Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2495: White tiger alien

Since the day of the fight.

Lin Fei went to the bucket from time to time. Whenever the disciples of the empty temple went up, he would go up and fight. No one dared to go to the fighting platform after every day.

No one went to the fighting platform, and Lin Fei changed places. After all, there are quite a lot of interesting places in the time and space temple.

For example, study the place where the array is combined.

For example, where the weapons are refining.

For example~

Lin Fei’s figure was left in every place.

At first, those people didn't care much about Lin Fei. But when Lin Fei showed terrible ability, he couldn't speak one by one, and his left face was beaten and face.

"on purpose!"

"Absolutely deliberate!"

"He just wants us to do it, it's shameless!"


Lin Fei almost became the presence of shouting and killing.

In view of the terrible strength of Lin Fei, everyone is glaring and there is no one to dare to do it.

The high-level deity of the Temple of Time and Space kept silent for this situation, but only ordered an order, and must not take the initiative to find Lin Fei’s trouble, otherwise it would be a white death.

As a result, the disciples of the Temple of Time and Space are more wronged.

"No, it's really boring!"

Lin Fei also intends to find troubles in the time and space temple disciples. As a result, the disciples of the time and space temples have all avoided one by one, and he has no fun at all.

"It is estimated that the top executives now want to break their heads to crack my plundering method!"

Lin Fei’s heart smiled.

On the counter, the ‘empty change’ bracelet was used, and Lin Fei showed them, so that they could know one thing, within a few feet, killing innocent people.

Lin Fei can't believe that they can make treasures against looting.


A month's time passed by.

Lin Fei spent a month in the Temple of Time and Space.

"In another three days, the league meeting is about to begin, and I really have some expectations!"

Lin Fei wants to see what they are going to play.

"Lin Shengzhu, your trouble is coming!"

During this month's time, when Lin Fei was idle, he was drinking with Kim. The relationship was very fast. Everyone was refreshing and very good.

"Trouble?" Lin Fei was quite surprised. "Is it a time and space temple?"

"You will know when you come out!" Kim said not bad.

Outside the time and space tower, Lin Fei saw a golden ship in the distance slowly coming.

From a distance, this golden ship is domineering.

"The people of the Temple of Time and Space went to meet, it seems to be the empty nine elders!" Lin Fei eyes a sigh, "Which golden warship is coming, it seems very simple!"

"Of course it is not simple. They are a force under the Black Mountain Mountain. Forgot to say that among the subordinate forces that the Black Mountain Mountain is gathering, there are five forces that are the right arm of the Black Mountain Mountain. The golden warship we see now is one. , Black Mountain Mountain White Tiger Hall!" Gold is not bad.

Lin Fei blinked. "It doesn't seem to matter to me!"

Kim didn't shake his head. "I have inquired. The space-time tower you lived in has always been empty, but in fact, the temple of time and space is empty. The empty nine elders counted you, and the black-field mountain Baihutang People, very overbearing, you know nothing!"


Kim is not bad. "You don't want to wrestle with the black-white mountain white tiger hall!"

"Why not?"


"Empty nine elders, long time no see!"

The golden warship is golden yellow with a golden glow.

On the deck of the battleship, standing tall and burly figure, the most surprising thing is that this burly man has a tiger head.

Everyone in Baihutang is an alien white tiger.

White tiger aliens, murderous and violent.

On the golden warship, the white tigers of different colors, the fierce breath rushed to the surface, even if it was empty, and could not help but take a breath.

"Bai Daren, you are becoming more and more domineering!" The empty nine great respect complimented the time, the temple of time and space is very powerful, but compared with the black mountain, it is worse.

"This is the love of this seat, we are not domineering, but when is the domineering, hahaha!" Baihu Zhuanghan laughed, "So, this time the master with the white tiger hall came!"

As one of the five churches under the black field, Baihutang has a strong fighting power and is famous in the black domain.

The empty nine-year-old statue does not know that the black-field mountain is the powerful battle hall of Baihutang.

"Lin Fei, you have a big trouble this time!"


"The Lord, we have explored it. It is the Baihutang mouth of the Black Mountain Mountain. The combat power is very strong~" The three old ancestors reported to Lin Fei.

White tiger alien!

Lin Fei is really interested to see you.

"The temple of time and space has also begun to collude with the forces in the black domain. It is really interesting again!"

Lin Fei really admire the means of the Temple of Time and Space.

Black Mountain, that is one of the top five forces, and the influence in the black domain is still above the temple of time and space.

"The Lord, we have also heard that the people of the Baihu inhabitants are good to kill, and the Temple of Time and Space invites them to come, in fact, it is aimed at everyone!" said the three ancestors.

Lin Fei said faintly, "If we want to rise in the Eucharist, then we can't open these forces!"


"White man, this is really sorry!"

The empty nine great respect said apologetically.

"Hey, when did the Holy Spirit world come out with such a cow, and dare to occupy our Baihutang place!" The white-and-white tiger said, "Reassure, we will not blame you for this!"

Baihutang’s white tiger aliens have become famous in the black domain since they became a part of the Black Mountain Mountain.

"Take us in the past, this seat has to see, who is so courageous!"

Outside the black field, the white tiger is not afraid of the outside forces, at most, the temple of time and space. After all, space and time are not so good to deal with. As for others, it is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

"Actually, it is not a big force. It was the people of the Shengti Mountain in the past!"

"What is the madman of the Eucharist!" The white tiger and the brawny face became even more awkward. "Well, this seat did not go to them, but they started it first!"

The empty nine great respects can be known that Bai Hutang had friction with the Shengti Mountain in the past, and the contradiction was extremely deep.

"Who is coming from the Holy Body Mountain!"

Baihu Zhuanghan asked.

"This new generation of the Lord, a young man Lin Fei!"

"Ha ha ha, well, the Lord, this place likes it. When they killed our Baihu alien high-ranking people, today, this seat also kills them a saint, hahaha!"

The white tiger brawny went out with his men.

The empty nine great respects personally lead the way, "Is still the master of the temple, Lin Fei courage is big, afraid not to be enemies with the black mountain, even if it is a white tiger hall, it is enough for Lin Fei to drink a pot, the most It’s good to be seriously injured, that’s great!”

The white tiger is a stranger, he has seen it, the master, the real master. 8)

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