Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2144: massacre

The spells are coming, everyone is dumb!

The ghost gate in the forefront was killed by a surprise on the spot, and the disciples suffered heavy casualties.

In the face of the curse of the monks, the disciples of the ghost gates have no ability to resist, even if it is the realm of the Emperor, the same as the unseen curse.

"It's a spell!"

"Ah, help!"

"I don't want to die!"

As soon as the spell was made, the sky = pit channel immediately became the **** of hell.

No matter who it is, even if it is a treasure, it is difficult to resist the invasion of the curse. At the scene, the half-step giant relies on the giant treasure to barely block the invasion of the spell.

"To power!"

Lin Fei smiled proudly.

Strengthening the curse afterwards becomes more horrible and more terrible than at the beginning, and it is more difficult to find traces.

"The cursing mages army is really invincible!"

Lin Fei knows that the Master of the Mantra will be able to suppress the spot, but it is more horrible than imagined, but in the passage, no exception is severely hit.

"Knife slaves and sword slaves are out!"

Lin Fei ordered again.


Killing and gathering, earth-shattering

With the help of the Master of the Curse.

The sword slaves and the sword slaves have the upper hand. The giant treasures can only exert the power of 70% and 80% in the hands of the half-step giants. At the same time, they need the assistance of the disciples. Now the disciples of the various forces have suffered heavy casualties, and the giant treasures have plummeted. It is no longer difficult to suppress Lin Fei’s people.

Knife and sword are arrogant and arrogant, intertwined with a network of heaven and earth.

For a time, the forces of the parties were in a difficult position.

Looking at the disciples brought by the disciples. They fell into the curse, and the elders were all embarrassed. At the same time, there is still a trace of taboos.

"Emperor, the old man is going to break you down!"

Ghosts see the ghost door. The disciples were the most serious casualties. Almost no one stood, and they were all killed by the curse. The treasure space was everywhere, and the blood was full of blood.

As a big martial art, the ghost door was in front of the enemy. One face was a heavy casualty. At this time, his face was blue and green, and he kept pushing the fate of life. Form a defense in the body.

"Is this gift, do you like it, hahaha!"

In the passage, Lin Fei’s smiling smile echoed.


Everyone has to vomit blood, who will like this gift, this is the red / bare / naked face.

The intensive knife slaves and sword slaves, including those who do not see the curse, cannot be indifferent to the forces in the passage. Constantly urging the treasure to resist the spell attack.

No one expected that this would be the case.

"Curse, how do you explain!"

Some of the strongest heads, the eyes are shot at the cursing palace in the distance. People do not stop to retire, they really can not stop the secret spell.

"It’s okay for us to curse the palace!"

The curse palace is also a half-step giant called Shi Yan. The face that was previously arrogant, this time is also a look of a face. "How can there be such a powerful spell, the power is better than their curse. This is impossible!"

When the spell appeared, Shi Yan noticed that the familiar atmosphere could be smelled even with closed eyes.

After a while, I saw the heavy and deadly forces, and then the people who saw the curse palace were unscathed. With the gaze of the coming, Shi Yan’s entire face became more ugly.

"It’s over, it’s overcast by the Emperor!”

So, there is a word that blurted out in front.

No one believes now.

It's ok?

What kind of jokes, obviously the curse of your cursing palace, is it that our eyes are blind and can’t see it? This is not a spell, what is it?


The knife slave and the sword slave were killed.

Even a half-step giant can only spur the giant treasures and cover the disciples to retreat. At this time, they will not leave, and they will be destroyed by the group.

Almost at the same time, everyone chose to go backwards.


How to fight!

They can't stop the magical spells, but even if the half-step giants see the secret spells, there are some high-level curses, and the scalp is numb.

This kind of intensive attack, who can eat it!

"I don't think of it, Emperor Tian still has a hand, we have planted it!"

"Knife slaves and sword slaves are already difficult to deal with. Now with the help of the spells, it is just like a tiger. Let's go up and die!"

"How many unknown secrets there are behind this emperor!"

The half-step giants are all hit.

Even if they are the fighting power of the half-step giants, after seeing the spells, they have no idea of ​​suppressing each other. There are such a group of terrorists. They want to kill them, fearing that they will all be killed by the empire. .

When I came in, everyone went on and on, and I was afraid of falling behind.

The same is true of the retreat. Everyone can't wait for the aunt to have a few more legs. All kinds of treasures are rushing to people, and I want to leave this **** ghost place as soon as possible.

There is no fighting thought in the leisurely arrogance.

The indigenous people of the seal world of Emperor Tian have turned into a mountain in their eyes and need to look up to exist.


Why do you fight!

When the curse army was dispatched.

The giants that have been paying attention are completely moved.

Due to the fragmentation of the wild world, they could not enter the Shendi Mountain space, but this does not mean that they can not pay attention, and the powerful gods still cover the space of the Emperor Mountain.

"The spell!"

"It's more mysterious than the curse of the curse!"

"Emperor actually still has a hand, how can he have a mantra in his hand!"

"A hateful curse!"

These giants think of the curse.

In addition to the curse, who can support the Emperor.

Originally, there was a connection between the Mantra and the Emperor. Everyone was upset. I didn’t expect this key moment to curse the palace and even arrange the people in the Shendi Mountain space.

No one dared to ignore the terrible spell.

A strong army of cursing powers, each of them can display advanced spells, which is a tiger's wing for the Emperor, half-step giants and deterrence, with the emergence of the cursing army, the role of the half-step giant It has also become very small, and it is good to be alive.

"The curse!"

All the giants hated the cursing palace.

In the scene of the passage, they all saw clearly. After the assistance of the cursing army, their horses lost their fighting ability and were chopped and chopped.

This is the slaughter of the red/naked/naked side.

When the Emperor of the Emperor was strong, the half-step giant became the dog of the family.

Now they are really a dog

Curse palace.

"It’s over, this time it’s been pitted!”

The curse is not happy, the palace owner is also in full attention.

When the army of the curse appeared, the curse was as black as a piece of coal, and the body was shaking slightly.

This black pot is big!

Especially when the people who saw the curse palace were fine, the anger that everyone shot was as if they were stuck in their hearts.

The curse has no imaginary, the giants of the thirty-three holy world, afraid that they will hate their hearts, how to explain is useless.

"Shi Yan, still don't bring you back!" (To be continued.)


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