Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2439: Infinite Lord

"He really passed!"

"That's the absolute gravity zone!"

"The top big buds can't move in it, he really passed!"

"Fan Jiada elders are destined to have no play!"

"The first person under Lin Fei Shenzun really is not that simple!"

"The top body, I am afraid that they can compete with their ancestors!"


I can’t say anything outside!

The last test of the main avenue is actually the most difficult.

Such as absolute gravity!

This is a major feature of the Eucharist Mountain, and the Emperor is coming. In the face of absolute gravity, no one can hold it, and the gods of the eighth and the tenth order of the gods are all the same.

This level, I don't know how many people are hard to live.

Under absolute gravity, unless the strength is outstanding, all the way to the past, this possibility is very low, so far, no one has rushed past.

Lin Fei’s performance is too stunning and enchanting!

All the way to the past, the Fan family elders and his entourage left behind, to see the situation can not catch up, unless Lin Fei can not resist the three main attacks of the Lord.

"The Lord is coming!"

"I don't know which one is the Lord!"

"If you are lucky, Lin Fei can really pass!"

Originally, everyone thought that the main event would happen between the Fan Jiada elders and the Baijia Chen family. The result came to Lin Fei, the guy who made a huge move in the Holy Spirit world!

Everyone knows that Lin Fei is a mobile gold ingot!

So far, it seems that no one can take the next Lin Fei, and for the strong genre of the genre, there is such a fierce person, but also has a face, did not see the recent suppression of all the arrogance, amazing not Like words.

The first person under the gods!

The shadow **** deity said it personally.

Whether it is true or has an idea, it is very rare to get at least God's dear to say it.

The strong people of the literary genre have always worshipped the strong, especially their genre, the province has gone outside, when others ask, can not tell a powerful master, it is very shameful.


"This secret is so familiar!"

The three ancestors suddenly said.

"This kind of overbearing strength, I remember a secret law of aliens, it seems to be called the five powers!" Two ancestors remembered.

Lin Fei broke through the absolute gravity and shocked the three old ancestors.

Enchanting, absolutely enchanting!

Can open the absolute gravity, to the last level, beyond their expectations.

"There is a great possibility!" The great ancestor was very puzzled. "Just in the past, the strength of Lin Fei’s skyrocketing was the most overbearing one I have ever seen with the secret method. His body has no signs of collapse, absolutely Top-level exercises!"

The three ancestors are very excited!

A top-level practice that has never been seen before.

Homemade, or

These are worth three ancestors moving.

"Big brother, I heard that the five forces are stunned. It is the secret of not passing. The body is not in a certain realm. The cultivation is not going up. Seeing his appearance, it is clearly the fourth, terrible, really terrible!" The three old ancestors said quietly.

"I don't know if he can stop the shot of the Lord!"

The three ancestors are unusually concerned about Lin Fei.

They are all old, and they need a strong physical trainer to pick up the banner of the literary genre. At this moment, they seem to see hope.

Perhaps, this Lin Fei can do it.

Although the opportunity is very low.


On the round table, a stalwart figure appeared, a white dress, a random stop, everyone seems to face a mountain, suppressing suffocation can not cross.

"I know this is the Lord!"

Someone exclaimed.

"He is the 'infinite lord', the top lord of the lord, who can be included in the top five, is also the top practicing body, and later stepped into the gods, known as the infinite god!"

"No, it’s horrible!"

"I seem to hear that Unlimited Goddess played a thousand punches in one breath and broke a continent!"

"The same level of God, no one is the opponent of the Infinite Lord!"

"Lin Fei is in trouble now!"


Fan Jiada, the elders who have been chasing after them, saw the figure of the stalwart and couldn't help but laugh.

"Ha ha ha, the infinite Lord has come out, Lin Fei has no play!"

"He is not lucky, he actually ran into the Infinite Lord, but that is the guy who claims to be infinite power!"

"We can breathe a sigh!"

"In those days, someone encountered an infinite Lord and thought of it, and the result was easily blown up!"


They are relieved!

The Infinite Lord, the sacred record of the Lord, is the slain Lord, the scourge of God's sorrow, I don't know how many people have suffered, and the last one is afraid to let go.


"Infinite Lord!"

The three ancestors of the Eucharist Mountain were also exclaimed.

"How can he meet the infinite Lord!" The three ancestors frowned. "This is going to be broken. The power of the infinite Lord, even if it is converging, it is not something he can resist!"

"That's a pity!" The two ancestors knew the horror of the infinite Lord.

When they were juniors, the infinite gods stood in the sky, leaving a famous place. At that time, the Eucharist Mountain was brilliant, and I didn’t know how many masters would come in. I only wanted to be the offering of the Eucharist Mountain. It shows how domineering.

The great ancestor said, "The main avenue is controlled by the holy body mountain. The people who come in will meet the lord. Thanks to their own strength, this Lin Fei is very strong, and all of them will encounter the infinite god!"

The two ancestors and the three ancestors shook their heads.



Facing the figure on the round table, Lin Fei once again experienced the feeling of suffocation, as if facing a mountain that could not be crossed.

"It's too strong, the other side breathes, it seems to be able to shatter me!"

Lin Fei’s heart is big.

The Lord of the Lord's avenue is not the true body, but the thought left by the other party.

This kind of thought can be so horrible!

"The water in the Holy Spirit is really deep!"

Before Lin Fei thought that his strength was strong, but now compared with the other side, people think that they can crush themselves.

"You are very good, I haven't met your enchanting guy for a long time!"

The stalwart figure is faint.

"Lin Fei Lin Fei, please enlighten me!" Lin Fei was shocked at each other, but the other party is only a thought, he is still sure.

"I don't humble, I can still maintain such a state of mind in this seat, very good, very good!" The stalwart figure turned and punched.

This punch is very common!

Lin Fei was suddenly creepy.

Boom! ! !

The flesh collapsed.

"It’s terrible, is this the power of God!"

Lin Fei opened up the four forces, plus the Aotian eleven heavy body can not hold a breath, directly collapsed in the flesh.

"It’s not so easy to hurt me with a punch!"

Hey! !

Lin Fei reshaped the body.

The flesh collapsed.

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