Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2143: Mantra of the spell

Getting closer!

When they are about to approach the tiankeng, everyone feels the terrorist threat from the source energy again. ?

This is a disappointment.


They have been here a few times in this tiankeng, and the gods have scanned the countless times, nothing.

At this time, I feel the source energy from the tiankeng. They are not indifferent, which is different from what they have seen before.

In truth, this is not scientific.

It is hard to imagine that there will be a connection with the original tree under the tiankeng.


Around the tiankeng, the forces gathered.

At this time, no one dares to go down easily. Even if there is a giant treasure in hand, it is very crunchy in front of this source of energy.

There are also some small forces that are completely attracted to the source tree and forcibly rushed by the treasures.

The results are clearly visible.

After a few hundred people died, everyone will press down.


This is the idea of ​​everyone.

As long as the source energy is weakened, they will have the confidence to rush, and then find the source tree and the source.

For a time, everyone around the tiankeng was safe.

No one will shoot at this time.


"The source energy is weakened!"

A half-step giant is staring.

As soon as the source energy in the tiankeng weakened, the half-step giant immediately noticed it.

"Go down!"

The head of the ghost of the ghost gate turned into a black streamer.

"Let's go!"

Everyone reacted very quickly, and 66 continued to enter the tiankeng.

There is no giant-level treasure in hand, only dry blinking, the powerful decomposition of the source energy, what to break down, and the giant treasure can resist, to maintain the doom of not being broken down.


Everyone goes down faster and faster.

The source energy is also weakening.

"its not right!"

The black robe elders of the Tianmeng Palace frowned slightly.

"The source energy is weak, and it is not as fragile!"

The elders of the Tianmeng Palace became dignified, and the thin source energy only caused a little influence on the demon. It was not as terrible as the ancestors.

"Elders, you are not worried about people, the power of the source is strong, well-known. The source of energy is weakened, it should be a normal phenomenon!" Even the clever devils, do not think there will be any problems.

"I hope so!"


"Come on, fast!"

The other side.

Lin Fei is not far from the source tree.

It is only a few hundred feet.

The system is more cattle than imagined, constantly consuming the source energy.

This is also a good luck for Lin Fei. If you encounter a fruit that has not yet been condensed, it is absolutely impossible to come here.

At present, the source energy of the original tree is absorbed by the source, and the pressure of release is far less than that. It is cheap to give Lin Fei a time to plunder the original energy.

"Master, your enemy is coming!"

The little demon reminded. ?

At the same time, the image from the tiankeng also appeared in the eyes of Lin Fei.

"Good guys. For the sake of this source, they sent a half-step giant to be strong, more than 20!"

In the image, the stronger the strength, the color is different. Therefore, Lin Fei sees clearly, especially in which there are more than twenty points.

"Old acquaintances are here too!"

Lin Fei saw a few old acquaintances.

"Master, absorb the remaining source energy. It takes time, so the owner must make a choice!" The little demon reminded again.

Lin Fei’s eyes glimpsed. “It’s also time. Let the slave army, kill it!”

No longer hidden!


Hey! ! ! !

On the way to the bottom of the tiankeng.

"What is this sound!"

The disciple of Ghost Gate felt a great threat.

There was an inexplicable voice in front, and the scalp could not be numb.

Hey! ! !

Don't wait for them to react.

The head of the **** of death suffered a dense attack, all of which were swordsmanship and knives, almost overwhelming, at first glance. All the passages are enemies.

The head of death is not a giant-level treasure, just a slight shock.

"It's the Emperor's man!"

The people of the ghost gate are angry.

Nowadays, the entire thirty-three holy worlds, everyone knows that there is a group of fascinating men in the heavens, and the realm of all the colors. Until now, they all understand that where the heavens came from, it seems to come out of nowhere.

The whole person of Emperor Tian also became very mysterious.

When I saw the dense army again, the forces that followed the rear showed a shock.

I have never seen it before, and I can’t think of a horror.

"Open the defense!"

Everyone reacts, and the advantages of the giant-level treasures are also revealed. For example, the black torrent attack only has a small impact on them.

At the same time, everyone realized that the Heavenly Heaven, which has never been seen, is at the end of the passage of this tiankeng.


"Everyone is still miscalculated!"

The elders of the Tianmeng Palace flashed, "He should have been here for the first time."

"Hey, devil! Shock!"

As soon as the emperor’s man appeared, everyone confirmed one thing, and the emperor was inside.

Everyone did not hesitate.

The half-step giant personally manipulated the giant-level treasures and rushed to the black torrent army.

The tiankeng passage is not very big.

Lin Fei’s hand appeared and realized that a bad thing had appeared. Someone had a quick start, and they were one step faster than them. I couldn’t think of this person as the Emperor.

Everyone is angry.


The half-step giant made a force, and the giant treasures in his hand burst into infinite power.

Lin Fei arranged the knife slaves and sword slaves in the channel, and immediately suffered no small casualties. Fortunately, it was not a large area.

Lin Fei has been paying attention to the battle in the channel.

"Sure enough, it is a half-step giant, only they can throw half of the giant-level treasures of fighting power!" Lin Fei had long anticipated the casualties, "can not let them continue to Wei!"

Lin Fei did not want to be killed all over his hand.

"You must give another gift to you!"

Lin Feiqi smiled.

"The curse is sent by the Master!"

At the end of the passage, a black shadow emerges, all of which can't see the face and look serious.

"Curse, paralysis!"

"Curs, corrosion!"

"The spell, weak!"


This is the first time Lin Fei has shown the Master of the Mantra!

In the channel.

The disciples of Ghost Gate are applauding and smug.

"Elders are mighty!"

"Elders are mighty!"

The half-step giant of the ghost gate is called a ghost, and a face is cold in the face, and from time to time the wind is blowing, making people dare not step closer.

"How many people are, always have to be killed by the old man!"


Turbulent, screams came from behind.

"Elders, help!"

The closest disciple is the Emperor of the War Emperor. At this time, the flesh and blood of the whole body is turned into blood, and it is constantly falling from the body. The surrounding area is spread out of pungent rot and screams.

"Not good, Emperor God shot!"

Ghost sees and hears the Emperor's mantra, and the subconscious thinks that he is shooting.

"What happened, I feel no strength, it seems like a break!"

"It hurts me, who will save me!"


A few breathless, all disciples were attacked by spells.

The ghost saw a fierce contraction of the pupil, and the body was shocked. The curse of the road was shattered, and the eyes were also revealed. "So many curses, **** it!" (To be continued.)


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