Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2276: If you don’t accept it, just hit it.

"Really lost!"

"The long wind Lord has been famous for a long time!"

"It seems that Lin Fei’s ‘Thunder and Thunder’ is more and more powerful!”

"I only saw a touch of purple flashing, and the long wind will be defeated by the Lord!"


Everyone is paying attention to this matter.

Lin Fei shot too fast, and once again defeated Changfeng Zunzhu, the wind is light and cloudy, out of everyone's imagination, in just 20 years, the strength seems to have a small improvement.

The rest is simple!

Without the long wind and the Lord to block, the law enforcement team rushed into the mountain like a tiger, and began to arrest people according to the list.

"There is one here, caught!"

"This is also, caught!"

"And he, too!"


The members of the law enforcement team rushed in, and they saw the people on the list. Those who resisted a little, all of them fought on the ground, and for a while, the gods and disciples on the list were all arrested.

"Go to the next place!"

Lin Fei turned and left.

"You can't do this, I am the Lord, let me go!"

Changfeng Zunzhu has imprisoned his strength and barely kept a little bit. He could break free of his ropes and it was completely impossible.

Lin Fei slaps a slap in the face of Changfeng Zunzhu, screaming, and there is a crack in the body of the long wind, which is shocking.

"Don't dare to scream, the next palm of this seat will directly smash you!"

Lin Fei’s sharp eyes swept.

Changfeng Zunzhu endured severe pain, eyes gambled, staring at death.


It was a palm down on the Lord of the Wind and the body was blasted.

"This seat does not like this kind of eyes!"

The revived Changfeng Lord, who wants to cry without tears, just now, he consumed vitality, and still in the Shadow Palace, it is too sad reminder.

This time, he is honest.

That huge force came. Without the protector body of the emperor, it is really unbearable. It consumes vitality and requires a lot of life treasures to recover.

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu are particularly excited.

A respectable Lord is so honest.

Before and after the two palms go down and explode the body of the Lord, what a power it is, even if they are replaced, they may not do it.

The members of the law enforcement team also worship Lin Fei, the deputy.

It is something that they can't even think about when they are in the presence of their own bodies.

"In the future, we will be sentenced to punishment. Only when we beat people, no one dares to hit you. Even if they respect the Lord, they will be the same. If they disagree, they will fight and fight until they are convinced. You don’t need to be afraid, because you represent the Shadow Palace and represent the punishment hall. !"

Lin Fei instilled the concept of violence.

"The owner said it is good!"

"If you don't accept it, you can play!"

"Yes, hit them to be convinced!"


The law enforcement team screamed and was full of fanaticism.

Changfeng Zunzhu suddenly felt that the eyes of the law enforcement team members became unfriendly.

"Damn, they won't beat me!"

The long-winded Lord resisted the gaze of not showing resentment. He couldn’t stand the power of Lin Fei’s hand. It was terrible. If he could, he really didn’t want to experience it.


Lin Fei took the law enforcement team to the second lord's Dongfu.

The same reason!

Hit it!

"You can't go up!"

"What are you doing!"

Waiting to guard is the attack of the law enforcement team.

Lin Fei stood behind and became more and more satisfied.

"Yes, just like this, if you dare to stop the law enforcement team from doing things, you should fight, you can't remember it once, then come twice!" Lin Fei shouted behind.


There are no accidents.

The second lord is also holding his identity and does not want to pay.

Lin Fei started!

One stroke defeated the other side!

Rushing in is to arrest people.

The unfortunate Lord also accompanied the Changfeng Sovereign, and pulled down in the crowd, rushing to the next cave.


Lin Fei rushed into two caves to catch people.

The Shadow Palace is in utter disappointment.

This move is crazy!

"Not good, the Miki Lord has also been arrested!"

"The disciples of the Tenth Elders have also been taken away!"

"The eighth elder, one move defeated, vomiting blood, and the disciples were arrested on the spot!"

"The fifth elder, the disciples under the door have also been arrested!"


One news spreads wildly.

Lin Fei took the law enforcement team like a wolf and took people around the list.

Continuously scored six Dongzhu's Dongfu, forcibly arresting people, the most terrible is. The Lord has also been arrested and is traveling in the Shadow Palace. This is the thing that makes them most resentful.

This is worthless to slap the face of the Lord.

In the future, whoever sees them will definitely think of it. This person was once dragged by the main hall of Lin Fei, and he was completely exhausted. The majesty was gone.

This is the most unacceptable thing.


"We will pay, hand in hand!"

When Lin Fei once again took people to board a Dongfu.

The lord of the cave house personally came out to greet him. If he did not say anything, he immediately pushed out the disciples under the door, and he did not obstruct the meaning at all.

"The Shadow Palace should be a little more like a person like you!"

Lin Fei left a sentence and left the law enforcement team.

The lord, scared cold and sweat.

"The order is passed down. No one can go to the penalty hall in the future. Whoever dares to get into trouble, go all the way!"

The Lord is scared.

The six lords, pale, looked at the time, the help of the eyes, he did not dare to look at it, for fear of being tired of himself.

Lin Fei, this person, too jerk!


Lin Fei let the law enforcement team pull the captured gods and disciples, and the family went to fight.

"Don't fight, let's make it!"

"We are ready, Lin deputy, you take it away!"

"These disciples, I hope that Lin and his associates will take good care of it. How to fight is all right. If you don't practice well all day, you know that you are doing something wrong!"

With the lessons of the previous car, everyone found out. As long as people hand over.

Then nothing is gone.

Although very reluctant.

When you look at it, everyone still recognizes that when Lin Fei came up, he did the six lords, completely ignoring the identity of the other lord. They didn’t have the courage to be with those people, even if they gave a hundred courage. .


Lin Fei all the way down, grabbed three or four hundred, of which the disciples of the sixty-seventh step of the gods have more than one hundred, each with identity and background, but still grasped all.

A batch of them were sent back and detained in the dungeon.

The six lords are not so lucky.

Has been followed, the face is not generally ugly, but did not dare to show any resentful eyes, a palm down, physical breakdown, not so much.

"Lin's deputy master is mighty!"

"Those people should catch it!"

"It’s all the shadows that they made, and it’s all right now!”


The disciples of the gods who were bullied from time to time, one by one.

This is a great thing.

The guys who usually glory and glory are now taking away like dead dogs. This is something they can't think of.

"I don't know if the punishment hall still accepts people. I want to join the penalty hall!"

"It’s too windy, this is the punishment hall!"

"Real law enforcement!"

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