Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2331: Respect the Lord

After Lin Fei and Longyou respected the main discussion, they decided to be in the Ming and one in the Dark.

Ming is the dragon tour master!

A strong and strong man is determined to fight against three first-class forces. No matter who is going to feel a headache, at least it is difficult to respect the Lord. Those who are arrogant and arrogant, do not dare to chase the Dragon Lord.

As long as they don't know why Aotian God will shoot, they don't dare to act alone. No one can guarantee that this Aotian lord is hiding in a certain place.

After eating a big loss, they dare not sway to chase it.

In the dark, Lin Fei will always stare, as long as the three powers of the Lord dare to come out, then do not have to go back.

Lin Fei really has nothing to worry about without the big master.

Things are settled.


They first came to the scope of Tianyimen.

Longyou Zunzhu personally appeared, and when he came up, he killed the strongest of the seven steps of Tianyimen. Such a strong **** is a core force in any power.

"Tianyimen listened well, and those who died in the gods and gods are just the beginning, and they will surrender the hardships of the Lord. As long as you don't hand it out one day, your gods and gods will not want to be outside!"

Longyou Zunzhu personally came to Tianyimen.

The voice spread throughout the heavens.

A strong master of the main level hit the door, and the strong man above and below the door of God has changed color.

In the Holy Spirit world, the most incomprehensible is the Seventh Heaven and the Lord. The former is crazy, luck comes, and maybe breaks through and becomes a big enemy.

Then the other is the Lord.

When a master is mainly a difficult force, then congratulations, you won the award!

"Damn, a strong master is blocking the door outside!"

"Who dares to go out!"

"What happened in the end!"


The gods of the gods become fearful and uneasy.

A lord is outside, who dares to go out, that is to die.

The seventh **** of the gods and the Lord, that is a huge leap, who goes to the rhythm of death.

Longyou Zunzhu sat down on the outside.

Several of the lords of Tianyimen have appeared, including the one who is more difficult to respect.

"How hard is it, what the **** is going on!"

The gatekeeper of Tianyimen is also a strong and respected master, named Tianxin Zunzhu, and also the strongest one, respecting the realm of the peak.

How hard the Lord did not expect this guy to come out of the maze of the temple.

A dragon swims to the Lord, he is not very afraid.

But the arrogant Lord is horrible, one can overwhelm their five lords, even though they don’t see the lord, who can guarantee that they are hidden in the void.

"The man is a disciple of Shuiyue Tianshen, and he has now become a lord. He has been chased and killed in the past, and he has not been able to kill it. It is a regret!" Many people regret it, they are tears.

"Not a disciple of the **** of the moon, how is the Lord? We have four gods, but we go out. Let the guy!" said one of the Lord.

"Yeah, what a lord is afraid of, our God's Gate is not so bully!" said another smirk.

Tianyimen, a total of four lords, at the same time, they also have alliances with Shenwulou, Longzong, the Holy Spirit world, many friends, really not a respectable Lord can resist.

The Lord of Heaven and Heart is very understanding of how difficult it is to respect the Lord, and he has heard a trace of problems from his words.

"Is this dragon tour master, what is the backing!"

How difficult is the Lord to smile, "He is not terrible, terrible is another person!"

In the presence of the four lords, the look has changed. Obviously, some do not believe the words of the Lord.

"It is difficult to be a man who is a great master!"

How difficult is the Lord to shake his head. "Not a great Lord, but he can kill four of us, knowing why I will shut it down, because my body will die in that person. Not only me, Shenwulou, Longzong There are five in total, all died in the hands of the man, and they are all defeated by the name of the person. You may be a little bit impressed, called Aotian. If you can’t remember, I can remind you, tens of thousands of years ago, Tianhe State has a strong practitioner, and pressures Zhao Wuji to respect the Lord!"

Everyone thinks about it now.

It is that guy!

Tianxin Zunzhu really can't believe it. "Is it wrong? This is less than 100,000 years. Is that person promoted? Can you kill five of you?"

Killing and defeating, the difference is too big!

"Let's see for yourself!" A lot of difficult masters waved their hands, and a picture appeared. It was a scene in the labyrinth of Wan Dian. I saw a black man holding a black long stick and attacking the hard-won Lord.

Everyone is dumbfounded!

The power of that wave was crushed, and they saw it clearly.

"Do you still dare to say that you can beat this person?"

After being dumbfounded, everyone was silent.

Although this is a scene in memory, they clearly feel the power of this person, and each hit is fierce.

"He is practicing body flow?"



Longyou Zunzhu personally sat outside the gate of heaven.

In everyone's opinion. Those who are strong in Tianyi must definitely take the shot. After all, they dare not walk each other. It is a very face-lifting thing for Tianyimen.

What disappoints everyone is that there is no movement in the hall of heaven and earth.

A full ten years!

God's door did not respond!

A noble Lord did not show up.

The door of the heavenly gate, the Lord of Heaven, respected the Lord, and did not come out.

"The influence of the younger brother has completely smothered them!" Longyou respected the Lord has not been so relaxed, and one of his own lords, blocked the Tianyimen, and scared the four lords of Tianyimen to dare to come out.

"If you count the time, they should come!"


"I can bear it!"

Lin Fei has been secretly collecting news.

Shenwulou, Longzong, and no strong ones come, he knows that their existence should be known, and they are not willing to send the Lord to come out to die.

"Let's wait, if you don't come, I don't mind going directly!"

Originally, I felt that they had any power in Tianyimen’s door and knew the whereabouts of Longyou’s brother. I will definitely kill it, I didn’t expect it to be so small. Has not been moving, disappointed, too disappointed!

"The influence of my proud lord. I started to influence them. This is not enough. How come you want to come!"

Lin Fei never thought about letting them go, no matter whether they knew it or not.


The news that Tianyimen was blocked by a lord of the Lord also spread wildly.

This is a first-class force!

In the Holy Spirit world, it is a big news.

Surprisingly, there is no movement on the side of Tianyimen, which is quite surprising, and then. Someone investigated the origin of the Lord, and was shocked. It turned out that this was a disciple under the Lord Shuiyue, and this is revenge!

The bigger doubts came, why is there no movement in Tianyimen!

Everyone is puzzling.

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