Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2406: This is a misunderstanding!

In order to get the two complete Yuan Li Shenbing in Lin Fei's hand.

In the black domain, the forces near the starlight world have come a lot, and the number of people has increased by as many as tens of thousands.

Tens of thousands of people attacked a person, and the scene was quite spectacular.

Look at the distance, you can't see the other person's figure, all kinds of emperor's Holy Spirit attack, one wave after another, endless, the light can scare countless people.

But today, this scene has been rewritten!

In the face of the mysterious black man who shot tens of thousands of people, the whole body opened a shield, which actually blocked everyone's attack.

These attacks can usually threaten to kill the top stalwart. It falls like a tickle on the other side, completely out of the expectations and imagination of all.

When the black man came from the sky attack, such as an invincible existence, drinking the elders of Jinlongguo and Heihushan, and then heard the elders of the two forces changed their faces and shouted the attack. It is undoubtedly dumbfounded.

"The Golden Dragons are all stopped!"

"Black Tiger Mountain has stopped!"

The elders shouted loudly, and those who were in awe, were beaten and kicked by the elders, and all stopped.

The big devil can't beat it!

In the banned land, they have seen a series of scenes of great dignity, which cannot be forgotten in life.

The forces that have been shooting all the time, seeing Jinlongguo and Heihushan also stopped, they are dumbfounded.

Does this person know them?

"Lin's predecessors, misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding!" Jin Longguo elders explained.

"Yeah, yeah, we all listened to the rumors!" The black tiger mountain elders also explained, "If you know that you are, we are afraid to come to death!"

On the way, Jinlongguo and Black Tiger Mountain elders have secretly discussed it. It is best to act together and maybe get big benefits.

Lin Fei walked step by step against everyone's attack.

All the Holy Spirit attacks were shaken open.

"Continue, have not eaten, take out the milk to force!" Lin Fei is very casual smile.

The strength of eating milk? We have all come out, okay!

It is really too strong for you!

Tens of thousands of people have shot, and there are many people who respect the Lord and respect the strong. There is no threat to you. How can this be played?

"Misunder, do you think I will believe it?"

Lin Fei smiled and looked at the elders of Jinlongguo and Heihushan.

Jin Longguo and Black Tiger Mountain elders look at each other and know that they don’t make an attitude today. If they want to leave this, they don’t have to think about it.

The power of the Big Devil is more terrible than it was at the beginning!

A guard body blocked the shots of everyone.

"Everyone in Jinlongguo listened to the order and shot with me!" Jin Longguo’s elders gave a command, facing a force not far from the side, and shot out, "kill them!"

The elders were the first to take a shot, and a big move went on, killing dozens of people.


The strong man of Jinlongguo is not a fool. He immediately turned his head and attacked nearby people.

"Everyone in Black Tiger Mountain listens to orders and kills them!"

The strong man of Black Tiger Mountain also followed suit, such as the tigers going down the mountain, killing the people around them by surprise.

The two forces of the people are quite compatible with the next quick shot, like a sharp knife, rushed into the nearby forces, Jinlongguo and Black Tiger Mountain's strong are particularly hard.

"Kill them, be sure to perform!"

"If you don't perform well, let's die!"

In order to survive, they don’t care so much.

When the Big Devil shot, they must have died. Now they are working on the surrounding forces, and there are opportunities to survive. How to choose, everyone knows clearly.


"That man is too powerful!"

"In a few words, the two leading forces, Jin Longguo and Black Tiger Mountain, have turned their guns to deal with these forces!"


"The attack of the Lord and the Lord will not break the guard of the man!"

"When do you want to practice strong physical strength to this level!"


The Starlight World includes people outside, and everyone has widened their eyes.

Lin Fei became stalwart in their eyes, tall, invincible, rooted in their hearts.

For the practice of Jinlongguo and Black Tiger Mountain, Lin Fei is quite satisfied, and these people are still very likely to turn.

"Good kill, this time I will be misunderstood!" Lin Fei smiled.

Jinlongguo and Heihushan elders, a relieved heart, beat the chicken blood, led the disciples under the door, opened the killing, swept all the way.

Lin Fei’s eyes turned, “Killer’s House, are you so a little?”

Xi Xing Tian Wang, as one of the top ten kings in the hands of the killing, what the strong have seen, but tyrannical to this extent, he is the first time to see, a vague concern has produced a touch of concern.

This person is stronger than you think!

No wonder you dare to hit the door and destroy the eight killer building branches.

"Just like someone, you can kill you!"

Xi Xing Tianwang shouted, "The person who kills the building, you can kill if you say kill."

"The killer disciple, kill me!"

Chen Yingda Zun also came, forced the inner uneasiness, waved his hand, and took the squadron with thousands of people behind him, killing it like a dragon.

The forces in the field, that is, the killer building is the most powerful, and the rest is the same thing.

After the proud of the 11th, the ordinary Emperor of the Holy Spirit attacked, without any threat, even if it is a big attack, it is like tickle.

This is the arrogance of the Aotian body to the later stage.


Chen Yingda, with thousands of detachments, like the Black Dragon, killed Lin Fei in front of him. As a leader, he came with a squadron of the killer building.

Holding this Yuanli Shenbing, Chen Yingda’s strength has skyrocketed and reached the peak of the great deity.

"The last time I died, I dare to come, then you don't have to go back!"

Chen Yingda respected him for more than a dozen times in a row. The hegemonic attack was blocked by the guard body every time, and his heart could not help but get upset.

Lin Fei shook his head, reached for a grasp, his arms soared, and became obscured by the sky. Chen Yingda Zun and others seemed to fall into a huge trap.

"Fast, fast, fast attack!"

Thousands of detachments attacked the palm of their hand.

With the palms closed, Chen Yingdai took the person and fell in the palm of his hand. Lin Fei gently pinched it as if it was a trivial matter. The arrogant force swept them and instantly became a meat.


In Lin Fei's palm, he killed the thousand people in the killer building, and the Western King killed him. He came to Lin Fei's back, a black short blade, crossed a black, and stabbed Lin Fei's body.

Xi Xing Tian Wang is not forbearing, even if thousands of people are elite and dead, they are indifferent, just for the best chance.

Under the black short blade, the body that the 10,000 people could not break, but in front of the black short blade, easily teared a crack.

"No one can survive after killing the killer. You can die in the hands of the soldiers, and you are proud of it!"

The short black blade ran along the crack and stabbed Lin Fei's back.

"Ha ha ha, you are finished!"

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