Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2238: Return to college

The Shi Yan domain owner finally bought the resources of the 70-day telegraph city in the hands of Lin Fei.

Seventy percent of the material is of great significance.

Even if the price is paid, the Shiyan domain owner will also buy it.

Lin Fei also gave a preferential price, 70% of the materials, a total of only 30 million black crystal cards, just like the astronomical figures, in fact, this price is very favorable.

"In any case, this 趟 domain owner is earning!"

After watching the other party leave.

The Shi Yan domain owner announced that he would retreat. In fact, the real body went to the emperor and met the emperor's avatar.


"Master, you are really bad, the mouth says it is 70% material, in fact only 40%!"

After leaving the domain government, the voice of the little devil rang and followed the smirk.

"The interests should be maximized. Anyway, the Shiyan domain owner does not know the real situation. He will only believe that we are full of integrity!" Lin Fei smirked.

"The owner is too bad!"

It seems that 70% of the materials are sold to the Shiyan domain owner. In fact, Lin Fei has 30% of the materials on hand.

Everything is given to a person, but it is not the best way.

Lin Fei directly set two buyers, one is the expedition empire behind the main body of Shi Yan domain, and the other is the demon empire.

The two empires are equal, that is the best, one side down, what is nothing.


Go back to the Happy Palace.

Lin Fei contacted the black one of Hei Iron City. Now he is already in control of Black Iron City. Power is unique on this side.

This time, Lin Fei is going to give this credit to Hei, as long as it is handled a little, it is difficult for the demon empire to think about it. After all, the expedition empire has invested 30 million black crystal cards in one time, and it will definitely be able to be in a short time. Over the demon empire.

Lin Fei needs to wait.

Take the remaining benefits and benefits to the fullest.

This is also a talent that a businessman should have.

After a day of rest, when Lin Fei continued to pick up several branches outside the Tianjitang, he was surprised to find that the Tianjitang branch outside was closed. When people went to the building, even the treasure of Tianjitang was collected. gone.

This can make Lin Fei a bit puzzled.

"This is the rhythm of the plan to shrink, or a full withdrawal!"

After taking a turn around, Lin Fei gave up the idea of ​​continuing to sweep the Tianjitang branch. Who knows what they are doing, destroying a headquarters outside Tianjitang, and collecting tens of millions of black crystal cards, still quite satisfied.

In the Xiaoyao Palace, Lin Fei opened the system and showed a new batch of treasure information.

These are the contributions of Tianjitang.

For Lin Fei, who has few treasures on hand, this is the contribution of Tianjitang. Sufficient to meet the needs of a chamber of commerce, although every treasure must be properly modified, it needs to consume a certain amount of energy units, but for him, there is no problem at all.

"The advanced energy gun is not suitable, a top energy gun is a must!"

The top energy gun has been copied, and after a certain transformation, it is full of lethality and has a terrible danger. This kind of shooting can consume a lot of energy, and each shot will consume 10,000 black crystal cards.

Such a large consumption. Power is naturally outrageous.

For the time being, Lin Fei intends to equip a small point. This kind of consumption is a bit overwhelming.

Hundreds of thousands of black crystal cards are gone.


A headquarters outside Tianjitang was wiped out and spread throughout the two empires and nearby stars.

The news of the hurricane of five hundred heavy artillery detonated all forces.

Usually, the forces of those forty or fifty heavy artillery have always been proud. When they heard that the Avengers had dealt with the five hundred powerful heavy artillery that Tianjitang had dispatched, it was completely devoid of publicity. It was really more human than the dead.

The Avengers really reveals their fangs.

No one wants to face the attack of five hundred heavy artillery.

This thing is not so good to avoid, the Tianyan City of the Shiyan Star Field, such as the Longtan Tiger Cave, is still not being blasted, and even the three worshippers are killed.

The Avengers are really horrible.

Even the owner of the Shi Yan domain, who called the ‘King of the King’, could not defeat the other party. In the end, he could only let the other party leave, enough to see the power of the Avengers.

When everyone expected the reaction of the Heavenly Church, something quite unexpected happened.

On the side of Tianjitang, all the branches were evacuated, disappeared overnight without a trace, and almost doubted whether they were swept away overnight.

This situation is completely out of everyone's imagination.

Is this a retreat? If not, then how can we explain it? This fact is somewhat out of everyone's imagination. How to see this situation is not in line with the style of Tianjitang.

It can be said that the move of Tianjitang makes everyone dumbfounded.

The movement of Tianjitang instantly fueled the momentum of the Avengers Alliance, and it was easy to connect with another word.

Everyone believes that the person in charge, Yuan Kun, will make a big fire and counterattack the Avenger Alliance. This kind of practice makes people wonder whether there is any problem inside the Tianjitang.

For a time, all kinds of guesses are there, and the gossip is constant.

Surprisingly, after Tianjitang chose to evacuate, there seems to be no movement on the side of the Avengers, as if the mysterious disappearance.

Those who are looking forward to the Avengers’ Chamber of Commerce in the outer star are happy.

For example, the royal family, and even the royal family of the demon empire, no one is more urgent than them.


Emperor Peak!

After the evacuation of Tianjitang, Lin Fei lived for a few days and returned to the Emperor Peak silently.

Although it disappeared for a few days, the people of the college did not know. Lin Feigang was immediately onlookers when he came out. All of them were some gossip parties. Lin Fei was very speechless.

There is nothing good about this gossip.

Perhaps because I haven't seen anyone for a few days, the gossip party is particularly excited. Lin Fei can only return to the emperor's peak, wondering if he wants to go back to the ancient world. After all, things have been done, and Tianjitang has eaten a big one. Loss, and all of them have been evacuated, and it is not good to make any intrigues.

After Lin Fei was ready to return to the ancient world, a few days later, a message spread in the Imperial Capital, shocking everyone.

"Is the nine majors married to the Xiao family of the ancient family?"

Listen to the news collected.

Lin Fei was quite surprised. "I was really told by the demon girl!"

At that time, Lin Fei didn't believe it. After hearing the news, he immediately thought of a person. "It seems that it is Xiaoran, and it is pure and clean. However, I don't like it very much. Anyway, it is not a good person!"

Nine princess Fan Yuyu is beautiful, Lin Fei really didn't care much, which is equal to the other party is married to the giants.

Lin Fei has seen the strength of the ancient family. (To be continued.)

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