Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2496: Lin Fei was eaten

"They are coming!"

On a time and space tower.

The killing teacher smiled, and his face was gloating, and as long as Lin Fei was unlucky, he was happy.

"Black Field Mountain Baihutang, the white tiger aliens who are crazy, did not expect it to be them, Lin Fei has an opponent, I do not know who is more powerful!"


The strong people on the nearby towers of the time and space have noticed these people. When they know that they are the white tigers of the Black Mountain, their faces have become different.

"The Temple of Time and Space is so good, everyone in Baihutang in the Black Mountain Mountain can come!"

"This is indirectly shown to us, the alliance will not be that simple!"

"The Lin Feisheng is mainly in trouble!"

"Black Mountain Mountain White Tiger Hall, that is a very powerful church!"


Many strong people have recognized it and have changed color.

Don't look at the news that the Holy Spirit has not spread the black field. In the upper circles, everyone is very concerned.

This kind of power can't afford to offend.

It has been said that the forces outside the Holy Spirit are actually in the same family, and there is nothing to look at.

Until now, the forces in the black domain still look down on the three top forces in the Holy Spirit.

"I'm coming!"

The white tiger is coming with a group of white tigers and aliens.

The smell of the killing, wherever they passed, everyone felt the feeling of oppression and suffocation.


"Old ancestors, they are coming!"

The three ancestors' faces were dignified.

The unruly breath came face to face, as rumored, the white tiger aliens can give people a sense of oppression.

"The thing that is not to be killed, dare to occupy the space-time tower of this seat, and immediately roll it out!"

The sound of the rumble formed a huge shock wave, and a wave followed the wave of time and space towers, the array method was activated, and the road was awkward.

The strong men around were vomited by this sound, and their bodies were crumbling. Many people sat on the ground and their faces became pale.

"A terrible white tiger alien!"

"The fighting power is bursting!"

"The sound of light can't be eaten!"

"The array of time and space towers has been activated!"

"It is really terrible. The name of the Baihu alien is not lost!"


The three ancestors, through the array of time and space towers, also felt the sorrowful breath in the voice.

"A terrible voice, like a white tiger!"

"The name of the Holy Beast is really worthy of the name!"

"very powerful!"

Lin Fei blinked and felt the power of the Baihu interracial, and then took a deep breath. "The good energy of life is not the level of God, and the level of life energy of God's honor!"

Seeing the white tiger interracial, Lin Fei’s eyes also lit up.

The extent of the life energy of the god-level powerhouse is clear to his heart, but these white tigers are aliens. At this time, in Lin Fei’s eyes, that is equivalent to a big tonic.

"No hands can't do it!"


"get out!"

The sound of rumble is endless.

A huge white tiger with a head is formed in midair, and the impact of the roaring again and again is on the time and space tower.

Those gods with low strength ran away one by one.

No one can afford this kind of attack.

The empty nine great respects are also coming. "People are coming, see what you do!"

The hegemony of the white tiger aliens is notorious in the black domain, and almost no one dares to offend the white tiger interracial of Baihutang.

"The coward, the Holy Lord who is practicing the body of the Eucharist is such a virtue!"

The white tiger is laughing and full of laughter.

"A big tiger head, interesting, really interesting, are you really a descendant of the cross of the holy beast?"

The space-time tower array was suddenly removed.

Lin Fei, who is in black, appears in front of everyone.

The white tiger is angry and angry, "You are looking for death!"

Binocular cold shot.

A head screaming white tiger roared.

"Jin Ge kills the gas!"

In front of Lin Fei, there are dozens of golden streamers. Every golden stream is not raining, and God’s deity is shot. See who is swearing, all of them fall on the body, and Aotian protector blocks it.

"I'm angry, it seems that you are really a descendant of the hybrid of the Holy Beast, hahaha!" Lin Fei laughed.

The tiger head and the strong man picked up.


Hey! !

The white tiger is a white light, like a knife light, it is a dozen or so arrogant attacks, a knife is more powerful than a knife.

Lin Fei was unmoved, and the Aotian bodyguard opened, blocking the attack of a knife.

"The speed is very fast, but your power is too small, not enough, it is not enough!"

The tiger head is not a god, and the strength is no less than a god.


Boom! ! !

In the white light, a terrible sound broke out, and a huge white tiger was looming.

The void is crashing!

"Tiger shocked!"

A white tiger flashed past.


A huge white tiger phantom, appearing in the sky, huge body, mouth open. Everything was sucked in instantly.


"Three kills of white tiger aliens!"

The ancestors next to the killing lord faintly said, "Sure enough, it is a well-deserved reputation. Three consecutive recruits, the first-class gods suddenly have to suffer big losses, especially the last kill, is the most terrible, can refine everything! ”

The killing of the lord is also a shock, the three kills of the Baihu aliens are indeed different, one move followed by a move, not giving you the opportunity to gasp.

"The **** Lin Fei is going to be refining!"

"The possibility is great!" The ancestors said, "The tigers swallowed by the white tigers are very overbearing. They are no worse than Lin Fei's plundering method. The temple of time and space is a good means. Abolishing Lin Fei's avatar can make Lin Fei vomit blood three liters. !"

"Ha ha ha!"


"White tiger three consecutive kills, it turned out to be like this!"

"Great, really amazing!"

"Lin Fei is going to die!"

“It’s swallowed directly, and it’s going to be refining soon!”


The gods and gods on the tower of time and space are gloating.

Finally, there is a strong person who can suppress Lin Fei.

When the white tiger smashed out, Lin Fei couldn't help himself, and was directly swallowed down. It was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

In the time and space tower, the faces of the three ancestors changed.

The white tigers are killed by three, and if they are in the turbulent waves, the breath of light can drown them at any time.


Lin Feisheng was swallowed up, and the three ancestors were shocked. The strongest of Baihutang should be so fierce.

The white tiger was restored to the original, and he patted his stomach proudly.

"Oh, I don't know what to do with life, I dare to be enemies with this seat. The saints of the Eucharist did not dare, let alone your Lord!" White Tiger Zhuanghan proudly smiled. "You guys went up and gone." The three old things, the Eucharist, oh, go to hell!"

In the same year, the body of the body of the body of the body is very cattle.

Nowadays, no one will go to jealousy, no one will go to fear.

The Eucharist lost its deterrent power.

White tiger strong man does not care.

With one order, behind a dozen fierce white tiger gods, the tiger eyes glimpse, Jin Ge's turmoil, cutting the void around.

"Adults, three old things in the district, I can solve them by myself!"

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