big deal is a battle. What's more, the other three strong players appear, plus yourself, it is not difficult to destroy the Emperor.

Giant-class treasure? What kind of.

There are four major forces in the field. The gadget is gone.

Lin Fei shook his head in disappointment. "Why is this? In fact, I really don't want to kill you."


Chen Wanyan thought that Emperor Tian was afraid.

The next second, the deacons of the surrounding Poseidon City, and even the elders of Tianjiao, were attacked by curses.

"Elder, not good, I am in the weak!"

"I am poisonous!"


The knife slave and the sword slave were killed. The knife was cut to the disciples who were present, and almost no one had the ability to repay.

"Your opponent is awkward!"

Lin Fei’s blood-stained seal was suppressed and the time and space were shrouded. All the people were stagnation, and they were instantly devastated.

"The heart of the ocean!"

Wang Tianding of Haotian is on the head of Chen Wanyan.

This is the giant treasure of the sea **** city - the heart of the ocean. (To be continued.)


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