Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2290: The test of the palace master

The Holy Son is fighting for resistance. .

When the inexplicable voice appeared, he could not be mad at him, and he heard who made it.

"He can still talk!" The heart was shocked.

The illusion of the illusion is so powerful that the Son of Heaven is very clear, especially now that it is very difficult to resist, and dare not take any carelessness, and the mind is concentrated.

If you can’t help it, the magical powers will come in, and it’s hard to push it down and almost send it out.

"You are shameless!"

With a sigh of relief, the Holy Son passed back.

"Who is shameless, it should be shameless for you!"

"Why don't you talk, isn't you gonna say it!"

"I haven't made any water in the water, I don't have any interest in the punishment of the deputy, you have to come to toss me, and now allow me to toss you!"

"Don't talk, I continue to talk!"


The Holy Spirit is intended to warn Lin Fei.

The next situation has changed.

The other party kept passing the voice, and Lin Fei’s words became more and more difficult to hear. The Holy Son gradually became angry, almost roaring, and his body began to shake.

The power of the illusion is invaded!

"It’s too shameless, and I’m hurt by the illusion!”

The Holy Son bites his teeth and can't stop it. The sound of the ear can only resist the influence of the illusion.

"Not talking yet!"

"You are not very powerful, how do you shrink your tortoise!"

"Too boring!"

Lin Feiyue said that the more energetic, everything said.

It lasted for a while.

The face of Shengtianzi was also pale, and he glanced at it. He slammed it, and the power of the magical spirit broke out completely. The Holy Son was sent out.

"Bastard guy, dare to yin me!"

When the Holy Son came out, the influence of the phantom spirits disappeared, and his eyes fixed on Lin Fei becoming cold. He never thought about it. In the first round of the knockout, he was overcast!

Not reconciled, the Holy Son is not reconciled!


The coming of the Holy Son is also very surprising.

It is reasonable to say that under normal circumstances, the Holy Spirit has a powerful Buddhist practice, and its resistance is relatively strong. It should be able to stick to the final time, and the result will come out.

In everyone's opinion. Can hold on to the end, except for the one-man sword and the holy emperor, there will be almost no third person.

"This is too unexpected!"

"What kind of method did Lin Fei Zun Lord cultivate in the end, and it is so powerful!"



The solitary sword looks focused.

"The Holy Son is actually going out!"

The power of the illusion of the illusion is nothing to do with the singular sword of the kendo. With the sacred son, Lin Fei and himself are left on the field.

"Interesting. It's really interesting!"

The solitary sword has a great interest in Lin Fei.

From the test of today's illusion, Lin Fei broke all kinds of records. In history, there are really few practitioners who have gone to this step.

The solitary sword did not have the Holy Son as an opponent, and now the opponent is coming.


One hour!

One and a half hours!

The power of the illusion is almost to the limit!

The solitary sword also began to shake. Even if his kendo was too fast, he couldn’t keep going. He glanced at Lin Fei not far away, his face was slightly white, his body was not moving, it looked like Still stick to it.

"I don't think I will lose a little!"

The solitary sword removed the resistance and transmitted it.

After the departure of the solitary sword, Lin Fei insisted on a fragrant time, and also left the illusion.

"You dare to yin me!"

Just coming out, the holy emperor is coming.

"Is there!" Lin Fei smiled. "Now everyone is watching, you continue to shout!"

St. Tianzi stared at Lin Fei. "You are awesome. When you meet me, you absolutely regret it!"

"I will wait and see!"

Shengtianzi put away his anger and smiled generously. "You are really good. You have created a record of practicing body flow. No one can break this record next time!"

In the eyes of everyone, the Holy Son seems to come to congratulate.

After all, Lin Fei created a new record, practicing the record of the Lord.

"That is, my record, some years are hard to break!" Lin Fei attached a sentence, the sacred Holy Son is not light, turned and left, back to the original position.


The face of the Lord’s Lord is full of smiles.

"Ha ha ha, I am not allowed to accept anything, it is not easy to win once in your hands!"

The black master and other people are also stunned.

Lin Fei, who is practicing the body flow, won!

This is really not normal. When, the body of the body is so powerful!

The great deity of the Lord is even more proud. The disciple of his own is really eager for him.


The second round of the knockout started soon!

The first round is a test of the mind, the second round is not a fight, but the shadow **** deity personally came to test.

Forty-three lords stood together.

"This second home is clear, from the test of the Shadow Palace Lord, please be prepared!" The middle-aged Lord once again stood up and said.

The shadow **** respect also stood up, his body revealing the atmosphere of the world.

"You are very good!"

As the voice fell, a terrible breath erupted from the other side, flooding like a flood.

The first few lords, the body trembled, were instantly transmitted and lost their qualifications.

In the second round, forty-three of the Lords, only ten left.

The momentum of the Shadow God will also increase.

At the beginning of the momentum, people feel the pressure, the Lord's body has released the body of the emperor, suffering from fierce impact, one by one has become swaying.

"The field of the sword of the solitary sword is so powerful that it has shattered the impact and formed a vacuum around it!"

"There is also the Holy Son, confronting with the Sanskrit, and the power is extraordinary!"

"Lin Fei, the physical body of the body is also strong, actually choose to watch hard resistance!"

"Wrong, wrong, that is the practice method!"

"It's really different!"

Under the guise of Shadow God, everyone is desperately performing.

Everyone has applied the body of the body to the extreme, and everyone’s ears have heard the choppy sounds as if they were happening in the ear.

Even if it is not within the scope, everyone will feel the terrorist strength from the palace.

As the power increased, the Lord's presence in the field was full of cold, and the terrible suffocation came.

The Lords were also sent out one by one, and the terrible pressure disappeared, leaving no nightmare, and people had to admire the strength of the palace.

Lin Fei is also the first to realize the power of the Shadow God.

"A very good gas field, without any trace of emperor, the power is round and round, without any deviation!"

Lin Fei first used the flesh, obviously felt the pressure, and then opened the Aotian body protection method, a golden light protects the whole body, constantly resisting the power of the gas field.

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