Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2458: Strength improvement

Lin Fei that is the three attributes of the Holy Day suit is very satisfied.

Absolute gravity!

Absolute defense! !

Five powers broke out! ! !

It is not unreasonable for the three ancestors of the Eucharist to pay attention to it. Any one of them is of great help to the practitioners.

Wear and not wear, the gap is too big!

In the Eucharist Mountains, the power can be used to the extreme.

Once you leave, it will be affected when you get outside. This is a matter of course.

Lin Fei is looking forward to the Holy Heaven.

The dark golden blade, at first glance, makes people love it and completely likes this weapon.


Lin Fei slashed at the void and could not help but make his eyes shine. "Good sharp!"

With a light stroke, the Holy Heavenly Blade cuts the void sharply, until the end of the void, the hard barriers are also broken open, rushing into the power of the Yuan, pulling a long distance.

Lin Fei did not use any strength, a very pure knife, in addition to sharp or sharp.

Gently rubbing on the wind blade, he was shocked to find that his proud celestial body was actually cut a hole, a drop of blood.

"This is broken?"

The gods and soldiers have not seen it. The semi-finished products of the Yuanli Shenbing are all powerful, and the holy heavenly knife has actually done it.

"Wait, it seems to be more than sharp, there are other forces, this should be paralyzed!"

Lin Fei’s thoughts were on the sacred tyrants, and he found that he had overlooked one thing, that is, the place that was cut, there was a phenomenon that could not move.

That moment does not seem to belong to Lin Fei.

"Paralysis, good means, my body can affect this, the Lord's great deity, if you squat, you can't move, it's really a matter of human life!"

Lin Fei tried several times and determined that it had a paralytic effect.

The sharpness of the gods, everything can be broken, it is worthy of fear, and now with a paralyzed attribute, it is really an enemy nightmare.

“The Holy Body Mountain really needs such a set of equipment!”

After the experience, Lin Fei himself liked this set of equipment.

In addition to good, it is still good.

No matter who is the enemy, encountering such an opponent will become a nightmare.

In addition to the sharpness, the Holy Heavenly Knife is also a paralysis. Apart from these two auxiliary functions, there is nothing else, but it seems very good in Lin Fei.

Lin Fei’s own cracking club has no auxiliary attributes. It is completely a whiteboard equipment. There is no doubt that once it encounters the holy sword, it will definitely be hit hard.

To this end, deliberately used a semi-finished product of the Yuan Li Shenbing to test.

A knife, the holy heaven knife cut off the weapon!

There are no obstacles.

This point has finally been recognized by Lin Fei.

The Holy Day suit and the holy Tianba knife Lin Fei are very satisfied, pondering where to get the door, and I have created a powerful suit for myself.

As for this set of holy day suits, Lin Fei does not intend to wear them all the time, and will return them to the three ancestors of the Holy Mountain.

It took 11 days to refine.

Lin Fei was not idle, and continued to refine the remaining treasures, such as the bracelet in his hand, it is a good thing, can be transformed into space, to cope with the time and space temple is best.

It took five days to refine the bracelet.

This treasure is of extraordinary origin.

"From now on, you will be called an air change, an empty bracelet!"

Lin Fei’s mind was moved, the flesh was scattered, and the breath disappeared without a trace. It turned into a space. Wrong, it should have annexed the space on the scene and replaced it.

Now Lin Fei really has no trace.

"Awesome treasures, after the avatar becomes space, any breath disappears, it is completely a space, I don't know if I can move, let me try!"

If you can't move, it's a pity!

Lin Fei tries to move, you really don't want to say, as the thought comes out, this space is like a long hand and foot, moving outside. Came to the outside of the room.

"Really came out!"

Lin Fei continued to move and found three ancestors who were discussing things. I didn't notice the changes around me.

Keep moving!

Under the Eucharist.

Lin Fei traveled all over the entire Eucharist Mountain and finally returned to the Chamber of Secrets. The whole person was ecstatic.

"Good things, really good things!"

No matter who they are, they are not aware of their own traces. Lin Fei is looking forward to seeing what it would be like to see it in the air.

"I don't know what the unlucky one pulled down. It's cheap for me now, hahaha!"

Lin Fei loves the air change bracelet!

With this treasure, Lin Fei went outside and dealt with the enemy. It was really a **** to stop the gods, and the Buddha stopped the Buddha. No one could stop this fatal blow.

After calming down the heart, I calculated the time, and the past ten days passed. The time from the celebration to the ten days of the celebration was just trying to consolidate the power of the Yuan.

Prior to this, there was a slight increase in the defense ability of the Aotian body.

This took three days.

Combining the experience, Lin Fei's Aotian bodyguards' defense ability has been improved a lot. Even if they are empty and respected, they will not be able to break the Aotian body.

In terms of body protection, King Kong Gate did come to its front.

This method of light is of infinite value.

It is not difficult to condense the power of the Yuan. Lin Fei personally came to the end of the barrier, sat down and began to absorb the power of the Yuan, and began to consolidate according to the Famen.

At the beginning, the difficulty was not small, Lin Fei's speed was not very fast, careful.

On the fifth day, I finally condensed the first.

Famen is an introduction to Lin Fei. Understanding and mastering is not a difficult thing.

Looking at the power of the annihilation that is full of destructive power, Lin Fei took a breath, and such a force of extinction broke out directly, even if it was the top lord, it would be killed directly.

This is a force that makes people look at their hearts.

The ten-dollar power is condensed together, and Lin Fei can feel the horror of it. It is not as simple as one plus one. It contains great horror.

"Use this power to display killing tricks, who can stop it, huh, I have another killing trick!"

Although not used in the Eucharist, after the celebration, he believes that more people want to kill him.

Condensed the first road, Lin Fei sinks his heart and continues to concise the second.

Wait until you come out of the secret room.

Lin Fei condensed two elements to destroy the power, more than any power, even if it met God Shenzun shot, a concentrated element of the power can make them can not afford to eat, no longer pick up is also a mess.

"Tomorrow is the day of the celebration, it is really looking forward to it!" Lin Fei blinked. "My life energy, and a lot of it is coming, it is time to add it!"

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