Invincible Leveling King

Chapter 2339: The king of the gods is so simple

The magic spirit blocked the line.

The devils are constantly moving, they are drifting aimlessly, but when there is a breath of life, they will inevitably come over. Once they leave the area, the devil will immediately return to the state of wandering.

These devils seem to be limited to this area.

Several devils suddenly realized the breath of life, and they rushed over at the first time. When they were about to arrive, the breath of life suddenly disappeared and then appeared again.

Come and go, the last one of the devil is there, and the breath of life appears again.

"It really needs skill to kill the devil!"

Lin Fei enjoyed the feeling of a silky growth in his body, and his face flashed a glimpse of his expression.

"Incorrectly hit, it seems that the magic spirit here can make my body physically break through the level of the gods. Although it does not increase the physical strength, the defense has obviously improved!"

Under the first round of the demon, the first time was not so embarrassing.

"You have to continue!"

Lin Fei doesn't care to rush in. The magic spirit here can help him a lot. If the flesh enters the level of the gods and cooperates with the power of seven hundred gods, there will be a certain self-protection ability in the core area!


A month later.

Lin Fei killed hundreds of magic spirits, and he began to be cautious. Later, he explored the rhythm and the speed of killing was obviously improved.

Two months later.

The body can withstand the attack of two demons.

Three months later.

Lin Fei’s body was lifted again, and he was attacked by the power of three demons.

boom! ! !

On this day, Lin Fei once again killed three demons. After refining and absorbing the power, the body that had originally reached the bottleneck, with the influx of this force, instantly opened the limit.

"It's so comfortable!"

After breaking through the limit, Lin Fei can clearly feel the changes in the body.

"Is this the king's body?"

Lin Fei feels silently, no matter from that aspect, the physical body does have a huge improvement.

"I didn't expect that for three months, the devil made me take an important step in the flesh, hahaha!" Lin Fei did not think that the power of the gods did not break through, but the flesh first broke through.

Walk into the magical area again.

There are a lot less magic around.

I don't know how many magic spirits I can hold this time.

Lin Fei is really looking forward to seeing how much the defense of the god-level body has improved.

"I'm coming!"

Not long after, the magic inspiration was sought after by the atmosphere, full of twelve magic spirits.

"There are a lot of them!" Lin Fei has confidence in the newly promoted body. "In any case, I am now the body of the **** king. I don't know how to do it."

"Come here!"

Lin Fei took the initiative to welcome.

Hey! !

The power that collapsed in an instant almost squeezed Lin Fei’s body into pieces, but the strong defense of the King’s body was also shown for the first time.


A wave of impact power, Lin Fei urged the body, really resisted.

"Resist, really resisted!"

When the body was almost smashed, the powerful defense of the king's body, the support of death, did not make this force a success.

"It’s so dangerous, it’s really dangerous, there’s one more demon, I’m afraid I can’t help it!”

Lin Fei secretly took a breath of cold air. It was too rude. The twelve magic spirits failed to make Lin Fei collapse. Five of the magic spirits rushed into Lin Fei's body.

Compared with the previous ones, this power is indeed a lot weaker.

"God king and **** god level body, there is a big gap!" Lin Fei urged the body of the sword, the river squat, instantly defeated the devil, turned into the most pure power, "again, five are not me The limit!"

The remaining seven are coming in very fast.

"It's a little threatening, but it's not my limit!" Lin Fei was overjoyed, and his body was strong. At this time, he came in handy. "I have to try the limit!"

This can be much more than the previous few times.

"Hey, the king of the gods, it is extraordinary!"

A demon, another demon.

Lin Fei came in with sixteen magical bodies, and his face changed slightly at this time.

"This should be the limit."

The fifteenth magical spirit in the body was suppressed by the sword, and Lin Fei still felt the body reach the limit. There is no way to accommodate the sixteenth magic.

"Fiveteen is not bad." Lin Fei was very satisfied. "It seems that I have to go through this magical area. It should be no problem!"

Lin Fei gradually found an interesting place.

The body suppresses the devil. When the number reaches ten, the speed of those devils is obviously slower, and there are even doubts.

This small detail, Lin Fei was also discovered inadvertently.

"As long as I keep the number of magic spirits in my body, it is not difficult to break through this area!" Lin Fei did not try before, because this area is too dangerous.

Sixteen devils in the body are constantly attacked by swords, but they are not killed.

Lin Fei walked through this area, and there were also demons coming up, but there was no active attack. In the face of this situation, Lin Fei first killed the demon in the body, but not all killed, with a small number of devils. The magic outside rushed into the body quickly.

"Shuang, really cool!"

The effect of the demon is not only useful to the gods, but also useful to the body of the god.

The fleshy effect of the flesh, Lin Fei feels clear, "Hey, killing the devil in this way, it is estimated that I can only do it alone!"


"The Devil's Nest!"

After half a month.

Lin Fei's physical strength has improved a lot.

Relying on this method, the magic spirit along the way has become the essence of Lin Fei's strong body.

At this time, a mound in front of it caused great interest in Lin Fei. "The devil's nest, the sign of the mound, this is a nest below, there will be a lot of materials!"

Lin Fei’s eyes are bright. “I’m lucky this luck!”

"Ha ha ha, we are really lucky, actually found a magical nest here!"

In the northeast direction, a group of people came here. They wiped out special things and revealed an unpleasant smell. The devils did not seem to see the same.

"There are people over there!"

At this time, people over there also noticed the existence of Lin Fei.

"The guy who squats, also with the thing that is the king of the black soul!" The first black man, his face cold, the chill flashed past, reached out and grabbed, five strong winds, smashed.

The fourth **** king!

The Black Soul King ranks fourth, and the Demon King is ranked fifth.

"I am so lucky!" Lin Fei couldn't help but laugh. "This magical lair, I want it!"

Step out and resist the other five fingers.

Five fingers are like mountains, and the suppression is on Lin Fei. The power of the vast expanse comes, Lin Fei is only a slight shock, nothing.

"This is the strength you want to kill me!" Lin Fei smiled faintly, "I don't see how!"

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