Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2289: Great gambling

The illusion is just an appetizer.

With the first lord leaving, there will be a second lord, the third lord~ until the eighth lord, the ninth lord, the tenth lord.

"Don't be a sword, it's amazing, there is no change!"

"The Holy Son is not bad either!"

"I think that Lin Fei is also good, not to say that the body is strong, and the mastery of the mind is relatively poor!"

"It seems really true!"


Inside the illusion.

The longer you persist, the greater the pressure.

A musk, two pillars of incense, three musk!

Time passes by one minute!

The Lord is constantly being eliminated.

"Follow it again, it will be successful soon!"

"The fiftyth!"

The lord of the illusion is constantly cheering and cheering, to last until the end.

Soon, the forty-third lord left the illusion, and his face was full of smiles. "Ha ha ha, I am the forty-three, great!"

This is the second round!

The five great lords also looked at the Lord in the illusion.

"Oh, your pro-disciple is good, you can stick to it now!" Haishan Dazun said with a smile, "Is it a secret recipe in advance!"

Yan Tianda’s face is also very proud. “There is something that my disciple is not simple. He has cultivated a secret law. I really don’t know!”

"Let's practice the Lord, the famous insistence is not long, it is estimated that he will leave soon!" said the black master of the scarlet cloak.

"That may not be!" The great master shook his head. "My disciple, I can never see it with ordinary eyes!"

The black Lord is interested. "How come, are you confident in Lin Fei? Or, let's gamble?"

撼天大尊主 is not angry at all, laughing loudly, "Black brother, you are staring at my treasure again, there is no good thing, you never do it!"

Black is the most respectful eyes of the Lord. "That is of course. I don't want anything else. I heard that you have a powerful treasure called a body ring. My disciples are just missing a treasure. If I lose. , give you a mobile method of practicing body flow!"

"it is good!"

In the Shadow Palace, the five great masters are very good.

In the competition below, they rarely intervene and will not affect their friendship.

It’s hard to be happy with the Lord’s Lord. “I don’t know if you have any interest. Today, when I sit in Zhuang, I bet my fellow disciple Lin Fei took the first place. The chance is rare!”

The other three great masters are hard to laugh. "Hey, brother, this is what you said. I feel that I can stand alone for the longest sword. I will gamble with my ocean heart!"

"I don't have any treasures in Shi, but I recently refining a reel petrification, and I used him to make a bet!" Shi Jian, the great master, also took out a reel.

"I also come with one hand, I use my Wannian, 300,000 years of gambling your bottle of 400,000 years of flowers!" Rong Guangda, the master smiled and took out a pot of wine.

Hao Tianda respected the main hand and waved. "No problem, when you lose, don't be angry!"

"Oh, you, ah, actually be a bookmaker, or else, the deity is also a one-handed!" Shadow God is very difficult to open, with a smile on his face.

The great master of the heavens stunned, "Miyaz, you are coming!"

"Of course, I will gamble on the pot of 800,000 years of wine, and the palace will lose, and send you a bottle of good wine for millions of years!" Shadow God smiled.

"it is good!"

For Shadow God, a pot of millions of years of good wine is really nothing, he is only curious, that Lin Fei's new lord, why can stick to the end.


The illusion of the illusion continues.

The power is getting bigger and bigger.

Lin Fei blocked all influences, and vaguely could feel the power of the magical array. After half an hour, the number of respected masters standing on the scene was less than fifteen.

Up to now, these fifteen lords have quite good potential.

"The guy is actually nothing at all!"

St. Tianzi glanced at it and tried to push the exercises. "I don't believe it, you can stick to me!"

Among the fifteen respected masters, Lin Fei is the only one who is practicing and practicing. He is not good at this aspect, but now it seems that it is not very similar.


Another fragrant past.

The fifteen lords became eight lords.

Four of them are old masters and four young masters.

"Can't hold on!"

Wang Bazun’s main face suddenly changed and was sent out.

"I can't compare with Lin Fei!" Wang Bazun was really reluctant, especially Lin Fei was longer than he insisted. This is totally different in peacetime.

The seven masters on the scene!

Although this is only the first round of the knockout, they all entered the second round, but they can talk about how to fight for the first, especially if they can't step behind the new lord.

The power of the illusion is constantly improving.

The remaining seven lords quickly eliminated three.

One of them is Yifei Zunzhu, and Huang Lang is the Lord.

They are all a **** expression.

"What secrets did Lin Fei fly in the end!"

"This is too strong!"

"There have been eliminated one more, now three!"

"so amazing!"


In the case of the penalty hall, Lin Fei has a fierce name in the Shadow Palace, but there are still many lords who are not sure about this.

But now, they all understand.

This Lin Fei is really strong.

Since the illusion of the illusion, there seems to be no one who has been practicing the body and can persist for so long.

"Hey, are you moving your hands!"

"You practice the body flow, the least is good at this, how can Lin Fei kid hold it for so long!"

"It’s a hell!"

Several great masters also have a **** expression.

It’s incredible!

The face of the Lord is very proud. "I said, my disciple will definitely stick to the end, your things, I am so happy!"

"Oh, that's not necessarily!"

"I didn't see the holy emperor and the solitary sword still there!"

"Who insists until the end does not know it!"


The three younger generations, insisting on the end, are out of the expectation of the Lord, which is totally wrong.

Many people present in the field have experienced the power of the magical array.

Once you get in, every minute and second is a kind of torture. It can last for more than half an hour, and its potential is terrible.

The most unexpected thing is that the three people's Lin Feizun, the master of the body flow, when it is so easy to adhere to it, every time the body is gone, almost all of them are eliminated first.

"He can still stick to it!"

Holy Son has been paying attention. ,

But the other party has never been able to show up.

"How can he not fall down!"

This time, the Holy Spirit deity returned, in addition to going to the Shadow Throne, the other thing is to suppress Lin Fei's arrogance, but now it seems that there is a problem.

"Come on, come, hurt each other!"

A voice suddenly passed into the mind of the Son of God.

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