Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2580: Arranging passive skills

One Lin Fei left Luofu City.

Once again in the boundless world of extinction, the mighty forces of the Yuan dynasty rushed in, one after another.

Only the threat to Lin Fei is not very big now.

"Ma Dan, I didn't even shoot, it was a surprise!"

In the whole city of Luofu, only the main city of Luofu can make Lin Fei interested. As for the others, they are vulnerable. As a result, they have robbed a lot of things. The Luofu city owner did not even take the shot.

This makes Lin Fei very speechless!

Is Luofu City the main ninja turtle?

"Little devil, how much prestige I just gained!"

"The temporary statistics are 100 million prestige!" The little devil had the result.

100 million?

Lin Fei shook his head. "Too little!"

"The owner is not in a hurry. I believe that as long as the news spreads, the prestige will be promoted. After all, the master is stepping into this top circle!" said the little devil.

Lin Fei thinks about it too. This is really an urgent matter.


As the little devil said.

Luofu City has a master, a boxing flying Luo Fucheng three masters of the thunder and destroy the gods, stealing the treasures of the auction venue, vigorously spread in the circle of friends.

"You said that there is another top powerhouse?"

"What a joke!"

"The top strong will go to grab treasures? You wake up, if you don't get it, the high-end gods will pretend to be impersonating!"

"In any case, he defeated the **** of thunder and slammed, and it was said that it was a sigh of relief!"


The news spread in a big city.

Luofu City did not shoot, but also let many people shake their heads, seems to have missed a good show.

This mysterious master has also attracted a lot of people to guess.

Time did not last too long.

After all, high-level gods are not the top of the top, not worthy of everyone's attention.

At the same time, another news spread.

A seal continent in the Holy Spirit world will be opened soon.


"Father, are we issuing a wanted order!"

Luofu City.

Luo Li did not understand why his father did not shoot.

Even if the other party is a high-ranking god, in the city of Luofu, in the hands of the father, there is no resistance.

"Stupid, who said that he is a high-level god!"

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi is faint.

Today, apart from Luo Lie, the other two brothers and big brother are here.

"Father, you said that the person is the top god?" Big brother Luo Wen sucked in air.

"How is this possible, any top gods appear, everyone will know, there can be no sneak peek out of the top gods!" Second brother Luo Yao looked incredible.

Their top-level forces in Luofu City can be compared.

No one knows the secrets of this circle better than them.

The top gods, in this circle, there are only a handful, but all the top gods, there will be news.

The birth of any top gods will make a big noise.

It is because of this that the top gods will appear and all parties will know. In this circle, the top gods have a terrifying influence.

This is why everyone dares to say that the other party is a high-ranking god!

The top gods are too rare!

Whenever one appears, it is a self-contained force, and it also affects the inherent pattern change.

Therefore, the top gods are difficult to achieve.

Even if there is that potential, it may not be able to really take that step. This is a recognized secret in the circle.

Although the Lord of Luofu is not a top god, but also a member of the high-level gods, he also has a top **** standing behind him, knowing more than others.

"It's not the top gods, not far away!" The Lord of the Louvre will not hide anything in front of his son. "For the father, you can open up to five or five!"

Five five open!

This statement is personally spoken from the father's mouth, and it feels completely different.

"There is no shot for the father. It is for this reason that you must know that a seal continent of the Holy Spirit world is about to open. For the next period of time, the Holy Spirit will become the center of the storm, and the four continents will unblock the seal~"

"Father, will the Holy Spirit really reorganize?" Luo Li asked. "Isn't that~"

"So, your mission is to enter the Holy Spirit world, enter the seal continent, gain recognition from the new continent, and the new world will emerge in the future. You will get unimaginable benefits. It is not impossible to step into the ranks of high-ranking gods!"

"The father didn't have a chance."

Luofu City nodded. "So, it is not worthwhile for the father to stop the person. It is not worth it. If it is gone, it will be gone. Maybe it can sell a person at a crucial moment!"


Lin Fei eventually did not find a second big city.

The Yuan is completely different in the world.

Lin Fei returned to the Holy Spirit and no longer wandered around the world.

"This time the harvest is still very good!"

What is the source of the space, what is the destruction of the holy lotus, etc., are all good things.

These are the second. What is important is that there is a hidden power in the world of the Yuan Dynasty. The big cities are separated from the Holy Spirit, such as a tiger peeping at the side.

"Maybe the Holy Spirit will soon be lively!"

Lin Fei squinted, there are four seal continents in the Holy Spirit world, I am afraid it will attract many people.

"It seems that my chance to earn prestige is coming!"

Lin Fei blinked. "When earning prestige, I need to re-arrange the Holy Mountain to avoid being attacked by them. Here is a way for me to gain prestige!"

I have seen the masters of those big cities, plus high-end enchanted treasures, Lin Fei's current enchanting equipment is good, but compared with them, obviously a lot of difference.

Lin Fei opened up the prestige assistant, began to look at some of the related skills, and was looking for some lasting skills.

Prestige support did not disappoint Lin Fei, and she found some passive trigger skills.

Importantly, skill time can last for quite some time.

"True and false illusions, three billion prestige, can create an illusion that no one can see through, can last for three thousand years!"

"Sacred guardian, five billion prestige, passive skills, any attack can withstand, lasting two thousand years!"

"Wanli barrier, 10 billion prestige, within a billion-mile range, no object can break into, maintain a time of a thousand years!"


Lin Fei, who is looking at passive skills, is dazzled.

Although there are still 100 billion prestige, after watching passive skills, Lin Fei realized that he was still a poor man, and he could not even buy passive skills that were tens of billions of prestige.

"True and false illusions, sacred guardian, Wanli barrier~"

Lin Fei bought the cheapest three in one breath and directly consumed 18 billion prestige.

Three passive skills were launched, and within the billion-mile radius of the Shengti Mountain, great changes have taken place.

Those who were on the way to the Mount of the Eucharist, when they were in the range of a billion, were as if they had hit something, and they could not move on.

"What happened!"

"Why can't you get in!"


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