Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2459: Your chance

In Lin Fei, regardless of the refining holy day suit.

Under the Eucharist, another situation is.

The ten elders wanted to see the three ancestors to understand the situation. As a result, they ate a closed door. The three ancestors did not see them. For this reason, they were not willing to go up for three days.

I didn't get the news for three days, and even the three ancestors could not see it.

The silence of the three ancestors is undoubtedly telling them a bad news. The rumored gossip outside should be true, even if they can deceive them now, but once the day of the celebration, they will be exposed, deceived and There is no difference in not cheating.

The ten elders came back down their heads.

Silence is the best answer!

The strongest of the sects of the Eucharist Mountain, one by one, looked uneasy.

The strong people of the literary genre have always been proud of one of them, especially with the Eucharist Mountain. Even if they are mixed outside, it is not good. When they return to the Eucharist Mountain, it is equivalent to returning home. Even if they are offended. People, back to the Mount of the Eucharist, no one dares to make trouble in the Eucharist.

Everyone knows the name of the Holy Mountain!

But now, the most threatening thing in the Eucharist Mountain has disappeared, which is a huge blow to everyone.

From the strength to the present, the Shengti Mountain has the qualifications of the top ten schools. It can be said that it is stepping on everyone. In the hundreds of thousands of years, the practice genre is not as good as one year. At present, many people will not practice. The genre is one thing.

Now that there is no set of Holy Day suits, it is equal to one of the top powerhouses in the Holy Body Mountain. The Holy Body Mountain can't last too long.

Many practitioners are thinking about the next way out!

As long as it is not an idiot, you can imagine the celebrations in the near future. That day may be the end of the Eucharist, killing the gods, and watching the temples of time and space, but everyone knows that it is all false.


Fan family, a big elder.

Since the loss of the qualification of the Lord, the Fan family has been hit hard, and who would have expected to be robbed of the position of the Lord by an outside kid.

Fan Jiada elders have been thinking about what to do next!

Since the last Holy Lord was absent, the power of Fan Jiada’s elders was growing, and Chen Jia and Bai Jia could compete with each other.

Now that I have to hand over the power in my hands, the Fan Jiada elder is very reluctant!

"Fan Jiada elders, still worried about the future!"

In the study.

The elders of Fan Jiada also knew about the loss of the Holy Day suit. He believed that this was true than anyone else. Before a long time ago, as a great elder, I actually saw the problem.

If the Holy Day suit is lost, you can live with an outsider. The elders who are responsible for most of the things in the Eucharist are simply unable to hold back.

I have never believed it.

"Who!" Fan Jiada’s elders were shocked. Someone actually sneaked in and was still near him.

"If I am a great elder, I will not speak out!" A figure emerged. "I introduce myself, I am the empty memory of the Temple of Time and Space. On the first day of arrogance, I am giving you a chance!"

"You are a big sigh!" Fan Jiada elders stood up and stared at them.

"Do you think someone can pretend to be me!" Airbuse laughed and said, "A chance to belong to your Fan family, I don't know if Fan is interested!"

Fan Jiada’s elders sneered, “I’m ignoring the rumors, the rumors outside, do you really think that the old man will believe it? If the Holy Body Mountain is in one day, then no one can break it!”

I heard the big elders, "Da elders, don't pretend, the situation of the Eucharist, others do not know, but you must know, because you are a great elder, by the way, tell you again, the three ancestors of the Eucharist and The Lin Fei Lord, who had recently met in the Chaos Xinghai King Kong, had heard the news, and you still have doubts!"

Fan Jiada’s elders groaned and he kept thinking about why the news would spread and there were so many people who believed it.

"It turned out to be like this!"

At this moment, the elders of Fan Jiada finally believed the words outside.

Everything is true!

"Great elders, you are smart people, are you still willing to finish with the Eucharist Mountain?" Airbuse laughed loudly. "Would you like to follow Lin Fei and finish the egg together?"

Without the Holy Day suit and weapons, the Fan family elders did not expect the Eucharist to block so many people.

Don't look at the Eucharist Mountain, but it's just a fox and a tiger.

"What can you give to the old man!" Fan Jiada's elders have to consider. Since returning, he has been considering the way out. The best option is to rely on one party.

"The Holy Body Mountain, the Holy Lord of the genre of the genre, the heroic leader who saved everyone!" The empty sighs and eyes squinted. "Don't doubt if I have that ability, the temple of time and space, never do anything meaningless!"


Since the silence of the three ancestors.

The Eucharist Hill is a mess.

All the spies have a sacred mountain.

The ten elders also began to find a way.

Almost every day, mysterious forces come to visit, some people are warmly welcoming, others are sneaking, and everything happens.

In the hearts of everyone, we can't see the future of the Eucharist.

On the day of the celebration, it was a bad fight. They had almost no help for the Eucharist Mountain. They talked about confrontation with them. If they really want to shoot, they will be alive.

Everyone knows this.


One day before the celebration!

Under the Eucharist, the forces of the second and third streams have come.

They are purely part-time, and there are some who come to draw people in advance. After all, the genre of practice is the top ten genre, no matter who it is.

If you can pull back one or two and go back to worship, it is also the performance of improving strength.

The seven-step gods of the Eucharist Mountain, the strongest such as the Lord, are the most popular, and the people who visited were in a constant stream. The three ancestors seemed to have accepted their lives and did not stop this behavior.

This is afraid of everyone!

The Eucharist Mountain is over!

The three ancestors did not say anything. The following people who practiced physical strength also confessed their lives. Only some of them left to decide to go forward and retreat with the Holy Body Mountain. They believed that the Holy Body Mountain would not fall.


Another touch of rising sun!

Under the Eucharist Mountain, the colorful flags will be exhibited, and the wind will be displayed!

People who don't know think that there are any good things.

Just today, everyone’s faces are uneasy, while others are gloating, mostly outsiders.

"The Holy One of the Holy Mountain is going to play the empty city plan!"

"Wait for those big forces to come!"

"The bottom of the Eucharist Mountain has been seen through, who can stop them!"

"The Eucharist is to be divided!"


The Eucharist Mountain did not open the array!

A gesture that anyone can enter.

In the eyes of everyone, the Eucharist wants to use this trick to scare people, it is simply impossible.

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