Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2332: Wait and see

For fifty years, blink of an eye!

Longyou Zunzhu has been blocked outside the Tianyi Gate.

During the period, there were also some gods who wanted to go out, and all died at the gate of Tianyimen. This really scared the gods of Tianyimen.

"Teacher, they should not come, afraid that you will ambush them in the dark!" Long Youzun passed the message.

Lin Fei’s information is fast. “They should be scared. But even if it is, they would think that it would be safe to hide in it. In any case, it’s hard to respect the Lord!”

“Yeah!” said the Dragon Tour Lord. “If you want to change one way, you will kill it directly!”

This is the last resort to discuss!

In fifty years, it can be seen that Shenwulou and Longzong are not closed, and a strong person does not come. It is really scary.

This also gave Lin Fei a chance.

The chance to hit the door!

Tianyimen does not have much of a backing. It is nothing more than a friend of the five lakes and four seas. There are some of the strongest and strongest, and the weakest one among the three forces.

Lin Fei is ready to start with Tianyimen, and the persimmon is soft and pinched.

"Let's wait a few more years, let's just hit it, don't think that a battle can stop me!" Lin Fei sneered.


"These bastards!"

Inside the heavens.

How difficult is the Lord to swear.

In these 50 years, he contacted the gods of Shenwulou and Longzong, and wanted them to come to the door of heaven.

After the few masters knew the news, they did not use retreats. It is to use the reason of people outside to perfuse, no one has come.

How difficult the Lord is very angry.

A group of unreliable guys, do you think you can be okay if you don’t come? The people who are greedy and fearful of death are actually the same.

"The doorkeeper, this thing blames me!" The more difficult Lord found the doorkeeper, said with a look of embarrassment.

The heart of the Lord is in a bad mood. Anyone who is blocked by someone will have the same face.

"You are sure that the proud lord will be nearby, but we have searched. No one!" Tianxin Zun is also holding a skeptical attitude, watching the information of the tens of thousands of years ago, and realized the trouble.

Those who practice physical strength, the faster they break through, prove that the potential is endless.

At the same time, it can be proved that the gods cultivated by the other side are definitely the top practice exercises in the Holy Spirit. This is not to be questioned.

"The man is very embarrassed, killing and decisive, I have a possibility of seventy-eight percent. The man is in the vicinity, but he has used a special method. It is not clear at a time."

"You want to know clearly, where did you offend the proud master?" Tianxin respected the Lord for a question.

"I can't remember it!"

This problem has always plagued many hard-won lords. He never sinned himself for a potential practitioner who has the potential to practice. As for the arrogant Lord and the Lord Longyou, he knew it at first, and he felt that it was impossible.

That kind of place, even if you know the news, the Wan Dian maze is so complicated, and I can't easily come over.

That must be a coincidence.

"That must go out and talk!"



Shenwu Building side.

Both the Supreme Master and the Ziyang Supreme Master knew the news.

They didn’t go after the last time, they all had something in their hands, but they also knew the situation from his population.

The first time, they went to understand the origins of the proud master.


Very mysterious!

The other party appeared in vain. Similarly, it disappeared in vain. It has not appeared in tens of thousands of years, but it has appeared in the maze of the temple.

"The Dragon Tour Lord is still blocked in Tianyimen. It’s been fifty years. Are we going to see it!" Ziyang Zun’s main eyebrows said, "I can’t always drag, and now I’m rumored that we are afraid of Shenwu. That dragon travels to the Lord!"

The sturdy and respectful Lord is indefinite and hesitant.

"Do we dare to go?"

In these words, the helplessness of the Lord is revealed.

"Do you dare to guarantee that the Apocalypse Lord did not ambush us?"

Ziyang Zunzhu could not speak for a while.

I am afraid, I am afraid of being here!

A savvy master who practices the body flow, Long Zong's mad sage Lord is not against each other, let alone them.

"Then wait a second!"


"Oh, this will really lose your face. Fortunately, they go to God's Gate first!"

The madman is constantly watching the situation.

"Tianyimen can only say that you are unlucky!"

Since the return of the madman, the host has been arranging to investigate the news of the lord. Until now, there is very little information on hand.

This person seems to come out like nothing.

It’s too mysterious!

In the case of hard hits, the savage lord remembers clearly that the strength of the person is at least five times higher than himself, which is still less.

"The proud lord of the lord, dare to take the initiative to Zhao Wuji, and now becomes the lord, the temper is more and more violent, this kind of person has never been reasonable, I will not go out in Longzong, see him dare Not afraid to hit the door!"

He is afraid of his heart!

It is clear that everyone is practicing the body of the Lord, why the strength will be so different, it is completely two extreme gaps.


"God is going to endure this!"

"Who knows!"

"In any case, Tianyimen is famous. On the mainland, for a long time, no Zongmen forces have encountered such a thing. It is only fifty years of time!"

"I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out!"

"You ask me, I don't know!"

Many of the powerful gods of the gods are confused.

This situation is very unexpected.

Everyone knows that there are four strong and powerful people in Tianyimen, and four people join hands. Dealing with a respectable Lord is not a matter of handcuffs. I really can’t figure out why I didn’t do it!

"The heavenly heart of Tianyimen is here!"

On this day, the Emperor of Heaven and Heart came out with three Lords.

Everyone’s eyes are bright, is this a rhythm?

"You finally come back!" Longyou respected the Lord to send a message, and the people stood up. The smug eyes fell on the hard-won Lord. "How difficult is it to respect the Lord, I thought you would hide for a lifetime, but unfortunately. The last time I died was a avatar. This time, you are not so lucky!"


"It's hard to believe, how hard it is to kill the Lord!"

Someone exclaimed and his eyes were round.

This news, everyone really does not know.

Now they finally understand why it is so difficult to honor the Lord.

How difficult it is to face the face.

"Long swim, you are so courageous, do you think we don't dare to do it!"

The more difficult Lord said through the array of methods, "This is the site of the Tianyimen. We have a thought, you will want to leave here!"

That is what it says. But he feels no threat!

If there is such a person, he is not an opponent, if not the one who has kept himself. It’s much harder to say that the Lord is lazy. Come up and start playing.

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