Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2408: Five Kings Killer

Lin Fei lives in the starlight world, but like a fierce god.

This is a violent guy who kills the Lord and the Lord and has no pressure.

This area of ​​the Starlight World is rare in a quiet place.

The killer building that was completely annihilated by the whole army did not release anything. It seemed to be afraid of Lin Fei. It was beyond everyone’s imagination. As for other forces, they are all the same.

"Five princes, I am leaving!"

After living for a year, Lin Fei decided to leave.

Some things are also resolved.

Star Haoran's position in the starlight world has become stable, and no one prince can shake his position, even if the big brother comes out.

I heard that I have to go, and Xing Haoran’s heart has a sense of loss.

It was true that when I was holding a living horse and dying to rule Ma, this is what I have now. The father is even more assertive. In the future, he will be the next emperor of the Starlight World and take charge of a world.

Star Haoran said that if he stayed, this day will appear sooner or later.


Lin Fei swayed and left!

There is no such low profile!

For a few neighbors around, I was completely relieved. I had a big banquet in the evening. No one promised that this fierce **** would come to the door.

Go, okay!

Lin Fei took the black field warship and went straight to the outside.

During the period, there was nothing safe.

I heard that this warship is a fierce **** Lin Fei, and all of them have no idea. If you go up and do it, it means nothing to look for.

Everyone knows the legend of Lin Fei, the **** of fierceness.


When you are about to leave the black field.

In the void, the five big hands grabbed the black-field warships that came in. This piece of void was bursting on the spot by five big hands, and the endless hurricane whistled.

"Ha ha ha, you dare to come!"

In the air.

Lin Fei stood in the air, a shield appeared, blocking the horrible tearing force.

"Killer building, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

In the distant void, five warships appeared, five positions, forming an encirclement, and surrounded Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, you know that we will come to you!" Xi Xing Tian Wang appeared on a warship, "destroy my avatar, do you think you can really leave the black domain!"

Five warships, five kings killers.

There is also an elite killer behind him.

"This is your confidence?" Lin Fei blinked.

"Hands, don't give him a chance to shoot!"

The five kings immediately started to control the special warship underneath, and five light wheels emerged. The color of each light wheel is different, with the unique destruction of the power of the Yuan.

"A little bit tolerant!"

Five light wheels, each with a dangerous atmosphere.

This kind of move power, Lin Fei is quite interested, and the attack in front of the star world in the day, has a great change and improvement, this is what he wants.

The first light wheel forms a finger and pokes to Lin Fei.

The second light wheel, a palm shot.

The third light wheel, punching the sky, punches like a mountain.

The fourth light wheel, a sword light.

The fifth light wheel, a knife and light strikes.

Five light wheels, five top killers.

"Lin Fei, this time you are dead, you can let the five kings mobilize the Yuan to destroy the warship to deal with you, you should be proud!" West kills the king to look resentful.

It is very rare to dispatch five Uranus killers at one time and bring the heavy treasures of the five killer buildings.

Lin Fei must die!

The killer building must not allow such a person to exist.

Therefore, this secret operation was prepared. No winds came out, that is, to kill the other party, and on the other hand, I don’t want too many people to know.

After all, this time they came to the five kings killers. If you don't succeed, you can lose face when you say it.

They have to guard against this incident.

As long as he can kill Lin Fei, when he wants to say something, it is not their own business. Who dares to say that the killer building is not a skin.


Five light wheels, five of which contain meta-power attack.

This is an important reason why the killer building can cross the black field.

In order to deal with Lin Fei, they analyzed and researched and dispatched five such warships, that is, they must kill one shot. According to the calculation, Lin Fei’s bodywork is top-notch.

It is also difficult for the top-level combat power to break the other's body.

Then you can only use more powerful power!

In the face of such killings, even if Lin Fei’s bodyguards are stronger, they can’t stop this kind of top killing. In those days, there were also top-ranking masters who didn’t put the killer building in their eyes. In the end, they were all killed by the killer.

I am afraid that Lin Fei is powerful, but I can’t stop this killing!

Five kinds of killings have flattened the area where Lin Fei is located, with a range of hundreds of millions of miles.

This area, in addition to the residual horrible power, can not find other, precisely because the killing power is great, the same movement is also great.

Be very careful when you perform each time.

This is the killer of the killer building.

They are laid in ambush here.

The range of hundreds of millions of miles has been swept away by the forces of the Yuan dynasty. There is a broken look everywhere. It is conceivable that in the face of such a devastating attack, even the top esteem can not withstand the tear of this power.

"We have five people to shoot, plus the Yuan to destroy the warship, and to clean up a guy who doesn't know how to be tall, it's not easy!" A King killer dismissed.

"Unfortunately, this person has offended our killer building, or else it can be compiled!"

"This person must die, there is no fluctuations just now!"

“It’s not so much that we have been ambushing for so long, and we have used special space scrolls!”


The five kings have the same opinion!

Lin Fei will die!

Switching to any of them, in the face of this power, is also mortal, there is no chance to survive.

"Let's go find the whereabouts of Yuanli Shenbing!"

A king killer ordered the elite to start shrinking!

When a person dies, Yuan Li Shenbing will still be there.

One branch flew out and began to search.

The power of the Yuan can destroy everything, but it cannot be destroyed by the forces of the Yuan.

As long as they are dead, Lin Yuanbing is always theirs.

"You don't have to look for it, the things you want are still in my hands!"

In the void in the distance, a forested Lin Fei came out and had a scepter in his hand. It was the illusionary scepter, and a huge world came down.

"Fantasy world, fast opening method!"

The five kings looked at each other with horror, and immediately felt the advent of the fantasy world. They immediately launched the special formation of the Yuan dynasty warship, and a seat shield appeared.

Those who went out of the elite, but not so good end, fell one by one.

"The killer of your killer building is really unusual. If you lose your life, you don't know. You can still provoke this move several times!"

A black stream of light swept over, like the autumn wind, sweeping on one of the Yuan dynasty ships.

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