Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2579: Who dares to fight me?

A Luofu City, the auction site has become a ruin.

The dust of the sky tells everyone that this is not a joke, but something that really happened in front of us.

"Who knows what happened!"

"How the auction venue became a ruin, who did it!"

"It’s terrible. Is that a strong man coming to Luofucheng?"

"Look, Luo Li will come out, it seems that his face is very bad!"


With such a big movement, the entire city of Luofu is boiling.

This has not happened for a long time.

This is the rhythm of some people making trouble. The most terrible thing is to demolish the auction venue and turn the surrounding area into a ruin.

Whether it is from outside or from the Louvre city, the gods are all shocked.

Hey! ! !

When the auction venue became ruined.

More than a dozen figures came out of the void.

"Three sons, what happened!"

"Who did it!"

"Three sons, is it another person to make trouble!"

These people are all masters of Luofu City. Any one of them is very powerful. On one side of the Megatron, under normal circumstances, it is rarely seen.

"Good guy, come out a dozen gods!"

"Isn't that the **** of the gods!"

"There is also a giant god, the demon god!"

"This is a big deal!"

One by one is not shocking.

Any of these gods can easily kill the ordinary gods, according to the strength of the division, all the color is the middle-level gods.

Luo Li took a deep breath. "Everyone noticed that there is a powerful **** in the ruins. When he appears, he immediately besieged, no matter what life is!"

More than a dozen goddess faces are tight, this is the first time I heard the three sons speak so dignifiedly.


"Someone is out!"

"No way!"

"It’s all right under this kind of attack!"

The dust dissipated and a figure came out.

"How is the power of my foot!" Lin Fei showed his figure.


More than a dozen gods, including Luo Li, shot together.

More than a dozen powerful attacks were exerted, and the sun and the moon were dull, covering the sky and covering the ruins.

This is a terrible attack.

The high-end enchanting equipment of one piece has also appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Oh my God, that is the paralyzed scepter!"

"There is also the Soul Storm Scepter!"

"Gravity Scepter!"

"Sacred strike scepter!"


Many powerful people who are knowledgeable are exclaimed.

Any of these treasures are worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, and the power cannot be ignored.

"So many high-end enchanting treasures, what the man is coming!"

"I can't stop it!"

Many people think.

Such an attack is even a high-level god, if it is not a thick family, treasures like clouds, I can easily resist.

"I don't believe that he can withstand the attack of high-end enchanted treasures!"

Luo Lie also played a temper, and he must suppress this guy anyway.

Lin Fei used the power of perfect body and stepped on the auction venue. In fact, he was very surprised. This power seems to be outrageous.

"I said, you can't!"

Lin Fei shook his head, facing the power of the sun and the moon, and reached out in front of him, as if he was fiddling with something.

The terrible attack of the sky suddenly dissipated.

Everything is back to normal!

Their joint attack is even stronger, and it is still very weak in front of Lin Fei.


The scene is silent!

The attack was not close, and everyone waved their hands and easily removed all the attacks.

This is definitely the top powerhouse!

"I didn't see flowers!"

"He waved his hand and blocked the attack of more than a dozen gods!"

"It seems like there is an attack of high-end enchanted treasures!"

"This ~ this is too strong ~"

"It’s terrible, this is where it came out!"

The onlookers were scared by their hands and feet, and one person blocked more than a dozen gods in Luofu City. Even if they were a high-ranking god, they could easily do it.

Luo Lie stepped back three steps.

"The high-end enchantment is useless to him, he~" Luo Li is very bitter and helpless, and the fear is rising in the bottom of his heart. How did he encounter such a strong person?

The dozens of gods are even whiter!

No need to say anything, they understand the gap with this person, it is easy for people to kill them, even if the high-level gods come, they may not be able to hold each other.

"Do you still have to do it?" Lin Fei smiled.

Luo Li did not know what to say.

"Let's go, here is Louvre!"

A group of thunder whistling, accompanied by the wrath of the Thunder, the sky flashed in the sky, turned into a thunder of the domain.

The thick thunder fell.

"It’s the elders who are dying, he is one of the three masters of Louvre!"

"High-level gods and strength!"


Many people cheered.

Lin Fei saw that there was a middle-aged **** in Lei Guang, and there was no majesty. The whole body was like a dragon. He continued to hover and snorted. "I don't like anyone to force me in front of me!"

a punch!

Ordinary punch.

The middle-aged **** in Lei Guang’s thunder and death, was originally in retreat, aware of the changes in the big city, and the customs came out to see a big man glory on the Luofu city site, which is still available, and now he will shoot.

When Lin Fei’s fist passed, the thunder collapsed, and the thunder that could easily destroy the flesh fell on Lin Fei’s arm and was all shot.

A bang!

The thunder and lightning in the thunder and light screamed and was directly shot and flew out.

That side of the minefield disappeared.

"Who else wants to come out and teach me the fist!" Lin Fei shook his fist back. "Reassured, I will be merciful!"


The three masters of the thunder and destroy God, a punch was hit?

Seeing it with my own eyes, it is a great visual shock.

What is the strong, this is the strong.

The three masters are not able to beat each other, and who can still hold a punch in Louvre.

"Lofoss City Lord, I have to go, do you want to come out for a fight?" Lin Fei smiled. "If you dare not come out, I will leave!"

The sound echoed in Louvre!

be quiet.

Quiet again!

"It seems that we are going to be next time!" Lin Fei shook his head, regretted his face, reached out and tore the void, and walked in, leaving a figure of a stalwart for everyone.

Teared the space of Louvre.

Everyone was shocked again.

Luo Lie said nothing, this person is so tyrannical, the elders can't stop the other side's punch, is this shot for them? He can't imagine going on.


Luofu City, in the secret room.

A middle-aged goddess in Tsing Yi stood, and the deep gaze passed through the space and landed in the boundless world of extinction. There was a man flying in the air.

"who are you!"

The thick voice echoed.

"Are you arranged to test my strength?"

The Lord of the Louvre muttered to himself.

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