Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2277: You are not allowed to go in

Lin Fei personally took the lead and pushed all the way.

Who is the fist, not the disciples who commit the crime, unless you can afford to live in Lin Fei’s fist, otherwise, you must hand it over honestly.

I am afraid that these people will look ugly.

Until now, most of the shadows have passed and passed.

Lin Fei really left the fierce name for the first time in everyone's eyes. Didn't you see those who respected the Lord? It was already high. Now it's all right, all the dead dogs are pulling, and the face doesn't know where to go.

When everyone feels that Lin Fei wants to continue to sweep.

Take over!

Lin Fei took the person back and left the words.

"In three days, all the disciples who have committed the crime will be handed in. Otherwise, three days later, he will return to the door again!"


"Lin Tangzhu, why not continue?"

In the penalty hall.

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu asked inexplicably. According to the normal situation, this is a good opportunity to push down all the way, not to quit halfway, to leave a true lesson for them.

"No need!" Lin Fei shook his head. "Now they have become scared birds. I really want to go down. It is estimated that some people are not happy. Do you really want to be a public enemy!"

The two are too excited.

Lin Fei said that the two suddenly realized that they were scared of a cold sweat.

"In three days, they will definitely send people, because they can't afford this face, we are also established, and the penalty hall has been reorganized. Everything is just fine!"

"Lin Tangzhu, what about the Lords? When will they let them go?"

"Close the first month and say it again!" Lin Fei said faintly, "The penalty hall, but I don't want to come, I want to go!"


As Lin Fei said.

Within three days, whether it was the elders of the gods or the masters, they all sent their teeth over.

No one wants to, and Lin Fei will see the door three days later.

Did not see the few lords, now are held in the exclusive dungeon of the penalty hall, but also released the news, the Lord has committed the crime of cover-up, will live in the dungeon for a month.

This punishment is completely out of everyone's imagination.

Those are the Lords!

Lin Fei is playing the fire fee.

The Shadow Palace has been passed down for so long. I have never heard that the Lord will be detained in the dungeon. This is a shame, a stain that cannot be erased.

There is no such thing as the side of the penalty hall.

A number of respected masters jointly protested, and the results were all sinking into the sea. Around the penalty hall, guards began to guard against patrols, and outsiders were strictly forbidden to enter.

There are a few of the gods who went to the penalty hall, like the one who entered the house. They were stupid to try. They were immediately besieged by a group of law enforcement teams. They died half a day and were sent to the dungeon.

It’s changing!

Everyone has a thought.

Therefore, in the past three days, a wave of people have been sent over, and the disciples who have been sent have not had the temperament of the past, and they are dejected one by one.

They were reminded when they came.

Now the punishment hall is different. If you can't go to the past, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat in it. Even if they are, they can't step in.

Until now, they are not very clear about the internal situation of the penalty hall.

The original dungeons have become overcrowded.

As for how to deal with it, this does not require Lin Fei to worry. Lin Bai and Zhao Wu are now full of officers, do not need to be told, start to examine them, and conduct trials based on penalties.

This is the right of the penalty church.


Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu, with a trace of tiredness on their faces, the whole person is very good.

"Lin Tangzhu, this is after we registered the investigation, so far, there are still a few who have not come!" Lin Bai handed a copy of the information.

"Who's who!"

Lin Bai whispered, "The Son of the Son!"

During these three days, they only felt the right to be a deputy lord. Those who have been pious in the past, whether they are good pro-intelligence or internal disciples, are now honest.

Dishonest? Hit it again!

It seems that with Lin Fei’s indoctrination, the members of the law enforcement team have become like a wolf, and they have started to work. It is a ferocious one, and it has become two people.

"I really thought I couldn't get them!"

After Lin flew to the back, he showed a lazy voice.

"Lin Tangzhu, Tianzhu Zunzhu is coming!" Zhao Wu rushed in and rushed in. "With him, there are several honorable owners!"

Although Zhao Wu himself is also a lord, but the difference with the Scorpio Lord, the gap is big, people are really the old man of the Shadow Palace, the influence of a sentence is much more than him.

"The old man is here!"

Lin Fei blinked. "I thought they were all able to sit still!"

Lin Bai and Zhao Wu did not dare to say the bad words of these old emperors. They even admire Lin Fei in their hearts. They sat in the position of the deputy, and they have not seen these old people personally.

"Go, let's go and welcome, after all, the old man!"


Scorpio Lord, a scarlet cloak, stood quietly.

Behind him, there are several esteemed monks, and some of them are still seen by Lin Fei. At this moment, the look does not seem to be very good.

"Scorpio brother, Lin Fei does not give face, even if it is a body flow, it should not be placed here, actually let us go in, the entire shadow palace, there are several we can not enter!"

"Lin Fei is not very good. It really treats the punishment as one of his own acres of land!"

"The last thing he should do is to hold the Lord and hold it, and to shut it down for a month. What is he?"


A few of the Lords are dissatisfied.

In the circle of respecting the Lord, everyone has the same purpose.

Lin Fei’s action this time did not give them any face in this circle. Since it appeared for the first time, it will inevitably appear for the second time.

This must be stopped!

If they let go, they really don't know what crazy things Lin Fei will do.

Grasp the Lord?

This is a bit crazy.

"Everyone is a person with a face. If you say bad things in the back, is it not a bit of a face?"

Their speech was just over, and there was a cold voice in the penalty hall.

Lin Fei took people out!

Scorpio is very calm.

"Lin Daoyou, I haven't seen you for a long time, I still don't congratulate you on becoming a lord!" Tianzhu Zunzhu volunteered, and did not seem to hear the same sentence.

"Thank you!" Lin Fei smiled, "Scorpio friends, please!"

Scorpio Lord nodded slightly and went inside.

The people behind are ready to keep up.

At this time, Lin Bai and Zhao Wu were in front of each other. "I am sorry that you are here. Here is the punishment hall. The shadow palace is heavy, you don't have to go in, wait outside!"


"When did the punishment go to the ground, why haven’t we heard it!"

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