Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2139: Fruit will be cooked (Happy New Year)

Buy the source!

This meaning is different.

Lin Fei had a certain influence in the world of the thirty-three holy world. Even if he obtained the curse of the inheritance of the times, he also attached importance to Lin Fei and proposed the word 'buy'.

In fact, Lin Fei probably knows why.

Nothing is not clear about my bottom now.

Lin Fei’s heart was also spared for a while, and he was finally influential. Although the means used were too bloody, it was a certain effect.

"You want this source? It's easy!" Lin Fei smiled. "However, you need to pay a deposit, which means you are qualified to bid for the origin in the future!"

From killing a few disciples of Tianjiao disciples, Lin Fei took Shendishan space as his own territory.

The source of fruit, that is its own.

After eating all the food in one breath, Lin Fei still has no such idea.

For example, the representative of the curse in front of you.

The people did not say much, unexpectedly chose to agree, took the order of the deposit back, and did not say a word from beginning to end.

"As long as there are a lot of resources, I can continue to produce a large army of people, even if you have any intrigues, I want to show it on me!"

Lin Fei can't believe that the curse is so kind.

"Little devil, how is the analysis of the source, when will it appear!" Lin Fei asked.

"According to the time calculation, plus the analysis of the system, it should be in that position after three days, and it needs to be calculated again!"

"Three days, still have time!"


Thirty-three holy worlds.

Curse palace.

In a secret room.

The giants gathered.

If someone is here, it will be very surprising, the overall strength of the curse is indeed very strong.

Any of the giants here go out. Both will be horrible and even invincible in the same level.

Everyone is waiting for the news.

In the past few days, the curse day has been very difficult.

Cursing style_txt; the palace's main mantra is no joy, the pressure is very big, I don't know how many times the curse of the emperor below.

The forces of all parties are stunned. If it is not the curse of the palace, it is feared that some forces will unite to attack. After all, this is an excuse for being justified.

"How's it going!"

A giant sitting in the center opened his eyes.

The giants around have come to the spirit.

"Is it not to destroy that emperor!"

When they go down, they all know the purpose. The first is to test the Emperor. If it is better to kill it, if it can't be killed, it must reach a certain intention.

Everyone has an idea of ​​getting a month near the water.

"The Emperor is very mysterious, and at the same time mastering even more terrible curses, this seat is doubtful. This Emperor may have got the essence of the curse!"

When the giant’s words came out, everyone could not be indifferent.


"The inheritance of our cursing palace is the most complete!"

"Yeah, he is a god, and in the world of seals, how can he get a curse and inheritance, and it is more powerful than the curse of our curse!"

All the giants have asked questions.

This is a big event about the future of the curse.

"Everyone is quiet, wait for the wooden elders!"

The curse was screamed with no joy, and everyone was quiet.

The wood elders in the giants that projected. Older qualifications, and the work is also reliable. Not an acute one.

"Let's see!"

In the eyes of the elders of the wood, a light curtain was shot, and in the light curtain, it was the scene of the emperor’s display of the curse, which clearly fell in front of everyone.

In the secret room, suddenly suddenly lost.

The layman watched the opera and the insider looked at the doorway.

Everyone saw it and understood it.

Even if it is a curse, there is no such a palace owner. The look also became extraordinarily dignified, and the eyes stared at the light curtain, which was a deep sense of powerlessness.

The rest are also dumbfounded.

The power of this curse, even if they can feel the power of it.

But why is it stronger than their curse?

This is unscientific and unreasonable.


Shendi Mountain space.

The knife slave and the sword slave kept on patrolling.

But all the people in the thirty-three holy worlds are killed. One of the forces of Lin Fei.

I don't know if everyone wants to know whether the source is going to appear or is being scared. There is no one in the Shendi Mountain space. No one other than the patrolling person.

"Don't figure out the exact location!"

In a blink of an eye, it is time to come from the source.

Lin Fei did not dare to take it lightly.

The number of sources is limited, Lin Fei is not willing to lose the source of fruit, this kind of source of the birth of the wild world debris, the power contained in it is absolutely unimaginable.

Perhaps, with the source and the system, Lin Fei can make a stronger slave.

"Come on, fast!"

Mysterious energy is also being consumed.

This is also why Lin Fei does not want to make mistakes, using mysterious energy to analyze, can adopt a more advanced way.

After an hour.

Lin Fei finally heard a wonderful voice.

"Master, I have calculated the position, you can rush over!" said the little devil. "And, I also found out that there are countless forces that have covered the space of the Emperor Mountain. Although the traces are hidden, I still can't escape from me. scanning!"

Lin Fei raised a thumb, "Good!"

In the last three days, Lin Fei did not believe that they would give up. It was nothing more than waiting for the origin of the fruit to appear, and then appeared in the space of the Emperor Mountain.

Lin Fei immediately got a specific position. When he knew this position, he was also spared an accident.

"It’s so interesting here!"


at the same time.

The major forces of the thirty-three holy worlds have all set their sights on the space of the Emperor's Mountain. Whoever makes the source is important, and the forces that reach a certain level know one thing, that is, the great benefits brought by the source.

Now that the source is about to mature, everyone is staring.

"The ancestors have calculated, the origin of the fruit will be born after midnight, the elders to fight the spirit, not to be the first to get the first step, as long as the origin of the fruit is released."

In the void, a treasure is opened to hide people.

This is a wave of power.

"What about the Emperor? He has 100,000 Emperor of the Emperor on his hand, or the realm of the Nine Stars. It is very powerful. Once trapped, there will be life and worry!"

There is a place in the Emperor Mountain space, which is very worrying, especially the Emperor's Legion, which has been in control. Until now, I haven't figured out how the Emperor is related to the strength of the cursing palace.

Everyone has no pressure on going to the Shendi Mountain space. After all, the Shendi Mountain space is transformed by a piece of the essence of the wild world. The strength is too strong, and the suppression is bigger.

However, in order to grab a source of fruit, everyone is doing the cards.

"This is no problem, Emperor Tian now offends the thirty-three holy world, and has the power to kill the Emperor, so we can only grab the source!" (To be continued.)


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