Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2338: Magic spirit blockade

This light is very abrupt.

Lin Fei was attracted to the past for the first time. He quickly moved past and reached out and grabbed it. "Come here!"

The imaginary danger did not appear.

A bright diamond-shaped stone appeared in the hands of Lin Fei.

"Nine materials: Li Fengshi!"

In the Shenmo Lake, the materials are divided into nine categories, among which the nine are the best, the best, and even the rumors, there are super materials on the first-class materials.

In the collected materials, 90% of the materials are listed in detail.

"This gale stone is indeed a little different!" On the surface of this cyan stone, a wind blade was rolled up and shot on the palm of Lin Fei. "This devil is interesting!"

Lin Fei knows why everyone wants to find materials!

For example, the nine-material brittle stone in his hand, if the number is enough, can completely create a weapon with an attack of wind properties.

Especially with the strong wind attributes, the strength will get a certain large increase.

"What a really interesting place!"

Lin Fei puts up the gale, and the mosquito meat is also meat. If it is put outside, there are countless things that people are jealous.

The material brought out from the Shenmo Lake, the gods and the demon family received 50%, the temple of the gods, and the remaining 40% of the materials, has always been the thing that the temple of the gods cares.

Even if it is a nine-class material, it is the material needed by the Temple of God.

It takes a certain amount of time for God Magic Lake to open once. Every time it is opened, the materials inside are very popular.


"Nine materials, hollow stone!"

"Eight materials, Luo Tianshi!"


Lin Fei’s luck is not bad. He can meet the materials all the way. The fly in the ointment is that these materials are all eight and nine, and they have not seen good for the time being.

"According to the information obtained, the outermost part of the Shenmo Lake, the most scattered material is the seven-eight-nine-three-level material!" Lin Fei carefully proceeded. "Only in the core area, there will be various materials and the most dangerous. The place, because there will be magic spirits to swim."

Reach out and grab a handful of eight pieces of seven materials.

This wave of luck is not bad.

"The dynasty of the ancient gods, in the depths of the core area, is a devil's nest, although there is no demon guard, but after many years, who knows there is no danger!"

Lin Fei’s mind came up with an approximate route.

All this needs to go to the core area to say.


Hey! ! !

A few days later, Lin Fei was still dark in front.

Even if it is a god, you can see the place ten miles ahead.

The material has been harvested a lot and is not very satisfied with Lin Fei. He also hopes to harvest a lot of materials in exchange for those heaven and earth.


In the darkness ahead, the flash of light flashed.

Lin Fei was suddenly horrified, because one of the lights rushed toward him, and a dangerous devastating atmosphere came on his face.

Hey! !

Not yet close, the void around Lin Fei automatically collapses.

The body of the gods played for the first time, and the power of collapse crushed on the body. The forces in all directions seemed to tear the body hard.

The five-fold body of the gods, at this time become a meteorite, and does not move.


Lin Fei reached out and grabbed it. The sword was like a sword, and a sword was like a crescent moon.

The demon spirit disappeared, making Lin Fei’s sword fall, and a chill came from behind him. The devil was like a ball, flickering and slamming into the body of Lin Fei.

Hey! !

The devil released a terrible destructive power, and Lin Fei only felt that he was burning under the raging fire.

"How could it be so terrible!"

Lin Fei’s flesh couldn’t resist this invisible burning, and the flesh seemed to collapse, which would scare him. “This devil is terrible!”

"Sword meaning!"

The sword in the body is like a big river, surrounded by the power of the demon, constantly strangling.

"If you want to kill me, you have to see if you choose the right person!"

Lin Fei turned and fled, a magical spirit, if there are a few more to be finished.

I thought that the devil was just an overestimated existence. At this time, Lin Fei really realized that the demon of this magical pot should be the most terrible existence.

A demon makes him go all out.

The sword is mad and strangled, and the power of the gods consumes more than twenty gods, and the group of demons is completely smashed into pieces.

"Oh, after the death of this demon, the fragments of strangulation are so pure, it is incredible!" Lin Fei secretly surprised, "Give me refining!"

The limit exercise works, and a whirlpool is condensed in the body, which devours these fragments.

After the refining of the debris, Lin Fei clearly felt a slight improvement in the flesh.

"I don't think that the devil can have this kind of effect!" Lin Fei silently realized, "The effect of the promotion is very big. The average person can't do it at all. The moment the magic spirit rushes into the body, the power that erupts is not the **** of the gods. A face will collapse!"

This intangible force, Lin Fei himself feels horrible.

If you can't live, you won't die, and you won't be able to die. Even the chance of struggle can't be done.

"try again!"

If it is not the deity of the demon Lord who enters the magical pot, Lin Fei is too lazy to care, with his seven hundred gods, enough to counter everything.

God Wang Yizi enters it, regardless of whether it will be encountered afterwards, Lin Fei can improve his strength first.


"The devil is getting more!"

After half a month.

There are constantly flickering things in front of you, covering almost the front area.

"If you don't remember, this should be the magical blockade area!" Lin Fei cautiously, "These devils will swim in this area, and all incoming lives will be attacked."

These days, Lin Fei became an expert in the study of the devil.

At first, it was suppressed by the 10,000 yuan pool. As a result, the 10,000 yuan pool could not be suppressed. It almost ruined the 10,000 pool, and it was scared to suppress it.

In the end, the devil must be killed in the body to absorb the pure power, and his body can only be killed by one or more devils. Once more than two, it is completely unstoppable.

"So many devils, want to force the past, it is difficult to go to heaven." Lin Fei did not rush to go up, intends to observe a while to observe.


A scream came from the front.

Lin Fei leaned up and saw a few figures, was driven into the magical area, and was instantly surrounded by a magical spirit, at least hundreds of envelops, one face, turned into a **** fog.

There are no opportunities to struggle!

"It is the seventh king of the Ten Powers."

This is a very strange race. They use the town as their surname. It is said that they have been to the family of the Emperor. Even so, there are treasures of the Emperor.

In the wind and cloud territory, there is no one in the town Tianwang who dares to provoke.

"The means of the king of the kings is really overbearing. These should be unlucky!" Lin Fei noticed them, grabbed a lot of angels, and drove them in, cruelly, to attract the attention of the devil. "This means ferocious, I am Can't do it!"


A master of the Tianwang nationality in the town seems to have noticed that a cold light came in the direction of Lin Fei.

"Disorganized, grab it!"

Four or five figures over there rushed over.

"Want to catch me, you are too tender!" The body of the **** of the five gods unfolded, and Lin fled, leaving a back to them.

The Tianwang people who have been chased after are suddenly dumbfounded!

This is a little quick.

They watched and ran away.

Lin Fei ran for dozens of miles, during which he met a group of people, and the same method to attract the devil.

"This magical blockade line is very dangerous. I am still step by step, such as growing up."

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