Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2330: Debao

Wandian maze!

The core location, a tiny space.

Lin Fei and Long You Zun began to join forces to deal with Black World of Warcraft.

This thing is refreshed once in a thousand years.

Every time I brush two heads, I am very good at illusion attack, and the speed is extremely fast. It is very difficult to deal with. At the beginning, it is really difficult to deal with. The most speechless thing is that Black World of Warcraft has a very short time. Once the time has passed, it will automatically The crash disappeared and must be killed within a certain period of time.

"It’s still a great teacher, this kind of black World of Warcraft is really difficult to deal with, and it feels hard at one end!"

Longyou respected the Lord.

Another black World of Warcraft was dealt with by Lin Fei.

There is no outsider, Lin Fei is full of force, the black world of Warcraft is good at the illusion, no less than a respectable master, but unfortunately met him this alternative.

"Hey, they are struggling with anyone, but it’s a pity that I met me. Mys is exactly the black Star of Warcraft!"

Lin Fei smiled and smiled and attacked another Black World of Warcraft.

The cracking sticks are displayed on the hands, the power is exerted to the limit, and each stick goes down, all falling in the same position, a moment of effort, killing the black World of Warcraft.


In the micro space.

Lin Fei and Long You Zun have spent a total of ten years, and finally got together ten black magic horns.

"Congratulations, you have completed the mission!"

The vast voice appeared again.


A powerful energy came down, and the two did not have any resistance and were transferred to another micro space.

"With great strength, I can't resist it!"

Lin Fei’s heart was shocked.

The Dragon Tour Lord is the same, full of taboos.

"You are lucky. After passing the mission experience, you can get the qualification to enter the Wandian Building. You can get a treasure on the first floor!"

After the rumbling of the rumble.

A black building that looks like a fake appears in front of the two.

"Teacher, we seem to have a good luck!" Longyou respected the Lord.

Lin Fei’s eyes glimpsed.

"Go, let's go in!"


At the entrance of the ancient building, standing two black statues, ordinary.

Lin Feifei looked at it and showed the color of the ring. These two black statues gave people a sense of oppression and threats, and then they thought about it.

"This should have the fighting power of the great Lord!"

A monk's thoughts appear.

Also losing Lin Fei is now a proud celestial body, even if it is a big master, it can only give him a little oppression and threat, far from the extent of taboo.

"Teacher, come over!"

Longyou respected the Lord and shouted inside.

As soon as I stepped into the ancient building, I came to an endless starry sky. The sky was shining, and when I looked closely, the smashing thing was actually a seal of treasure.


Longyou Zunzhu heard the various legends of the Wandian maze, did not think that he really met, and I am more grateful to Lin Fei’s younger brother.

"Yeah, big hand!" Lin Fei glanced. "The brothers have a good look, choose a good thing to go back, and upgrade your strength!"

Longyou respected the Lord and nodded. "Well. There are not many opportunities like this!"

Lin Fei is not interested in these treasures.

A strong and proud celestial body is everything.


“The first floor of the Wan Dian Building is really good, it’s all that the Lord’s Power can use!”

Lin Fei used the system to scan.

After a lap, there are a lot of good things. What's important is that all of them are suitable for the masters. Unfortunately, there is no suitable thing for Lin Fei to use.

"This is good!"

Lin Fei casually chose a secret of the nine layers of the Holy Spirit. It is a mysterious defense against the genre of the illusion, called the illusion.

It feels good in his eyes, but if you pass it out, you don't know how many people are going to be surprised. This is a rare nine-layer secret trick for the genre of the illusion.

"There is time in the future, you can come and play!"

The only thing that can make this place so easy is Lin Fei.

"Brother, what did you choose?"

Long Youzun’s Lord smiled back with a smile. “I chose a weapon that suits me. It’s completely refining. My strength can be improved by 30%!”

Lin Fei was sincerely happy for the brothers. "That's great!"

A genre-assisted Tianshen soldier will undoubtedly improve a large amount of strength.

"Without the help of my brother, I am now estimated to be a corpse!" Longyou respected the Lord. "Those black World of Warcraft is getting more and more powerful. If I am, I will have died in the mouth of Black World of Warcraft!"

"Senior brother, this kind of words will not be said later. We are all family members!" Lin Fei smiled. "Let's leave the maze of the temple and help you find a place to protect the law and refine the gods!"


When they came out, they came to the desert of no one.

"It's finally out!" Lin Fei really didn't like the feeling of depression inside.

"Yeah, I figured it out. I thought I would never have a chance to see the world outside!" Longyou respected the Lord and took a deep breath. "Alive, it's so good!"

At that time, I went in, and the Lord of the Dragon Tour was holding the idea of ​​mortality.

The five lords chasing themselves, you can imagine, what kind of end will be.

"Brothers, since we have come out, how difficult it is to respect the Lord, they have a headache!" Lin Fei sneered.

Longyou respected the Lord’s eyes and said, “They have a headache.”

Lin Fei alone killed five of them, and in the Holy Spirit world can definitely cause a huge sensation, they are now estimated to become fearful.

"Brother, are you familiar here!"

The Holy Spirit is so big, Lin Fei has never been to this place.

"This should be the endless desert in the west of the Holy Spirit, a very remote place, so good, at least no one will pay attention to us!" Longyou respected the Lord and looked around.

"It turned out that here is the endless desert in the west. The transmission of the maze of the temple is really amazing!" Lin Fei really never thought about it, so far.


Endless desert, in the west of the Holy Spirit.

There are very few people in this place.

Lin Fei simply let the brothers in this refining and cultivating the gods and soldiers, the dragon swims the Lord and naturally has no opinion, and opened a Dongfu in a safe place to help protect the law.

Longyou respected the Lord for a total of two thousand years, refining the Tianshen soldiers, and the strength of the advance.

If you encounter them more difficult to respect them, at least they will not be as embarrassed as they were at the beginning, so they have certain resistance.

"Teacher, I am now refining the gods, and the strength is soaring. I will not fall on any of them." Longyou said, "Next, what do you say!"

Although the Lord of the Dragon Tour is a brother-in-law, he instead values ​​the words of his brother Lin Fei.

"The five of their avatars have been killed. For a time, they dare not come out. You can kill the Tianjiao disciples of Tianyimen Shenwulou Longzong on the periphery. Let them slowly fear and live in fear." Lin Fei blinked. "And I, in the dark, as long as they dare to mobilize the Lord, come and destroy one!"

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