Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2451: The knife is here!

“It’s really weird!”

Lin Fei is really surprised. The giant gods of the gods can keep their consciousness. It is totally different. An unconscious **** respects the devil. If you have consciousness, then it is not bad.

"This year was the elder of the Gangmen Gate, and before the outbreak of the Yuan-Feng forces, it was a coincidence that I got a secret law and transformed the body. So, you have seen this look now!"

The giant said it was very casual.

Lin Fei listened, and this physical transformation paid a great price.

Hey, hey!

After the other party finished speaking, he picked up a piece of bone and threw it into the mouth of the mouth.

A piece of bone was not enough, and it was thrown into the five or six segments of bones one after another, all of which swallowed into the stomach.

"There is a sudden mess!"

The bones that were cut down, the texture, Lin Fei’s heart has a vague understanding, and he will definitely not be able to do so.

"Predecessors, I just strayed in, I am leaving right now, can I?"

With such a ferocious and messy deity, Lin Fei always feels unreliable and leaves to talk.

"Want to go!"

A gust of wind struck, Lin Fei had a knife on his neck and was in front of him.

"Come on, then you don't have to go, unless you are willing to gamble with you. If you win, you can leave. If you lose, then you have to come up with something to resist. Life is up!"

The Giants let Lin Fei not dare to move.

"Forgot to tell you that when I was at King Kong Gate, I was gambling, and everyone who gambled with me didn't leave anything behind!" The giant laughed. "Yes, for example, the knife in my hand is A fool lost, of course, and finally his life is left here!"

Lin Fei really doesn't know that there is such a thing.

"This is too bloody!"

Lin Fei didn't know what to say. The last saint was actually gambling on the elders of the Golden Gate, the dog blood, too bloody.

"Then I have to win!"

Lin Fei knows that he wants to leave this, it is not so easy.

Even if you try your best, you may not be able to stop this god.

"If you win, you can get something from your own hands, whether it is a good practice or a weapon of the gods!" The giant pointed out that not far away, "those things, as long as they want, can be taken away." !"

Lin Fei looked at the past and his breathing was rushing.

That is a treasure that exudes a bunch of treasures!

Lin Fei first saw that the scattered Holy Day suit had several things on it. If it wasn't for good eyesight, it would definitely not be seen.

"Three ancestors pit me!"

Lin Fei finally understood why when he asked the three ancestors, his face was always embarrassing, and everyone who was embarrassed to say this kind of thing.

"Okay, you can start betting now!"

The tone of the giant became excited.

Lin Feizhen doubts how this guy can be a law-abiding elder. He can live in this way, and he won the treasure in someone's hand.

"Wait!" Lin Fei suddenly said loudly, "I have something to say!"

The giant is not angry.

"Say it!"

In this palace, no one can do anything here as long as the giant does not want to.

"Since the predecessors are gambling, it must be killing everyone, you can see it from your trophy!" Lin Fei Xiaowei complimented.

The giant is happy to hear the compliments and swear, "What are these trophies? Anyone who gambles with me, that is not a life, you are the same result!"

Lin Fei shook his head. "Predecessors made a mistake. If it is to fight strength, I am definitely not as good as the predecessors. However, I, this person, actually has a nickname, called gambling god. Anyone who gambles with me, no one can win. Past me!"

The giant laughed, "God, hahaha, you!"

"Yes, I am gambling!" Lin Fei laughed. "If you dare to gamble with me, you will become nothing!"

The giant is really upset, dare to say that he is not as good as this kid, I really don't know how to be tall.

"Interesting, really interesting!" said the giant. "That's a gamble with you, so that you can be convinced. You have a lot of things. You should be able to play it several times. The gambling in this seat is very simple. You need a knife to hack you, and you can't cut it to death. It's easy to put it! Rest assured, this seat won't kill you. In this palace, no one can die without this seat!"

Lin Fei scalp numb.

This is completely a violent person.

It’s a knife and a knife, who can eat it.

With a knife, who can live!

Lin Fei can't dare to fight with each other. It is absolutely dead. The body is not only going to be lost. It is estimated that this life will stay here.

"and many more!"

Lin Fei shouted. "This kind of gambling is very boring. The predecessors are not gambling. Do you not want to play high-end, you are so boring!"

"High-end?" The giant is very confused.

"Yes, it’s high-end, it’s boring to cut people!" Lin Fei’s heart was tight, and he must be fooled by this guy. “For example, you don’t think it’s very interesting!”

"Wen fighting!" The giant once again wondered.

"Yes, it’s a martial fight!" Lin Fei was a light-hearted look. "On the martial arts, no one can win me. You are gambling, you are not going to give it a try!"

"The martial arts fights!" The giants don't think they will lose. Think about it carefully. It's boring, and it's violent. It's quite boring for a long time. "If you don't answer it, you will lose it!"

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief again.

It’s good to not cut it!

I can't help each other!

"This King Kong protects the elders. When the body changed, there should be some problems. The average person will agree. Let me try one and then try the other!"

"What fish can't eat!"

First come one of the easiest.

Lin Fei intends to try this elder of the Golden Gate.

It became a good talk!

No, look at the situation again!

The giant is directly dumbfounded. "This is the fighting!"

"Of course, I am going to ask questions, you answer!" Lin Fei, this is to confuse the other party, at least not to mention what to kill and kill, how boring things, his small body can not hold each other a knife .

How good is the martial arts, simple, real!

Lin Fei’s mouth said that it’s easy. In fact, my heart is not easy, I am uneasy, in case the other party is annoyed, how to do it with a knife, and the thoughts of one by one keep flashing.

"What fish can't eat?" The giant screamed. "It should be a squid!"

"Predecessors are sure!"

"Yes, it is the squid!"

Lin Fei looked at the giant with a look of regret. "Predecessors, you answered the wrong one. The correct answer is the wooden fish, which is the wooden fish that the monk knocks!"

"Ah!" The giant was stunned and then slashed on a skeleton. "How is this seat so stupid? It is a wooden fish!"

Lin Fei has been on alert. Once there is a sign of hands-on, then he will fight with all his strength.

"Fortunately, nothing happened!"

Lin Feijue’s own guess is correct. The King Kong’s law-abiding elders must have made any mistakes. They can live in a way to survive under the cover of the Yuan’s power, and don’t pay the price. How can it be!

"This game, this seat lost, what do you want!"

This sentence is spoken from the huge population, no less than the sound of nature.

"The knife in your hand is good!"

"Get it!"

The holy heavenly knife fell in front of Lin Fei, and everything came too fast.

"This will get back one!"

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