Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2426: If not, I will block the door.

When the old fonts came out, everyone had a feeling that the suffocation could not move.

"so horrible!"

"This is the strength of God's honor!"


"If you want to go up, you have to die!"

"Between the top big and the gods. The gap is not that big!"

"I don't know if that arrogant Lin Fei can stop it!"

"I can't stop it!"


Outside the Shadow City, that area directly became a black hole ruin.

A large shadow city was also covered by a huge array of colors, and the colorful colors kept flashing.

Broken void.

The collapse of large blocks.

The Shadow Palace Lord stood in the void and his face was calm and abnormal.

"This kid shouldn't be able to eat that blow!"

The Shadow Master’s killing of the top of the body is not a minority, but no one can compare with Lin Fei, especially after learning the five forces, the power is even more horrible!

"Can let me use the ancient Yuan to kill you and fight against you, you can also be proud!"

This kind of moves, the Shadow Palace is rarely used.

Dealing with Lin Fei, the ordinary power is not working!

"God is God's respect, I finally have a long experience!" When the Lord of the Shadows secretly sneaked out, a voice came out of the void, and some of the wolf-stricken Lin Fei came out of the void. "Sure enough, it is a well-deserved name!"

Lin Fei looked like a wolverine, and his breath was steady, as if he had not suffered any injuries.

"The first person under God's respect, you are also quite amazing!" The Shadow Palace Lord actually guessed that this would be the result. The strong body of the other is the best proof.

At this level of physical body, you can reach out to the power of the Yuan to resist your own killings, and it is not impossible.

Seeing Lin Fei’s perfect appearance, everyone said nothing!

This is really the first person under God!

The horror of the Shadow Palace Lord did not cause much damage.

"I will see how far Lin Fei has gone in the future!"

"Yeah, yeah, you can't afford to offend!"

"The first person under God's respect, it is no good to go up!"

"The Temple of Time and Space is estimated to be dumbfounded. This powerful enemy is not so good!"


The first person under the gods respects the gods, and the time to fight is not long, but everyone knows that Lin Fei is in the Holy Spirit world, as long as the gods respect the strong and do not shoot, who can hold him.

"You are the most powerful practitioner in the palace, you can stop a trick, you are very powerful!" The Shadow Palace Lord is not going to shoot, it is boring!

It is not so easy to kill Lin Fei!

He couldn't guarantee that Lin Fei had mastered the fourth force, but it was able to compete with the Yuan to kill and kill, but it was the real top-level school of the shadows.

"The palace is too polite, I don't know my conditions!" Lin Fei asked.

If someone else smells such a thing, the Shadow Palace owner must be sure that the bird is not a bird, but Lin Fei is different. This guy is not good at dealing with it. The killing of the gods can kill, and who knows if it can be controlled.

This is one of the reasons why the Shadow Palace Lord does not intend to do it.

The three killings of the soldiers, can not fight, can not get through, unless it is completely destroyed, or else it can only be consumed, if the three killing soldiers, but with a Lin Fei, it is not easy to deal with!

The high-levels of the Shadow Palace are not Lin Fei's opponents. If you really want to make a big shot, you will want to win the game in a short time. The difficulty is not small. Although he will win, the price paid is not small.

Not worth it!

Fortunately, the two people’s words are all separated, and the outsiders don’t know what to say!

"Shadow Throne, you can go!" The Shadow Palace Lord has no confidence in re-engaging Lin Fei. Such a strong person is not a problem, even if it is a time and space temple, it must be measured and cannot be drawn to the Shadow Palace. enemy.

There is no need to offend this potential enemy!

Killing the gods is the best proof. None of the top leaders is his opponent.

"In the dark shadow of the palace, you can see, but you can not copy, but the number of Yuanli Shensha is not so much, at most you can only give you a quantity of 50,000 pounds, this is the palace can promise you!" Said the shadow palace owner.

"100,000 pounds, or I will block the door!" Lin Fei smiled. "I believe that the palace master is busy, I don't have time to guard me!"

In the shadow of the palace, the big man Lin Fei is shameless.

"You really will open your mouth. You are not afraid that the palace will call the gods and respect the strong people to encircle you!" The shadow palace owner looked at Lin Fei. "And, this palace only needs a little publicity, you are the first person under this god. I am afraid that there are many strong people who are looking for you to compete!"

Lin Fei disapproved, "100,000 jin, I am not demanding, the palace owner is the gods who respect the strong, the area of ​​100,000 jin Yuan Li Shensha counted, why bother with me, in a word, 100,000 jin, otherwise If I go to those big cities, I will be well versed in the way!"

"You are a threat!" The Shadow Palace is very angry.

"You can understand this!" Lin Fei smiled. "Unless, you can kill me. Of course, before the palace master kills me, you must pay a big price. Believe it or not!"

The Shadow Palace Lord was silent for a moment, "Then you won!"

Lin Fei had decided to take the shadow of the palace, "I am not planning to ask me to sit in the shadow palace, so it is good for you and me!"

The Shadow Palace Lord does not like to deal with a man at a great price. Although this person has treasures, there are also three killing gods who kill the gods. That is what God respects must see.

Under the premise of paying a little price, the Shadow Palace is very hesitant.

"Yes, you are the Shadow Palace, the Shadow Palace is your home!"


Shadow Palace Lord and Lin Fei shouldered into the Shadow City!

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.


Everyone still wants to watch the three hundred rounds of the Shadow Palace and Lin Fei.

The end seems too fast!

"Lin Fei is quite courageous, and he is not afraid of the shadow of the palace owner to deal with him in the city!"

"I wouldn't really be a killer if the Shadow Palace Lord!"

"Good calculation!"

"No matter what abacus the Shadow Palace Lord has, at least Lin Fei and the Shadow Palace seem to be in peace!"

"Lin Fei is fine, then the time and space temple must be careful!"


The high-rises of the Shadow Palace are also stunned one by one.

"He can actually sit on the same level as the main man!"

"It's too hard to imagine!"

“The top great powerhouse of less than 150,000 years!”

"Wrong, it is the first person under God's honor!"


In fact, everyone is relieved in the bottom of their hearts.

"There is no need to start!"

Lin Fei's powerful, everyone has a common vision, who is willing to go out and fight, it is a life of nine deaths, this is still a good point.

Going, you must die!

This is real.

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