Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2452: Great harvest!

Lin Fei can't believe it, and a few flicks really become!

Brain teasers show great power!

The holy heaven knife is easy to get.

"Continue to ask questions, this seat does not believe that the answer can not come up, the fighting and the fighting are really different, this seat likes!" The giant is not angry at all, yelling Lin Fei to continue to ask questions, and there are many ways to continue to try.

Lin Fei did not have time to experience the power of the Holy Heaven knives, quickly received the system space, the bag is safe.

"Listen, there are ten birds on the tree~"

Continue to flick and try.

Lin Fei once again began to flick the **** demon.

"Sorry, you are wrong again!"

"A little bit worse. No, come again!"


Take a brain teaser and take it out.

It is also difficult to live in China in the summer, not to mention the place in the Holy Spirit.

This **** deity is like a demon, once and for all, the answer is lost, and the fighting spirit is always high, and he does not realize that he has entered a trap.

At the beginning, Lin Fei was up and down. If the other party was on fire, then what should I do?

After winning more than a dozen times in a row, Lin Fei really felt relieved that he did not notice any signs of anger.

This has become!

One piece of treasure fell on Lin Fei's hand, and his heart smiled.

The elders of the law of King Kong Gate did have some problems. They should have made mistakes in the cultivation of the secret law, or they would not be cheaper.

"The Holy Day suit has finally arrived, this is the last armor!"

Lin Fei suppressed the excitement in his heart.

The Holy Day suit and the Holy Heavenly knives are on hand.

Although he did not go to refining, Lin Fei knew that his strength could be improved.

God Zun Yuan Devil also played an addiction head. When he lost, he threw out a thing, and no matter how good or bad, he let Lin Fei go out of the question. He thought that he could answer it.

“Incorporating the semi-finished product of the frozen emperor Yuan Li Shen Bing!”

"This is also good, worn on the body, can release the slow field!"

"There is still this, it can absorb the power of the Yuan, and it will break out a big move!"


Everything went to the hand, Lin Fei was excited.

Good things are good things.

The focus can still be used!

Lin Fei understood the gap between treasures and treasures.

It is not unreasonable for the three ancestors of the Holy Body Mountain to attach importance to the Holy Day suit. The auxiliary ability is added to it, and it is no longer an ordinary treasure. It is double-assisted.

"The two emperors are integrated, good craftsmanship!"

Lin Fei is really open-minded.

None of the things that the gods and gods have won are simple, involving a lot of genres.

"this is!"

Another treasure is at hand.

When he was caught in the hand, Lin Fei noticed the familiar atmosphere.

"This is a space atmosphere!"

This is a bracelet-like thing. The whole body is black and shiny, and Lin Fei first notices the extraordinary. He is surprised to find that this is a space treasure.

Lin Fei used to have space treasures, but compared with this bracelet, there is absolutely no comparability.

"Predecessors, can I know what this is?"

The giant glanced at it casually and proudly said, "This is like a guy who will spend time and space. He took advantage of this thing and turned into space. He was hacked to death by his three knives!"

"Incarnation space!"

Lin Fei's eyes wide open, and there is such a role, it sounds like a feeling of tall.

After seeing the power of the big sigh, Lin Fei was very concerned about time and space.

"Hey, when you look at your kid, you don't know what is the avatar space. This is a kind of space control. The rumor, the space system, the cultivation to the limit, can be transformed into a space, really killing, and your hands This treasure can make you a small space in the avatar, but unfortunately only one acre size!"

So cow!

Lin Fei was completely shocked!

Incarnation space, then it is no longer necessary to use the space genre means!

I have become a space, and you can still take me.

This treasure is very useful.


A bracelet makes Lin Fei ecstatic.

This adventure is still very worthwhile.

carry on!

Got it out!

That pile of things, Lin Fei wants it.

If you come back with something that suits you, then you are not rich. If you don't need it, you can use it to kill the squad, add a treasure, and have more power. This is a good deal.

Lin Fei continued to issue questions.


The treasures of the gods and devils fell into the hands of Lin Fei, and there was no pain at all.

"Predecessors, it’s a little bit worse!"

Lost again.

God Zun Yuanmo subconsciously grabs. As a result, he caught an empty space. At this time, he discovered that everything was empty. There was almost nothing but the skeleton.

"Predecessors, nothing, I don't care!"

Lin Fei’s spirit has always been good, and it’s not good to have so many things.

"No, I am gambling, I will give you something, let me think about it!" said the giant.

"This is for you, the guardian of the Golden Gate, you are much more powerful than this!" In the eyes of the giant, a golden light was shot, condensed into a ball and flew to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei is still very confident in his own Aotian body.

"I am better than me?" Lin Fei checked it with the system, and then went to see the information inside Jinguang.

When I first saw it, Lin Fei didn't care.

However, when I look in it, I realize that the defects of Aotian body care are similar to those of others. It is obvious that the other party is more advanced and the defense is more powerful.

Lin Fei admired the five-body cast.

The outer world is actually very bullish.

Lin Fei didn't go to practice the other party's method, but he planned to learn from it and give himself a little time. The Aotian body can be upgraded to a higher level, and the level will be improved. It is also a perfect inheritance.

"Come back!"

The giant did not care about taking out a bodyguard.

Unfortunately, the giant lost again.

"This is the method of consolidating the power of the Yuan, and the power of ten yuan is condensed into one. You are a ghost place, few people can master it, and now it is cheap for you!"

Lin Fei blinks, this seems to be too easy!

The ten-dollar power is condensed into one, which is definitely a high-level method. Lin Fei has not tried it. He has never had a way to go through the door.

If the fifteen-dollar power is destroyed, if it is all concise, it is equivalent to mastering the power of one hundred and fifty yuan, and the moves that are displayed will be even stronger.

Lin Fei thinks excited.

Good things, really good things!

There is a bracelet in front of the avatar space, and there is a method to consolidate the power of the annihilation. It is a good thing of the first class, and it can be a big help to Lin Fei.

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