Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2239: It's him

Chapter One

Expeditionary Empire, Princess House.

"No, this palace will not marry Xiao disciples!"

The cold voice, with an unprecedented firmness.

The sudden marriage broke all the preparations for Fan Luoyu. I haven't figured out how to crack it. Big Brother and the father of the family negotiated with Xiao.

This is a marriage of rights.

Fan Luoyu is naturally very repugnant, even though the Xiaoran is very handsome, I don’t know why, there will always be a trace of resistance in my heart.

Big Brother Fan Qingyuan came to the Princess House, and Fan Luoyu directly expressed his meaning.

"Nine sisters, in fact, you are not a bad thing to marry Xiao Ran. As a relatively good disciple of the Xiao family, the future is bright!" Fan Qingyuan advised.

Do not look at the expedition empire is a big country, the father is a great emperor, the influence is great, placed in front of the ancient family Xiao family, in fact, really nothing.

Recently, the old fifth, who seems to be dying, seems to have given up. Fan Qingyuan does not think so. His younger brother will definitely not give up, and sooner or later he will face it. In the subconscious, he wants to find a strong helper.

If this matter can be handled well, Fan Qingyuan will have a relationship with Xiao Jia and be more confident against his younger brother.

Therefore, Fan Qingyuan came to do ideological work.

This time, Fan Qingyuan was a little disappointed. In any case, after exhausting all kinds of methods, Jiu Mei was still a cold face, and he did not agree.

The marriage between the royal family and the Xiao family is the meaning of the father. Fan Qingyuan acts as the implementer. If this matter is not done well, who knows what a bad impression will be left.

This must be a success.

"Nine sisters, your marriage is agreed by the father. Whether you agree or not, as a member of the royal family, the father has the right to decide everything about you. From today, you will be at the princess house until the day of engagement. ""

When I heard the big brother, Fan Luoyu was not happy.

"Why do you limit me? Although you are a big brother, big prince, it does not mean that you have the right to control me!" Fan Luoyu rebelled fiercely. "Now, you can go out, my princess house does not welcome you!"

Fan Qingyuan had no choice but to throw a swearword. "If you are not allowed to go out, you are not allowed to go out. I have already transferred a **** team. You will be relieved to wait for your dear!"

After a while, Fan Yuyu’s maid came back from the outside.

"Princess, the outside has been guarded by the escort, but the outside is said, but some people come to trouble, do not allow us to go out!"

Fan fell to the rain and did not think about it, his big brother will be so determined.

"Princess, the big prince has blocked the outside, then how can we do it!"

Fan fell into the rain and screamed, "The palace will not marry the Xiaoran, and the Taoist landscape, the villain!"

"But this is the meaning of your majesty, Princess~" the maid said cautiously.

Fan Luo Yujiao trembled a little, she was not afraid of fear, only the most afraid of the very strict father, no matter which one is the same.

"You, don't come in, here is the princess!"

Suddenly there was a messy voice outside, followed by the voice of the maid.

"I am the princess's fiancé. Come over and see, can't you do it? This is what your great emperor agrees. Ok, you can stand up and go!"

A polite young man came in from the door, it was the Xiaoran who was flat.

"What are you doing!"

Fan fell to the rain and said nothing.

Seeing this Xiaoran, now I feel uncomfortable in my heart.

Xiao Ran is not angry at all, and he said calmly, "His Royal Highness, please don't be angry. I know that in this matter, the development is too fast. You and I don't know each other for a long time. They are very strange to each other, but I am from the ancient times. When the big world saw you, I found that I fell in love with you deeply and couldn’t extricate myself. So, I am coming, I don’t want you to marry someone you don’t like, and I, you just like it. People, round talents, those days of arrogance, are not my opponents, because their pattern is too small, the future will not be too much climate, but I am different, I am the ancient family Xiao family ~"

Fan Luoyu is not an ordinary woman. In a few words, it will be said to be tempted. It is really a good temperament. The tongue is a lotus flower. If you don’t care, you will be tempted. If you don’t know it, you will lose your ability to judge.

unfortunately. Fan Luoyu’s firm mind is not so easy to be fooled.

"Xiao Shao, this palace still has something to deal with today, it will not receive you, come, send customers!"

Fan Luoyu turned and left, leaving a back to Xiao Ran.

"Please!" said the maid coldly.

Xiaoran’s eyes quickly flashed a bit of dissatisfaction and then returned to normal. “Then tell the princess, wait until the mood is good, I will visit her again!”

Out of the Princess House.

Xiao Ran burst into a cold mans.

"This is a small family born in the Xiao family. According to the truth, the Fan Luyu, born of the royal family, should not be resistant. This must be weird."

Xiao Ran is very good at analyzing a person, and soon feels that it is not appropriate. In his capacity, basically any woman can't escape the palm of her hand.

Fan Luoyu’s reaction so much should not be.

"Wait, is it because of that kid!"

Xiao Ran quickly caught a clue and a person appeared in his mind.

"Is it impossible for the newcomer, Wang Linfei, to steal the princess's heart unconsciously?"

Xiao Ran has always had confidence in his judgment.

"Wrong, it must be that Lin Fei!"

"Princess, you are so excited, I am afraid it is not good!"

The servant around me was worried.

Fan Luoyu resisted this marriage from the heart. According to the truth, this situation should not happen, but I don’t know why, the subconsciously resisted the young and promising Xiao Ran.

“Don't Xiaoran not be good?”

Fan Luoyu asked himself, and at this time, a person came out of his mind.

"How could it be him!"

The shadow of Lin Fei appeared in my mind.

On the emperor's peak, Deng Tianbu, against the sky nine steps, force everyone, the style is unlimited.

Fan Luoyu stayed for a while.

"How do you like the people of Lin Fei, shameless and cheeky, big manism!"

At this moment, Fan Luoyu really laughed and laughed. A princess in his own house would be tempted by a cold disciple and unconsciously put the two in contrast.

In contrast, the gap between Xiao’s family, Xiao Ran and Lin Fei, is not as big as imagined.

Xiao family, ancient family.

Lin Fei, behind the Avengers League, is also an unfathomable mysterious force. Some people even suspect that the Avengers Alliance may have been formed by the descendants of the first family that invaded the ancient world. Words are too easy to make people associate. (To be continued.)

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