Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2407: Twilight them

"Father and Emperor, Lin Fei's predecessors will not have an accident!" Xing Haoran worried. "That is the killing of the king of the West. One shot is a thunder blow, using the killer building's Yuanli Shenbing!"

Starlight face is dignified, "The killer building top ten king killers, all have a killer, the West kills the king's heart is enough, with the death of the elite team to attract Lin Fei's attention, took the opportunity to launch a thunder, used Desperate this Yuanli Shenbing, Lin Feidao friends are more fierce!"

"That is killing!" Star Haoran's face changed. "The rumor, the top ten kings have similar treasures in their hands. They can absorb the power of the enemy and store them in it. Once it breaks out, the power is endless. He wants to use yuan. Destroy the power to destroy the body of Lin Fei’s predecessors, so that it is a vicious means!"

Practice the body to reunite, what is the most powerful, that is, the flesh, without the tyrannical body, nothing.

The greatest power of the Yuan dynasty is destruction.

Any existence in front of the power of the Yuan is the end of destruction.

"Yeah, that is killing!" Starlight is also worried about it.


Xi Xing Tian Wang is holding a black short-blade ‘death’, and his fierceness is fierce. As long as he stabs Lin Fei, he can ask for the other’s life.

What is the top of the strong, as long as you are close to yourself, then the end is doomed.

"You got it wrong, the person who died is not me, but you!"

Lin Fei was shocked. The horrible energy broke out and slammed into the body of the Western King. The whole person was spurted out by the vomiting blood, and the body followed and collapsed.

"Stupid, no one told you, it’s never too good to be close to a big body."

Lin Fei teared open a huge black hole.

The killing of the King of the West has not been stabbed, and it was directly shaken out, and the body collapsed halfway.

"How can his strength be so powerful, I seem to be hit by a big hand, the body can not control the collapse!" Re-consolidated the body, the West kills the king flashed a stun.

How does this crushing force appear on the other side?

"It’s over now, and the strong guy in the killer building is disappointing me!"

A palm appears in the eye and passes through the chest.

A huge amount of life energy is vented like a flood.

"I am the top ten kings, you can't kill me!" West kills the king and despairs, can't stop the loss of life energy until the smoke is gone.

Under the weight of Aotian eleven, the plunder mode is turned on, and a few breaths can plunder all the way.

"West killing king is dead!"

"It's too invincible!"



Ten kings killed in the West, in the black domain, who did not know a top powerhouse.

But such a top powerhouse, so dead in the hands of Lin Fei, no parry ability.

The elders of Black Tiger Mountain and Jinlongguo secretly wiped a cold sweat.

"Fortunately, we made a choice, even if it is worth the loss!"

"It’s too strong, and the West King has not died before he died!”

Black Tiger Mountain and Jinlongguo once again took advantage of the siege of the presence.

Xi Xing Tian Wang is dead, the killer building is almost completely annihilated, their choice is correct.

Lin Fei grabbed the black short blade of death and felt the dangerous force of the short-blade. "Is this the killer? Even if it broke out, my body can be blocked, not a big threat. However, it is against other big deities, this is definitely a killer!"

When Xi Xi Tian Wang died, the rest of the killer building strong almost fainted.

The Ten Kings of the Western Kings were killed like this!

Is this still the murderous murderous king of the West, it is too fragile!

Lin Fei rushed to the battleship of the killer building, slamming his fingers, and a stream of light flashed to all the gods who were present, one by one, and they were completely quiet.

No one can stop the power of Lin Fei's finger.

Real instant kill!


"The killer is over!"


"West killing king is also dead!"

Those who are fighting with Jinlongguo and Black Tiger Mountain have seen this scene and have completely given up!

Whether the killer building should be finished so soon!

You are the killer building!

If it wasn't for the beginning, Lin Fei took advantage of the attacks of thousands of people, and the one-piece bodywork was unparalleled, and they would not be so taboo.

Now, the killer is finished!


Several first-rate forces on the scene had no confidence.

At this time, he will not wait for him.


The first-class power that responded the fastest turned and retreated. A huge palm fell from the sky and was shot on them. The ones who were strong were all killed.

"Who dares to run, I don't mind killing you one by one!"

After Lin Fei took a shot, he was completely quiet.

Everyone is afraid to move!

"You are all standing honestly and don't move!"

"The predecessors don't dare not listen, you are looking for death!"


The strongmen of Jinlongguo and Heihushan stopped, and when they cooperated, they snarled toward the forces present, and they looked like a villain.

"We are" one of the great gods of the nine gods, want to carry out their own background.

With a bang, a palm of his hand was shot on him and became a **** fog.

Lin Fei stood in the position of this person.

"I am the person, the least like to use violent means, of course, if you feel that you are hard enough, you can try it!" Lin Fei blinked.

Give it a try?

Everyone shook their heads, and the fool will try it.

You are violent, and what is not being blown up in front of you.

"Golden Dragon and Black Tiger Mountain are coming!" Lin Fei waved at the elders of the two forces. They cleverly flew like sheep, and they looked honestly, completely without the spirit of the past.

"Predecessors, something is told, though!"

The two put the shelf low.

"You will come to you very much. I will read you a good gift. I feel that you are a gift!" Lin Fei pointed at the people present. "You have cleaned up all of their things. I am this person." Never make people busy!"

"Looking at everything in them?" The two swallowed.

There are almost 10,000 people on the scene.

If you really pull it out, that thing

"Why don't you dare?" Lin Fei said with a smile.

“Thank you for the rewards of the seniors, we will do it right away!”

Jin Longguo and Heihushan started the violence and started the violence.

"Get everything out of your body!"

"Don't be stupid!"

"Take it all out!"

The disciples of Jinlongguo and Heihushan, not the first time, but not the first time, but compared with this time, it is simply a small witch, no way to compare.

They are excited and excited to be afraid to pick up the spoils.

The forces on the scene, one by one, dare not speak, did not see the strong man just now, just opened the mouth and was shot by the other party, and can only surrender the things on the body.

For a time, the Lord’s great deity has a face that wants to cry without tears, but that is their net worth!

This loss is even greater than killing them.

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