Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2141: Obtain the source energy unit

The source of the size of the fist is hung on the original tree and presented in front of Lin Fei’s vision. ?

I have never imagined the height of the original tree before I have seen the original tree.

Lin Fei himself is also amazed again and again.

However, the most striking thing is the source of the original tree.

The source of the source continues to draw on the source of power, not yet close, Lin Fei in the distance feels the power of the source.

"No wonder everyone is interested in the source." Lin Fei muttered to himself, "This is truly a unique existence between heaven and earth. I will easily digest one, and the combat power will increase sharply!"

Lin Fei did not approach the source tree.

Near the source tree, a powerful gas field is generated. Lin Fei has an invincible defense, and he does not dare to approach it for a time, for fear of being shredded by the source of terror.

"When the wild world was not broken, the power of the whole wild world can be imagined. After a long time, the original strength of the fragmented world can still give birth to a unique existence between heaven and earth. The world is really nothing!"

Lin Fei stared at the source.

There are only nine sources of fruit in a large tree.

"Master, the origin of the fruit contains infinite power, if the owner's **** day can absorb the origin of the fruit, **** day will be transformed into a giant treasure." Little devil reminded. ?

"There is still this kind of use!" Lin Fei thought thoughtfully. "It seems that the saints of the thirty-three holy world, the giant powers, it is difficult to protect this."

The little devil said that Lin Fei wanted to go further.

"The source is now picked, how is the effect, is it necessary to wait until mature!" Lin Fei asked.

Lin Fei fully believes that by the moment the source is mature, the above-mentioned strong people will come to compete for the nine original fruits. How much is the power of the thirty-three holy worlds, and if you come down one by one, this place can be made into a nest.

For the source, Lin Fei has an idea. But if you give them cheap, this kind of good thinking will definitely not be there. Let the enemy be strong with white, he is stupid.

"System analysis!"

Lin Fei held his hand.

"Master, after in-depth analysis, the source is to absorb the strength of the source of growth. The original source tree is the pillar of the original fruit. If it is picked now, the effect of the original fruit can only be about 50%."

"Five percent, it is not bad!" Lin Fei blinked.

"Master, there. Although the source is good, after systematic analysis, there is an amazing news. This tree is worth more. He is a fragment of the world."

Lin Fei stunned and said, "No, the source tree is more valuable?"

I was still embarrassed, I am not drawing now, I can't help but hear a message. Lin Fei wants to be excited.

"Yes, very valuable!" Little Devil said, "For the giants, it is not easy for the source to absorb. The system has the ability to absorb and swallow. As long as this source tree is absorbed, the benefits are definitely greater than the nine sources! ”

"Good, they are staring at the space of the Emperor's Mountain. It is not for the sake of the origin. This time I want you to be happy!" Lin Fei laughed.


Time passes by.

The powerful **** of the Emperor Mountain space. Searching inside and outside the Shendi Mountain space, I still can't see the trace of Emperor.

The big forces are very dumbfounded.

This place where Emperor went to go.

No one guessed that Emperor Tian was able to find the location of the original tree, but it was a stone's throw away.

If you let them know, it is estimated that this will not be calmly searched with God. Instead, let go of the avatar to the Shendi Mountain space.

Now, Lin Fei releases the sword slave and the sword slave.

The knife slave and the sword slave were told to approach the source tree.

As soon as they approached the source tree, they were immediately decomposed by the source of the source, and there was no bones. It was a horror. After paying dozens of swords and slaves. Lin Fei confirmed the situation.

"The power of the source is really terrible!" Lin Fei said. "The power is so terrible. It is not easy to pick the source. Even if the giant is down, it will be a headache!"

The source power has the powerful ability to decompose, and Lin Fei is not willing to let the sword slave and the sword slave to die.

In the face of this powerful force, even if it is a strong person who goes up to a million, it can't withstand the decomposition of the source of power. This is the rhythm of how much to die.

"Master, it is easy to pick the origin fruit!" said the little demon. "The power of the source is strong, but there will always be things in the world. As long as there is something in common, you can pick the source. Another way is to devour the power." As long as you weaken some of the source power, you can pick up the source!"

Lin Fei was a little contemplative and denied the first method. The things that are related to each other are not without. It is definitely not so easy to find a hand. Another method is a clumsy method, but it is a good way for him.

"Well, then devour the power of the source!"


In the space inside the tiankeng.

The huge **** day was sacrificed, and Lin Fei opened up endless devouring, how much can be swallowed now.

The endless devouring of the blood-printed, the slightest source of power was inhaled into the blood of the sky, and the **** seal of the big ones began to produce a slight change.

This is still Lin Fei deliberately control the degree of phagocytosis, so that **** days can not hold, this treasure, he does not want to be broken by the source of strength.

"Give me a breath!"

The system is also turned on.

Lin Fei has turned into a huge whirlpool, and the power of the scorpion has come to break up any existence.

I was still worried about whether the system could hold it, but don't be broken down, and the loss is big.

Fortunately, this result did not appear, the system incarnation became an invincible existence, and the source of power came into being completely absorbed into the system.

Lin Fei's uneasy heart finally settled down.

Once the source power is absorbed by the system, it has not become the unit of energy as Lin Fei imagined, and it has not become a mysterious energy. Instead, there is another energy nearby – the source energy unit.

"Is this also possible?" Lin Fei followed, and couldn't help but ask, "What is the role of this source of energy?"

The source energy unit number is constantly increasing.

"The source energy unit is of great use." The little devil explained, "It is also the owner's luck, this different space, there is a world of debris, and a space is derived, and the source of power is preserved. The owner has the source energy unit. Making a high-level 傀儡, as long as there is a suitable body, and with the strength of the source, you can create a strong presence, comparable to the existence of giants!"

"So a cow?" Lin Fei was very surprised. "Can the current knife slave and sword slave be promoted?"

Lin Fei’s head turned faster and he thought of his own.

If you can improve, the benefits are unimaginable. (To be continued.)


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