Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 217 Assignment, new tasks

Mr. Mo frowned, This distribution is a bit unfair.

Dongli Chengming also nodded, It's unfair.

The Enchantress pouted, My master has given in a lot, are you still dissatisfied?

Mr. Mo shook his head, No, I think you gave away too much. Ji Wuyue and Mr. Ma didn't go, so the two of us are obliged to give up some of the benefits.

The enchantress smiled.

Lin Yong also smiled, It's okay, just distribute it like this.

As he spoke, Lin Yong took out the futons, including four futons from Mo Lao, ten futons from Dongli Chengming, and one futon from Gu Haitao.

Of the ten futons left, there must be some from Ma Lao and Ji Wuyue.

Then, Lin Yong took out the weapons he got, These weapons are all magic weapons. I don't want them. Mr. Ma, Ji Wuyue will pick one each, and the ones that come down, I suggest giving them to the Dongli family. The members of the Dongli family More, needed.”

Mr. Mo nodded, Okay, that's it.

Dongli Chengming showed a grateful expression, Thank you all.

Lin Yong handed the weapon to Dongli Chengming.

Then, Lin Yong took out the fine gold and mithril that Mr. Mo and Dongli Chengming needed and gave them to them.

Next comes the herbs.

Lin Yong gave Gu Haitao the five herbs picked by Gu Haitao.

Give the thirty herbs picked by the enchantress to the enchantress.

Then, Lin Yong took out thirty herbs and said, This is for Ji Wuyue and Grandpa Ma. Please bring it to them, Mr. Mo.

Mr. Mo nodded, I will also give out ten herbs for them to distribute.

Dongli Chengming also took out five medicinal herbs, I took out these five medicinal herbs to distribute to Mr. Ma and Ji Wuyue. There are many children in my family, so I take out a few. Don't mind.

No, no... Lin Yong and Mr. Mo both waved their hands.

Mr. Mo put all these herbs into the Sumeru Ring.

When they were picking herbs, they discovered that picking herbs required a lot of effort.

The deeper the skill, the faster the picking speed.

Therefore, Lin Yong picked the most.

And Gu Haitao, because he was a mortal, had no strength after picking five trees.

Things were finally distributed.

Mr. Mo also gave Mr. Ma what he needed, and put all Ji Wuyue's things into his Sumeru ring.

In fact, the biggest gain this time is this Sumeru Ring.

It is said that no one can refine the Sumeru Ring now.

Now, the Xumi items used by these people are all handed down from their ancestors.

In ancient times, Xumi items were common, but now, they are really precious.

The most precious ones are the medicinal herbs.

Even if you take the elixir, you can improve your strength.

It is necessary to assist the emperor and ministers according to the strength of the medicine, and then take it.

With these dozens of medicinal herbs, Mr. Mo will have a smooth path for cultivation for a long time.

Dongli Chengming, on the other hand, will definitely get back a lot of things from his family, but he won't have many things.

After allocating things, Mr. Mo, Dongli Chengming, and Gu Haitao left happily one by one.

The girls sat down and Dongli Yanran handed Lin Yong a cup of tea.

Fang Yu asked, Where is Mingli?

Lin Yong spoke, Mingli has gone to the other side of the starry sky, probably to reunite with her tribe.

Then, Lin Yong explained in detail what happened in that hall.

He even told the story of seeing a meteor flying from the earth and finally falling on the aqua blue star.

The girls were all lamenting.

Fang Yu sighed, That's good. At least I can reunite with my clan members. That's good.

Dongli Yanran spoke, I guess she doesn't know that if she touches the planet, she will be teleported directly there. Otherwise, she will definitely still hesitate.

Su Nu nodded, Well, I can't let go of Brother Yong, and Mingli certainly can't let him go either.

Little Luoluo spoke, I will practice hard, and when I am strong, I will go to the other side of the starry sky to see Sister Mingli.

The girls surrounded Lin Yong, talking about what they had seen along the way.

Lin Yong also said something.

Except that he didn't tell the girls that his consciousness gave birth to a universe.

It's not that Lin Yong deliberately concealed it, it was mainly that Lin Yong felt that this matter was too shocking to talk about.

It's better not to say anything.

After talking, the girls went to prepare dinner.

Seeing the girls busy, Lin Yong felt very fulfilled.

It was with these girls that he would not feel lonely.

He was very reluctant to leave Mingli, but he felt better when he saw the girls in front of him.

While eating, the girls fought over each other, which made Lin Yong's inner unhappiness long gone.

After finishing the meal, the bar opened for business.

Lin Yong walked out of the bar.

It gets dark very early in winter.

By this time, it was already dark and the stars had appeared.

Lin Yong searched the sky for a long time, but still could not find the star surrounding the blue planet.

After thinking about it, maybe I am still a starry sky idiot.

Yes, when Lin Yong was very young, his father used a star map to teach Lin Yong how to identify the stars, but Lin Yong was always confused.

Now, it's the same.

Lin Yong lit a cigarette and started smoking under the maple tree.

Customers entered the bar in twos and threes.

Come to think of it, recently and in the future, many customers will ask where the little zombie has gone.

Mingli is their little fairy.

When such a little fairy leaves, many people will miss her.

However, they never see the little zombie Mingli again.

Although it wasn't a farewell, it was a life and death separation separated by tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of light years.

Lin Yong looked up at the starry sky again and put out the cigarette butt.

Throw the cigarette butt into the trash can.

At this moment, a shining white light enveloped Lin Yong.

Dingdong, please go to the parallel world No. 120 of the host to seize the protagonist Zhao Xu's golden finger, which can enter other people's dreams, change other people's dreams, and kill people in other people's dreams.

Note: You must defeat Zhao Xu in the dream before you can capture Zhao Xu's golden finger. The mission is completed and you will be rewarded with 150,000 points. If the mission fails, the host cannot return to the earth world.

Protagonist: Zhao Xu

Race: Human race

Gold Finger: Can enter other people's dreams, change other people's dreams, kill people in dreams, and usurp other people's memories through dreams.

Time to obtain Goldfinger: ten years

Lin Yong opened his eyes.

Standing on the street with endless traffic.

There is a bustling scene with feasting and feasting.

Listening to the conversations of people around me, this is actually Shenzhen.

It's winter too.

However, winter in Shenzhen is very warm.

It is also the most comfortable season in Shenzhen.

Coming down, we have to find Zhao Xu.

Lin Yong walked on the street, found a gold shop, and exchanged gold for 300,000 yuan in cash.

Although this world is a parallel world to the earth, the coins used are different from the world where Lin Yong lives.

As soon as I came out of the gold shop, I saw a woman with a shy face chasing a man, Zhao Xu, how about I go to your place tonight?

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