Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2409: We underestimated Lin Fei

Lin Fei holds a cracking stick, a sweeping attack on the nearest Yuan destroyer.

"Full force to move the array!"

"Open the battleship defense!"

The five Yuan dynasty warships could not kill Lin Fei. The five kings of the murderers did not dare to take it lightly, and they became enemies.

The cracked scepter swept on one of the Yuan dynasty warships. The shield was full of shackles. The huge hull faced the powerful force of the slash, flying like a sandbag, and squatting in the distance. On the battleship, there was a loud bang.

The strong inside the ship was stunned.

"After hitting, I flew the Yuan to destroy the warship?"

The five kings killers are dumbfounded again!

This power seems to be tyrannical, and a shot hits the Yuan destroying the warship, making a joke.

"Quickly open the distance!"

"Can't be hit by him!"

The five kings killers saw the situation, and the bottom of their hearts cast a shadow, this time may be a bad thing!

"This kind of warship is so strong, my current strike power, ordinary black-field warships can be directly penetrated, this special warship has withstood!"

Lin Fei once again rushed to another Yuan dynasty warship.

A cracking villain is a roar!

The West killed King only felt the hull shocked, and the warship underneath was subjected to gravity and was blown out.

"Fortunately, fortunately, the defense of the Yuan destroying the warship has not been broken!"

Lin Fei holds a cracking stick, and every time he moves, he fights a warship. The five warships come once again, like a sandbag.

"Ordinary Aotian eleven forces, want to penetrate this special warship, it is really difficult!"

Lin Fei tried it again and had to admit the details of the killer building.

"Lin Fei, all of us have underestimated you, with your strength, the top presence in the practice genre, and even the first person and leader in the future." One of the kings stared at Lin Fei. "But you want to break our Yuan to destroy the warship, it is a daydream, a strong man like you, the killer building is dead!"

Keeping Lin Fei not killing, it is equivalent to bringing a strong enemy to the killer building.


Five Yuanshen ships again released five light wheels.

Yuan is full of breath.

In order to kill Lin Fei, they did not hesitate to provoke a second attack, only to kill Lin Fei.

The existence of Lin Fei is worthy of their launch for the second time. It is also very worthwhile for the Yuan dynasty power of the Yuan dynasty warships to be consumed.

The same as the killer attack as above.

Lin Fei will not give them a chance!

"Don't play with you!"

After the ordinary forces could not destroy the power, Lin Fei decided to start killing.

"Shadow sneak!"

Lin Fei rushed to the front of a recent warship, revealing the white teeth, the cracking sticks marching forward, squatting on the shield of the Yuan dynasty ship, slamming, the shield collapsed and came to the deck.

"Fantasy world!"

A huge world is coming, covering everyone.

Everyone didn't understand how Lin Fei could tear open the shield and kill it. The soul was pulled into the world. Without intuition, the scene was also a strong killer.


The cracking stick was swept away.

The fifth strength is the second!

The gentle force of the wind swept over the King's killer, and the whole body became a fragment on the spot.

In order to save trouble, the second force broke out enough to solve everything.

In fact, after the world of fantasy, the strength of the King's killer is about 30%, and how to block the power of Lin Fei's power.


From the attack of the Yuan to destroy the warship, to the collection of the first warship, less than a dozen breaths before and after, the killer's proud killer fell into the hands of the enemy.

"It's your turn!"

Lin Fei came to the second Yuan to destroy the warship.

"Fast attack!"

"Can't let him in!"

Seeing what happened to his companion, the King’s killer ordered that the warships had several muzzles, and a beam of light came from them. Every power was like the power of the dragon.

"You can't stop it!"

The same move, Lin Fei rushed in.

"Fantasy world!"



"Quick withdrawal!"

The three kings killed the murderer, and the killer of the murderer’s house was in the eyes of the other party. It was a manifestation of a vulnerable attack. It was as strong as them. In the black Lin Fei’s hands, like an ant, there was no resistance. ability.

"Come on, no chance to go without it!"

"Start long distance transmission!"

They dare not have any stops. Lin Fei is a fierce god. The killer of the killer building can't deal with him. Now, don't go, when is it?

Three black holes appeared behind the three warships.

Through the black hole, you can see the world behind the black hole.

A white light surrounds the warship.

"Since I am going to kill me, why bother to go so urgently!"

Lin Fei cleaned up the second warship and saw that they collectively fled. The black hole behind him could clearly move long distances. Once inside, he couldn’t catch up.

A force of extinction broke out in the body.

The cracking sticks swayed and turned into a trick to sweep the army! ’

The five powerful forces also broke out the third.

The three kings suddenly felt the boundless horror of the atmosphere, still very familiar with the atmosphere.

"Not good, Lin Fei also has a meta-destroy!"

The cracking sticks whistling, with the power of black and white, like the autumn wind, swept through the three Yuan dynasty warships, the shield of the Yuan dynasty warship was unfolded, and it was torn apart by more powerful forces.

The strong men on the ship, one by one, were torn into pieces by force. Even the king's killer became vulnerable in the face of this power and was instantly killed.

Their flesh can't stop the power of the meta-power after blessing.

The three Yuan dynasty warships became a mess at the same time.

"It's a pity that three treasures!"

If they didn't want to escape, Lin Fei wouldn't kill him. The three forces broke out with the Yuan dynasty force. The power was even more terrifying than imagined. One stick broke the three Yuan dynasty ships.

Even if it is broken, Lin Fei also waved the wreckage of the warship.

"The loss of five Kings killers, five special warships, presumably they did not dare to act in a short time, it is estimated that it will be painful for a long time!"


Killer Building Headquarters!

I also learned the news in the first place.

The white-haired boy in the killer building, after hearing the news, sighed in the sky. "We all underestimated Lin Fei, the five yuan destroying the warships, can't stop him from being a stick. This kid definitely has a big head, can't get it. The strong people from different races!"

The top ten kings of the killer building, no, now is the nine kings, and the killing of the king of the king is killed in that one.

They are also collectively silent!

In particular, four of the kings had a fear of Lin Fei, especially in the last blow, they did not even have the opportunity to resist, and they were instantly killed.

They once again underestimated the strength of Lin Fei.

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