Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2440: unbelievable!

Infinite Lord's shot, without any resistance, Lin Fei's body was blown up!

The re-condensation continues to be blasted and is constantly being blown up!

Time and time again, Lin Fei recovered quickly, and was also smashed in the flesh. It is difficult to maintain a breathing time, and the strength of the other party is endless.

"Infinite Lord, it is really horrible!"

"Lin Fei is also horrible, and it has been condensed for 98 times!"

"Wrong, I think it’s ninety-nine times!"

"It's too strong, even if the gods are strong, they can only blink!"

"Yeah, yeah, ninety-nine times!"

"This is the style that people who practiced in the past have a strong style!"


The people watching are upset and excited!

Too exciting and exciting!

In this life, they will not forget today's scene, this is the real trainer.

Those who think they are strong and strong, are now inferior, their limits are not the real limit, look at Lin Fei will know!

The first person under the gods, everyone is convinced!

They asked themselves if they could not do this.

"Kneeling down!"

Ninety-ninth, Lin Fei's body was condensed, and it was a shot that caught this wave.

"This is the real power!"

Lin Fei secretly rejoices, if it is not a lot of life spar, I am afraid that I can’t stand it. The boundless power is raging and raging, full of ruin.

After hardly resisting ninety-nine times, Lin Fei was also a meatache. Without guessing, he knew that he had encountered an extremely powerful Lord, and he was also in front of the Lord of the Eucharist.

This luck ~ Lin Fei does not know how to say it!

"I hope the second Lord, don't be so powerful!"

If you can’t pass it, this time it’s a big loss!


"It's over!"

Fan Jiada elders are pale in their faces!

Although not close, the power raged on the main avenue, and they were greatly impacted in the soul. In front of this power, they did not know how many times they died.

The infinite Lord is too invincible!

"Hey, he can pass the first level, and certainly can't pass the second Lord's shot. What is he?"

"The first pass hits the infinite Lord, and his next round of luck is no better!"

"Yes, everyone will wait and see!"


The three ancestors are also happy.

"We are really old!"

Under the attack of the Infinite Lord, condensed a full body of ninety-nine times, how amazing, how hegemony, if they were replaced, they could not do it.

"I am more and more curious about the body of his cultivation, and can accommodate so much life energy. Such a person, the first person under the gods, is worthy of the name. No wonder the gods do not dare to take full shots. It is too expensive and may not kill. Dead forest fly!" Dazu ancestors said.

The two elders and the three ancestors were silent.

"If he can pass the test of the next Lord, the Eucharist Mountain will definitely shine in his hands!"

The big ancestor is looking forward to it!


"Not bad!"

The infinite Lord on the round table is faint.

The figure dissipated!

As soon as the infinite Lord disappeared, the breath of the scene was gone.

At the last level, through the three Lords' shots, the Infinite Lord is the first one, and the next two are very much looking forward to it.

Hey! ! !

After a sip of tea time.

A figure re-condensed on the round table.

Compared with the infinite Lord before, the figure of the Lord is not so overbearing.

"He is lucky!"

"This seems to be the Holy Trinity!"

"It's really the Apocalypse Lord, a very different kind of Lord!"


Lin Fei was afraid to come back to a saint who was overbearing. It was really bad for him.

The Lord, it seems that there is not much threat. Compared with the previous one, there is obviously a certain gap.

"You can get out of my formation, and you will pass!"

The Apocalypse Lord looks very gentle, and it is hard to imagine the existence of a strong body in the body flow.

"Array method?"

Lin Fei was very surprised.

Hey! !

The Apocalypse Lord waved his hand and appeared in a handprint, condensing a huge array of methods and trapping Lin Fei.

The five attributes have exploded!

Lin Fei was immediately in the midst of a sea of ​​fire.

A wave of attacks is linked to a wave.


"The Apocalypse Lord is not so good to face!"

Big ancestor shook his head!

As everyone knows, the strong gods who practice the body flow are all violent guys, and few can sit down and learn the formation method, don't mention cracking.

The Apocalypse Lord is one of the alternatives. It combines the formation of the squad, and the achievement is exceptionally high. However, almost no one who is in power with the Apocalypse Lord does not suffer.

With the help of the formation, the Apocalypse Lord has a godpower, and his strength has skyrocketed.

A huge array of methods can be easily laid down, showing the understanding of the law.

In the face of such a famous alternative lord, they do not know whether Lin Fei luck is too good, there is an infinite lord before, there is an apocalypse lord, one is better than one.

The opportunity for the past is even lower!


"The array is really great!"

Lin Fei Aotian’s bodyguards opened and slammed into the attack and moved constantly.

Although the requirements of the Apocalypse Lord are very simple, leaving from the formation, you have to face the attack of the formation. People have not gone out, and they have been hit hard by the formation. It is also a busy day.

Lin Fei moved very quickly.

In the eyes of everyone, this is avoiding.

Knowing the Apocalypse Lord, he knows that his formation is not well-known, and he does not know how many battles are strong.


"This time he can't break the alchemy of the Holy Trinity!"

The people behind are laughing!

It’s really not that it’s been hit before.

If it is a saint who is good at power, they may be worried that it can be replaced by the Apocalypse Lord. It is completely different. What people are best at is the formation.

Lin Fei’s junior wants to squat in front of the Apocalypse Lord, almost impossible.

This is really bad luck!


After an hour!

Lin Fei is in a futile chaos.

The law of the Holy Trinity is so easy to break through.

At this time, Lin Fei started, punched in this position, each punch is dozens of attacks, and then quickly change places, also dozens of punches, all happen in a flash.

Boom! !

Boom! ! !

This kind of blind attack. No one thinks that Lin Fei can break the array.

One hour, what a joke!

boom! !

Another punch, after a hit in a position.

Hey! ! !

The huge array of methods has produced enormous embarrassment, all attacks have disappeared, and the formation has ceased to exist.

Everyone heard the cracking sound.

"I don't take the mission, I am out!"

Lin Fei arched his hand toward the Holy Trinity.

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