Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2427: I'm back again

"The first person under the gods, Lin Fei!"

"The Shadow Palace owner admitted it!"

"It’s awful, the first person under God’s honor, it’s incredible!”

"Heroes, it is said that the cultivation time is less than 150,000 years!"

"It's really enchanting!"


Lin Fei and the Shadow Palace Lord battle, the process is not very long, but everyone has seen the power of Lin Fei.

The first person under the gods, this big hat countless people expressed dissatisfaction!

It is not that no one can survive in the hands of the Holy Spirit in the hands of the gods. But no one dares to say that he is the first person under God.

The news continues to spread in the Holy Spirit.


"It's all right, he is lucky!"

Kill the gods.

The killing teacher listened quietly and could not help but violently exit.

Since Lin Fei’s killing of the sacred sacred face, as the leader of the murderous court, the killing priest is more disappointing than Lin Fei.

"The Lord of the Shadows is also awkward. It’s too bad to count people. Don’t look at a safe and okay look, and rush to the first person under the gods, hey, that kid will soon be unlucky!”

Although the killing leader is not a god-respecting strong, it is clear that the shadow palace is not so good.

If anyone believes in the shadow of the palace, then congratulations, you will definitely be eaten by the belt bones, this, he is coming over.

"Come on, let me arrange for people to publicize Lin Fei, the focus is on the first person under the gods, I want everyone to know about this, whether it is retreat or submerged!"

Killing the teacher, the main yin smiled, "This kind of good thing, don't help you, then I am not too bad to be a man!"

Can make Lin Fei uncomfortable, killing the teacher will do it.


The side of the temple of time and space.

"The Shadow Palace is really shameless. Is this going to regain Lin Fei?"

The head of the Temple of Time and Space listened to the news. Have to admit the other side good means.

"The lord, they must be acting. If Lin Fei really dares to come, I will definitely kill him. This time he can't run away!"

Since losing a avatar, I have been immersed in cultivation.

Now the strength has improved.

Really entered the top level!

The two major schools of space and time are gathered together, and the empty master is qualified to win the first person under the gods.

I haven’t done it yet, and Lin Fei actually took it one step ahead of time. Now the whole Holy Spirit is full of enthusiasm, who doesn’t know that he is the first person under God’s honor.

This news is very unpleasant.

What's more, the air has left the hatred between Da Zun and Lin Fei.

"You don't have to worry, the Shadow Palace is not a good person. This Lin Fei is now a treasure like a cloud. If you don't say anything else, it's worth tempting, such as the one that releases the world of fantasy. The power of the gods, the genre of the illusion of the genre will certainly be tempted, and the first person's big hat under the gods, not just anyone can wear it, you just stand and watch!"

The owner of the time and space faint smile, a pair of chests.


Go back to the Shadow Palace again.

Lin Fei didn't have much emotional change.

"The Shadow Throne is open, you can go in at any time!"

The Shadow Palace Lord personally opened the passage of the Shadow Throne.

After living in the Shadow Palace for three days, Lin Fei was ready to enter the Shadow Throne. He did not believe that the other party could grasp such a thing.

"The Shadow Palace Lord, the things in the throne, you won't get rid of it!" Lin Fei smiled as he entered.

"You care too much, this palace is not the kind of person!" The Shadow Palace Lord does not like Lin Fei very much. This guy is purely a guy with a very thick face.

"is it?"

Lin Fei smiled and entered the passage.

"Damn guy!" The Shadow Palace Lord shouted and turned away.


The passage to the Shadow Throne contains the power of the Yuan, but the strength is not great. Lin Fei easily entered the past and once again came to the Shadow Throne.

Compared with the last time, this time Lin Fei is faster!

The things of the Shadow Throne have become no threat!

Lin Fei came to the last level, crossed the plain and went to a place on the beach.

That huge black thing still exists, and it continues to reveal a hegemonic atmosphere.

Lin Fei came here for the sake of this thing, and another Yuan destroys the soldiers. As for what the shadow palace master did not charge, he can only say that the other party does not have that strength.

The entire Shadow Throne, this thing is worthy of Lin Fei's interest.

As for success, don't try to know.

"Demon King, don't come innocent!"

Lin Fei came to the platform and saw the magician strong again.

"Kid, you dare to come, hahaha, this time you are dead!" The prince woke up from cultivation, saw Lin Fei, and immediately burst into a boundless suffocation.

It was this kid who plundered a lot of his life energy and almost finished himself!

The whole person turned into a black fog.

"Let you see, we shadow the aliens, the ultimate killing, shadows and souls!" In the huge black fog, the voice of the demon smug, the large black fog quickly wrapped Lin Fei, infiltrated into it.

Lin Fei’s bodyguards are open and do not move like mountains.

"The ultimate killing trick, you are not a small resentment!"

The black mist kept infiltrating, but it was blocked by the outer layer of the body.

After repeated impacts, the black fog failed.

"This is impossible, this is the ultimate kill!"

Since the last time the heavy losses, the demon concentrated on other killings, the Shadow Soul Eater is one of the more powerful, fierce name, once the display is successful, you can control the other party to become your own embarrassment.

For the first time, the Monarch found it useless!

The other party’s defense of the body’s defenses is impenetrable and cannot penetrate.

"Devil, you still have to die!" Lin Feile, a palm shot on the black fog, bursting out of three forces, a large black fog screams, a large black fog collapsed.

The demon regained his human form and his face was uneasy and shocked.

"You actually built the third heavy weight of the five powers, how long it will take!"

The devil can't believe it.

"Nothing is impossible, because I am a genius enchanting!" Lin Fei smiled. "You let me continue to fight, or stand up honestly!"

"Hahaha, a big tone, a triple power, you want to know the devil!" The devil smirked.

"That's this!"

Lin Fei was a fist, and the four forces broke out instantly. The power of violent torrents was like a torrent. The demon stunned his eyes and the body was destroyed!

"The fourth is the fourth, this is the fourth!"

The devil's expression of a devil is almost a word.

Just after the punch, the demon consuming a lot of life energy, and looking at Lin Fei is also full of fear.

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