Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2464: How many times can I come?

No one had thought that the three elders had not yet started, and the unrecognized Lin Feisheng had to look at it!

"You have to do it!"

"Lin Fei has a hand, everyone has reason to intervene!"

"I really don't know the support of the three ancestors, why Lin Fei is so crazy!"

"Hey, who made Lin Fei the most powerful in the recent days, carrying heavy treasures, everyone is willing to do a vote!"


When Lin Fei’s words came out, everyone was ready to move.

The three elders were very angry and laughed. Didn’t Lin Fei know what it was facing now? Not their three elders, but the ambitious behind the scenes.

Those who can stand up and oppose at this time, who do not have their own plans.

Lin Fei, this is to have someone contend with people in the place!

Among them are the killing gods, the temple of time and space, the Tianyu, the magical motherland, the illusion of the genre and so on. That one is not good to provoke.

"Now I am canceling the identity of your seven elders in the name of the Lord. From today on, you are not the elder of the Eucharist, but the ordinary part of the Eucharist!"

Lin Fei sighed, and the sound rumbling spread throughout the Eucharist!

During the time, the Eucharist Hill exploded up and down!


The three elders, including Fan Jiada’s elders, saw the great joy in their hearts and dared to make fun of their elders’ status. You are embarking on a road of confrontation with all the schools of practice.

This is really looking for death, no one can save you.

"Our elders are not what you can ban!" Fan Jiada elders said, "You ask who agreed!"

"We don't agree!"

"Lin Fei rolled out of the Eucharist!"

"The Lord is not what you can do, what are you?"

There was an opposition voice outside.

Lin Fei’s eyes suddenly glimpsed. “The position of the Lord, I sat down, no one can let me down, unless it is my own willingness, now I suspect that you collude with outsiders, intending to subvert the Eucharist, give me old Be honest and honest!"

Hey! ! !

Three figures were killed.

It was the killing of the soldiers, and they rushed to the seven elders, including the Fan Jiada elders.

The killing leader first stared at the killing of the soldiers, trying to contact the killing of the soldiers, the result of vomiting blood, his method lost its role.

"Bastard guy, how can he control the killing of the soldiers so quickly, it is totally impossible, the method of killing the gods can not be leaked out!"

The murderer’s gaze became cloudy and unclear. It was suspected that it was out of traitor. As for violent hacking, he did not believe that Lin Fei had the ability to do it.

These three killing sacred soldiers, from their killing of the court, are now a big joke in the Holy Spirit world, and the top forces will be killed and killed, and now they are controlled, don’t mention more people.

The three killing squadrons shot and the people who came to visit the stadium were shocked. This is clearly the thing that kills the gods. Now, the person who is used to deal with the body of the Eucharist is completely one-sided.

More people look at the killing leader, I really want to see how the other side reacts, killing the teacher's face becomes abnormal black. In their eyes, the vast majority are with the expression of gloating.

As long as the killing gods did not get back one day, one day in Lin Fei’s hand, it would always be a joke or a big joke.


"Shameless, this is killing the gods!"

"Hell, there are three full!"

"The rumor is true, how did he master it!"


When the three killing squadrons shot, they pressed seven elders to breathe.

high speed!

Attack overbearing!

All are positive and hard.

Among the seven elders, the Fan Jiada elders, the white parents and the old parents of Chen, barely blocked a part, but it was also very difficult.

In my heart, Lin Fei is shameless.

They used the killing soldiers to deal with them, but they really did not kill the soldiers, and their faces became more and more ugly.

"Be careful!"

One of the elders made a mistake and was vomited by a killing squadron. He suppressed it and took it down. He banned his strength and threw it under Lin Fei’s feet.

With the first one, there is a second one right away.

The three killing soldiers showed the incomparable strength and speed, and the remaining elders had no temper.

Lin Fei stood straight, regardless of the face of the elders under his feet, watching quietly.

Soon, the three elders left, still struggling.

The distance was suppressed, but it was only a moment of time. The three killing soldiers were able to attack the gods and the strong, and the three elders attacked.

"Lin Fei, this is what you forced me to use."

The elders of Fan Jiada still left a trick. They were not used. They would not be lost to Lin Fei because of their strength. It was just that the three people killed the soldiers and they were defeated.

"go with!"

Fan Jiada’s elders had a short bow in their hands, and the whole body was azure. It looked very extraordinary. A unit of force destroyed the power and formed an arrow. It was an arrow shot at Lin Fei.

The white parents always know that they are desperate, take out a reel, tear it, and the boundless white pervades the past. The three killing soldiers are dyed white.

Chen’s parents are also a one-off reel. After tearing open, a huge virtual shadow appears. King Kong is glaring, and raising his hand is a palm shot to Lin Fei.

The three **** soldiers were also dragged.

The overbearing attacks of the three elders came.

This is their biggest killing, these are specially arranged for Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was petrified in an instant. The whole person was like a stone, full of traces of lines. An arrow of the Fan’s elders also shot on Lin Fei, a petrochemical state.

The overbearing palm of the sky was also photographed and made a loud voice.

Three kinds of attacks, perfect match!

This was a short-lived cooperation when the three elders were suppressed. They did not defeat Lin Fei and they did not have the opportunity to proceed to the next plan.

"The empty brother, I can't think of you lending this treasure to the Fan Jiada elders, I am really willing!" Tian Cangda smiled at a scene not far away.

"The guy is physically strong and not easy to deal with. However, with the help of my treasure, his physical defense will be infinitely weakened. I want to kneel down, it is difficult!"

That treasure is called a slow bow.

Use the power of condensing as an arrow, which contains the special properties of the slow bow. It can be used to deal with any physical power.

In order to deal with Lin Fei, the empty master is also the cost.

"Pseudo-God respects the petrochemical, the time is slow, the golden palm of the false **** respect, can really let Lin Fei plant a big heel!" Tian Cangda smiled.


In order to reinvent Lin Fei, Fan Jiada elders condensed the second arrow, the third arrow, is to rest assured.

Without Lin Fei, they can't do anything!

The phantom of King Kong, also shot three palms, the surrounding voids were blown up, showing the devastating power of this violence.

"Definitely seriously injured!"

"There are all attacks of false gods!"

"The elders are really horrible!"

"The killing of the soldiers is too late to support!"


Everyone doesn't think Lin Fei can win!

Kakakar! !

The petrochemical sound came.

"The three elders are really a good means. I don't know how many nets you have spent, how many times you can come!"

In the broken void, Lin Fei stepped out step by step, with a smile on his face.

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