Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2140: People are gone

"It's actually in this place!"

Shendi Mountain space. w?ww.`

A tiankeng in the center.

This is also the only tiankeng in the Shendi Mountain space.

The tiankeng is unfathomable.

Someone has entered the temptation. There is a mysterious energy in the tiankeng, which is always whistling, but when it comes to touch, there is no life.

After knowing that this position, Lin Fei himself has such a dumbfounded moment.

For example, this will, Lin Fei will stand on the edge of the tiankeng.

The probe looked at the tiankeng, and the pit was dark and there was a dangerous atmosphere. Even Lin Fei himself felt the taboo of no reason.

"A good tiankeng, I am afraid that no one can think of the tiankeng, it will be the place where the origin is born!"

Lin Fei never doubts the system.

"Little devil, check out the power in the tiankeng, what power is it!"

This tiankeng, Lin Fei once checked.

At that time, Tiankeng did not bring such a pressure. In the eyes of outsiders, it was just a plain tiankeng. There was no such thing as a good place. No one would look at it in mind.

“After analyzing, you need to consume some mysterious energy!”

Lin Fei turned a blank eye, "Allow!"

The analysis results are very fast.

Lin Fei did not wait for a long time, the system has a result.

"Congratulations to the master, there is a kind of mysterious energy in the tiankeng. It is one of the origins of the wild world. Although it is very thin, for the owner, this is a good thing and can be transformed into a mysterious energy!"

Lin Fei suddenly realized that he had patted his head. "It turns out to be the source of power. No wonder I will feel the horror of death. Those who don't know the truth may die on the source!"

"You go in!"

Lin Fei recruited a knife slave. `

The knife slaves did not say anything. They jumped from the tiankeng. In the original calm crater, the black hurricane was blown up, and the strength reached the knife slave of the nine-star warlord level. Torn into pieces by the black hurricane, there is no point left, it is horror.

"My knife slave is also a strong star of the nine-star warlord. There is no resistance at all. It is wiped out. I don't know, how long can I keep this invincible defense!"

"Master, if you jump from this, even if you open the invincible defense, in front of the source of power. Also insist on less than ten breathing time, then it will disappear from this world, there is no trace!"

Lin Fei hit a chill.

"so close!"

If it is not a small demon reminder, Lin Fei really wants to test it. Now, there is no such thing. He does not want to disappear from this world.

"That doesn't help me to deal with the source power, I am still waiting."

Don't look at the Shendi Mountain space is very calm, Lin Fei is very clear, a pair of eyes outside, are staring at the Shendi Mountain space every move.

"Master. You can consume mysterious energy, open the invincible defense, you can go down to the bottom of the tiankeng!"

"So simple?"

"Help me isolate my knowledge, I am going to go down!"

“God knows the barrier, it will open up, it will consume energy every moment!”


Lin Fei took a deep breath and jumped into the tiankeng. ???`

"Invincible defense is on!"

As soon as I entered the tiankeng, the death scent enveloped me.

For a moment, Lin Fei was suspected of dying, and the power of the source was so terrible.

A black hurricane roared. Lin Fei had a layer of strength on his body. This layer of power kept changing, and he felt that he was falling into the endless ocean, and he was always slammed on the ground by huge waves.

"Grass. It’s terrible!"

Seeing the black hurricane hit, Lin Fei's body constantly changes, reaching an astonishing degree. At the moment he wants to fall on his body, his body transforms into a black hurricane with the same quality, a violent horror of the temperament and the spring breeze. Blowed from him.

“Is this also possible? Simulating the source strength?”

Lin Fei is a bit dumbfounded.

"As long as it is energy, the system can analyze, this is nothing!" The little devil disdain.

Lin Fei wiped a sweat. The source of the hurricane is so violent, this can kill everything.

"There is no spike in the source of the hurricane, the source is not mine!"

After receiving the thoughts, Lin Fei let himself fall.

The horrible hurricane is like a good friend, going back and forth.


When Lin Fei disappeared.

The giants of the thirty-three holy world are dumbfounded.

Although the space of the Emperor Mountain is made up of fragments of the wild world, although the giant-level power can not come down, the enormous power of the gods can still peek into the space of the Emperor Mountain.

Lin Fei is undoubtedly in the monitoring, but did not show such eyesight.

After all, the Shendi Mountain space has such a person as Emperor Tian. It is not a good thing. It is a bad thing. Mastering the swords and swords of Wanjian Mountain Villa and Shendaomen is very difficult to deal with.

Emperor Tian must be monitored.

Just after everyone left their eyes, the Emperor's Day in the Emperor's Mountain space disappeared.

Hey! ! ! !

Across the gods and mountains.


"How come you are missing!"

"Why are you missing?"

Almost all the giants are the same idea.

As a result, the entire Shendi Mountain space has been shrouded in powerful gods, and every place has not been let go, hoping to find out.

The giant gods come back and forth to search, and they never see the statue of Emperor, the whole person is not good?


"Master, just in the thirty-three holy world, there is a powerful **** to cover the space of the gods and gods. According to the system analysis, they should be looking for the owner's whereabouts!"

Lin Fei has fallen tens of thousands of feet and still has not reached the end.

"The gods know the barrier, there should be no problem!"

Lin Fei asked a little worried.

"It's okay, unless the giant deity comes, it's impossible to see through the gods barrier with this god!"

Lin Fei was completely relieved.

"How deep is the tiankeng, there is still no end!"

In the tiankeng, Lin Fei is still falling.

The black hurricane kept whistling.

Lin Fei did not dare to move. Any hurricane in the tiankeng could easily kill people, right, or the kind of spike.

Ten thousand feet!

500,000 feet!

Seven hundred thousand feet!


The tiankeng seems to be like a bottomless pit.

Lin Fei has an invincible defense body, although the mysterious energy consumed, it is blocked by the danger of being spiked.

After reaching 900,000 feet.

Lin flew down to see, the pupil of the fierce contraction, can not believe the scene before the eyes.

Originally not a narrow tiankeng, after reaching 900,000 ft, the bottom suddenly became wide. At the same time, a towering tree was opened like a giant umbrella.

The horrible danger of horror continues to spread from this giant tree.

In front of this dark giant tree, Lin Fei is as small as an ant.

"The source of fruit!"

Lin Fei looked at him again, under the big tree, on the dark branches, nine black fruits like fists, swallowed a trace of black fog.

This is the source of the fruit that Lin Fei is looking for.

Ps: Start work and resume updates! (To be continued.)


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