Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2465: Stand out!

Lin Fei’s words fell in the ears of the three elders and looked very harsh!

"He is all right, this is a pseudo-god attack!"

The three elders sank.

This is not the result they want, it is completely different from the situation in mind, and it is completely developed in two directions.

That sentence is clearly mocking them!

"The time and space temple has really intervened, and the treasures containing time have been used. Xin Ai’s Aotian body has been upgraded and has a strong ability to avoid injury!"

From the mouth of the King Kong Gate, Lin Fei got the method of improving the body. Now the Aotian body protection ability is even higher. In the face of the attack of the three elders, the Aotian body is not broken, strong. Unbelievable.

If you didn't experience it with your own eyes, Lin Fei couldn't believe the method of King Kong's door. It was so strong that it was no wonder that the Holy Lord had to go regardless of the danger.

When the three elders were shocked, the killing squadron broke away and crushed the three elders.

Perhaps it was the strong strength that shocked Lin Fei. The white parents and Chen’s parents were uncertain. They were first killed by the killing soldiers and thrown to Lin Fei’s sole.

No one is the opponent of three killing soldiers without relying on treasures.

This is not blowing!

The three killings of the gods and the siege of the Fan family elders, that is, one-sided situation, during several times to pull the short bow, can not defeat the killing soldiers.

Fan Jiada’s elders were completely panicked. He didn’t want to be thrown at Lin Fei’s feet. He subconsciously looked at the big sigh, and hoped he could help himself.

Lin Fei was not in a hurry. Fans and grandfathers sometimes supported the people in the empty temple. He wanted to force them out a little.

Hey! !

Seeing that the Fan Elders are going to lose.

A transparent shield appeared in front of the Fan family elders, blocking the attack of killing the soldiers in all directions.

It’s the emptiness of the time and space temple!

Space shield!

It is also a defense that is no less than the body of the body.

"Thank you for saying that I have blocked Lin Fei's shot for me!" Fan Jiada's elders were grateful. "Please also see that everyone is a top ten genre, helping Lin Fei to win this shameless person!" ”

This is the contact between the Fan Elders and the Air Master.

Just hit it, let the time and space temple intervene!

The empty singer praised the Fan Jiada elders and loaned the other party's treasures. I don't believe that these people can take Xia Linfei, but he is clear about Lin Fei's power.

Lin Fei is a shameless person.

This kind of dog blood reason can be obtained.

I’m a big face, calm, “big elder, this is not very good!”

Install, continue to install!

The elders of Fan Jiada continued to say, "You can see the friends, you see, Lin Fei, this person must occupy the position of the Holy Land of the Eucharist Mountain. The Holy Body Mountain is not easy to have the present achievements, can not be bad in his Hands!"

The killing leader has long wanted to shoot.

"Fan Da, Lao Fei, this person is indeed shameless, but also a **** and violent person, saying that the butcher is not an excuse!" The killing teacher stood up and said coldly, "We are willing to help you, but in addition, We will also kill a fair in Lin Fei!"

The empty sighs are also ready to be loaded. As a result, the slain masters are preemptive, and the other party is shameless, and they are eager to get ahead. They also intend to blame Lin Fei for their righteous words, and take a good breath.

The killing leader is coming out of this station. Everyone realizes that the good drama will be staged immediately. The previous one can only be said to be a warm-up exercise.

"I don't think that the holy position of the Eucharist Mountain is where Lin Fei can sit!" said the empty singer and said with great dissatisfaction, "especially for a person who has an enemy in the world, and this person's origin is unknown!"

Lin Fei listened to the two men talking.

"Do you know, I will prepare you to jump out together!" Lin Fei laughed. "Today's Lord's celebration, I know that many people are coming to find me trouble, the temple of time and space is one, killing the gods counts one, and there is it!" ”

Lin Fei’s door is bright and bright, and it’s beyond everyone’s imagination!

"What does Lin Fei want to do? I won’t be alone in the workplace. It’s crazy!”

Someone exclaimed!

Everyone has heard that Lin Fei is a person who resists a force. Many of them have heard of it and have never seen it. Now it seems that it will happen in front of us and how not to be excited.

A lot of people who practice strong body flow are all stunned and lost in meditation!

How long has this kind of thing not happened!

It seems that a long time ago, the Holy Lord of the Eucharist Mountain, the generation was overbearing than the one generation, but later, the Holy Lord of the Eucharist Mountain seemed to become taboo, and no longer could not see the hegemonic side.

"This scene and the Lord of the Year really look like it!"

"I haven't seen it for a long time!"


"Lin Fei, you butcher, the treasure of our illusion genre has been taken away by you, and now it should be handed over!" The illusion of the illusion of the genre of the genre.

The magical world scepter on the other side has been remembered for a long time.

I am afraid that this reason is a bit ridiculous, but everyone who believes in Lin Fei’s words, what is his qualification to own the scepter treasure of the fantasy world.

The illusion cloud is justified.

The illusion world scepter must get it!

Three forces stood up!

"Lin Fei, it seems that you can't sit still in this holy position!" Tian Cang Da Zun also stood up. "The last time you played the means, I don't know what else you can do this time!"

Tian Cang’s Tian Cang Da Zun stood up and everyone was secretly inhaling.

This Lin Fei really can offend people, Tianyu people have offended, it is really a big thing.

"Is there still, I want to deal with Lin Fei's, and all come out!" Lin Fei glanced at it, and another voice spread. "It's not enough for you guys!"

Crazy, crazy!

"So interesting things, how can we reduce our motherland!" The Lord of the Three Kingdoms also stood up.

The magical motherland is also going to work!

The Lord of the Thirty-Three Kingdoms waved a hand, and a space door appeared. The black-pressed figure constantly came out of the space door and stood behind the head of the country. There were hundreds of people, all of them were elite forces, and everyone was stunned.

"The enemy of the country today is the same as you all, all of them are Lin Fei!" said the Lord of the Thirty-Three Kingdoms. "The three ancestors of the Holy Body Mountain, today, you better stand by, avoiding accidentally hurting you." !"

This hand also allowed the time and space temple and the killing gods to take a breath of cold air.

This is also a heavy treasure. It’s no wonder that the Lord of the Thirty-Three Kingdoms dares to come alone, and they have the power to support them.

Who can guarantee that the other party's elite is just that!

The words of the Lord of the Thirty-Three Kingdoms are not easy for everyone to say, because everyone is just to deal with Lin Fei, and the subconscious believes that more than one person is more than one force.

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