Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2497: Elder, you are tired

"What are you doing, kill them!" Bai Hu Zhuanghan blinked. "All the people of the Holy Body Mountain, all killed, one does not stay, dare to be an enemy of this seat, kill innocent!"

In the place of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the White Tiger is not too concerned about the Eucharist.

What about the Lord?

It is not being killed by myself.

The three tigers of Baihu are killed, and your Lord or the Lord is the result. The result is the same.

The three ancestors constantly told themselves to be calm.

"Lin Sheng will never have an accident!"

In their eyes, Lin Fei Shengzhu is the most enchanting existence, and the light of an invincible devouring, makes the entire Eucharist Mountain a new look, and everyone who is physically strong is struggling to learn the first layer of 'invincible engulfing' .

Even if the Baihu is a strong alien, I can't think of Lin Fei's loss, but that is the great leader of the future Eucharist.

Lin Shengzhu will definitely come out.


When the White Tiger God is ready to shoot.

The white tiger and the brawny face changed. "This seat can't refine this guy, it's not good, the life energy of this seat!"

Hey! ! !

The white tiger is roaring, but still can't stop the loss of life energy.

The huge loss of life energy, the white tiger and the strong man from the middle of the gas, instantly become dying, kneeling on one knee, very painful.

"Silly is not good!"

Lin Fei’s voice came from the body of the white tiger.

Everyone who hears the sound is audible.

"You ~ how can you be okay!" Baihu Zhuanghan can't figure out, Baihu three consecutive kills, no matter who is seriously injured, can be refining easily.

But the current situation is totally different.

The rich life energy is thus robbed by the other party.

"Because this Lord is stronger than you, I will ask you if you are not good at it. If you don't say it, this seat will absorb all the last life energy!"

Lin Fei's faint voice falls in the white tiger's strong man's ears, like a life-stricken voice.

"you dare!"

White tiger strong man angered.

"Nothing dare not!" Lin Fei controlled, the life energy of the white tiger and the strong man began to drain again, bit by bit, "unless you are willing to give up this body!"

The white tiger is a strong man.

"Wait a minute, everything is good to discuss!" Baihu Zhuanghan waved his hand and arranged a soundproof array.

It is difficult for Baihu’s aliens to practice abnormalities. Every white tiger is indispensable.

"There is nothing to discuss!" Lin Fei smiled. "Just ask you to be cool!"


The white tiger strong man has no ability to refine the other side, this body of life and death is in the hands of the other party, grievances.

"Is it very wrong?"

"No, really not!" Baihu Zhuanghan had it in his heart, and he could not say it on his mouth.

"This person is actually very good to discuss. Seeing that you have contributed so much energy to life, death sin is exempt, but you have to do something for this seat, how do you feel!"

Baihu Zhuanghan wants to say, "Hope, dream!"

"What do you want to do in this seat, if you do too much, you can't be big, don't want this body, but you will also become the enemy of our White Tiger Hall, and Black Mountain will not let you go!"

Bai Hu Zhuanghan said hard.

"The seat is still sucking you!"

The energy of life began to drain again.

"What's the matter, this seat promised!" The white tiger brawny once again succumbed, even though he lost 90% of his life energy, as long as he replenished his life energy in time, everything is not a problem.

"The obedient child, this Lord likes it most!" Lin Fei smiled. "This Lord does not like the empty nine great deities. You go to the empty nine!"

Bai Hu Zhuang Han smiled bitterly, "No!"

"Do not worry, you will be!"


Life energy comes back.

The white tiger brave man immediately recovered and his face was no longer pale.

"White man, you are fine!"

After seeing Lin Fei being swallowed, the empty nine statues exalted.

For Bai Daren to eat Lin Fei, he is actually not surprised, because the white tiger is interracial, born with this magical power, few enemies are willing to offend them.

Eat, live and refine, and fierce.

The empty nine big buddies did not happy for a while, Bai Daren's face became pale, and he could not help but worry, Lin Fei counterattacked.

"No problem, this seat is too full!"

Baihu Zhuanghan smiled. "This is a very normal thing for us to be a white tiger!"

Eat too much?

The empty nine great respects carry a trace of suspicion. Is this related to eating? It is obviously like what happened.

"Empty elders, you are so bold!"

The white tiger is suddenly roaring.


The empty nine great statues were directly shocked by vomiting blood, and their minds were blank. At the same time, an illusory white tiger kept roaring in his mind.

This is the essence of the ‘Tiger’s move.

The empty nine respects are really dumbfounded.

"White adults, is it wrong!"

There was a burst of tiger whistling in the head.

Baihu Zhuanghan does not give any chance to the Nine Grand Respect, but also a trick ‘Tiger’s,’ the third move ‘虎吞’ as a patch, Zhangkou is swallowing the other side.

Everything happened too fast!

The disciples of the Temple of Time and Space are also dumbfounded.

"Bai Daren, what do you mean!" The empty smug stood up and tried to press the anger. "Our time and space temple does not seem to offend the white man!"

The white tiger brawny sneered, "eat too much, grind your teeth, rest assured that you can't die!"

The white tiger gods behind him are also collectively speechless.

When do they need to eat people to grind their teeth?

This is from the white man, what will they say?


I vomited blood and vomited blood.

"Why, are you suspicious of this seat?" The white tiger is a strong man, "So I don't mind if I swallow one, I use it to grind my teeth!"

The air scent is very strong, but there is still a certain gap compared with the other party.

"Back to you!"

The white tiger was suddenly wrinkled, and Zhang mouth spit out the dying empty nine statues. "It's too soft, it's not good to grind teeth, it's better than you!"

I heard a chill in the air.

"Empty elders, you are okay!" The empty singer went up to help the nine lords.

"Lin ~ Lin Fei!"

The white tiger brawny body trembled, his face followed by pale, compared with before, not so weak.

"Empty elders, are you calling this Lord!"

In the time and space tower, Lin Fei smiled.

"You are swindling!" The empty nine deities are staring at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei looked blank. "Empty elders, have you misunderstood, this Lord has just been in the time and space tower, who can tell the Lord, what happened, right, you are not good, time and space The elders of the temple are really hardworking!"

The empty nine majors took a deep breath and he knew that the loss was fixed.

The person who has just absorbed the energy of his own life is definitely Lin Fei. Apart from him, no second person can do it.

"Thank you for your care of Lin Shengzhu. It is really overworked!"

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