Lin Yong looked at Zhao Xu.

A handsome-looking man.

Wearing a casual suit and holding a laptop in his hand.

Such a man is extremely attractive to women.

Lin Yong looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he became invisible and followed Zhao Xu.

After listening to the conversation between the two, Lin Yong knew that the woman was named Yu Mingming.

We are in the same company as Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu studied architecture, graduated from a second-rate university, and worked as a designer in an architectural design company.

That Yu was obviously from the marketing department.

In an architectural design company, the most important thing is naturally the design department.

Designers have the best treatment and the highest salary.

In addition, this Zhao Xu has a handsome face, tall figure and quite graceful manner, so he is naturally very attractive to Yu Mingming.

Lin Yong also learned from the system.

For example, if Zhao Xu takes the initiative to enter his dream, he can fight Zhao Xu to the death.

Therefore, we must first get to know Zhao Xu and make Zhao Xu want to kill him and enter his dream.

And Zhao Xu needs to enter a person's dream, and he can't enter it casually.

A lock of the victim's hair is required.

In fact, some limbs are also available.

However, it is probably difficult to obtain.

Lin Yong followed Zhao Xu to his residence.

It's an apartment in a secluded community.

One bedroom and one living room, a well-decorated house.

The community environment is good, with green trees and fitness equipment.

The house is not bad. Although it has one bedroom and one living room, the structure is very good and the decoration is also very good.

Lin Yong estimated that the monthly rent for this house in this city would be at least 3,500 yuan.

Lin Yong watched the two of them talking, and as they spoke, their tone, attitude, and movements became ambiguous.

Lin Yong couldn't stand it anymore.

He casually took Zhao Xu's cell phone and walked out of the residential building.

When he got outside, Lin Yong called Mr. Wang.

This Mr. Wang gave false evidence.

Lin Yong asked for Mr. Wang on the phone and made him an ID card, a university graduation certificate, and a bachelor's degree certificate.

The undergraduate diploma and bachelor's degree certificate must be obtained from a remote school in the northwest. Architecture major.

Rather than a diploma from the prestigious university where Lin Yong graduated on Earth.

Because that university is so famous, many people come to Shenzhen after graduation, and Lin Yong doesn't want to be exposed or cause trouble.

Lin Yong remembered that there were many people who came to this southern coastal city, one class or two classes above him, as well as classmates, senior brothers and sisters from the same class.

I made an appointment with Mr. Wang to meet at a fast food restaurant on Zhenxing Road at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Tell Mr. Wang not to contact this number again.

Lin Yong took out the phone card of his mobile phone, crushed it with a little force, and threw the phone on the roadside.

Lin Yong didn't feel any guilt at all for using and destroying Zhao Xu's things.

Since the system asked him to seize this person's golden finger, this Zhao Xu is not a good person.

Look at the sky, it's already very late.

However, without an ID card, there is nothing that can be done. There is no way to rent a house, no way to stay in a hotel, and no way to find a job.

Even if you want to go to an Internet cafe and learn about the world, it is impossible.

Lin Yong flew to the rooftop of Zhao Xu's rented house.

You can overlook the entire city from here.

This city is really beautiful, with lights everywhere and people in elegant clothes.

Moreover, they are not very old.

The urban construction is also very good, with green spaces, tree-lined avenues and parks everywhere.

Lin Yong came to this city when he was in the earth world.

When I was a senior in college, I worked as an intern in this city for several months.

At that time, I still yearned for this city.

After arriving, I found that I was very uncomfortable.

I don’t adapt to the climate here, the interpersonal relationships here, and the working relationships here.

Later, after graduating from university, Lin Yong returned to Dong'an.

On the rooftop, the spirit was detected, and the movements of Zhao Xu and the two came into Lin Yong's field of vision.

Yu Mingming said, Our marketing department is working hard to take on a project. Guess what it is? It's very special.

Zhao Xu had a smile on his face and stroked Yu Mingming's hair, Mansion?

Yu Mingming shook his head.


Yu Mingming continued to shake his head.

shopping mall?

Yu Mingming still shook his head, It's a church. But it wasn't built in China. It was built on a tourist resort in Southeast Asia - a small island.

We need to build a unique church that will become a local road sign and a local landmark building. The investment is huge, one billion Chinese dollars. Party A is a European rich man, and he said that if it is done well, he will be given more projects in the future.

Zhao Xu's eyes immediately lit up.

The dream of an architect is to design a building that can become a road sign and a landmark building.

What's more, it is a building as sacred as the church that will be passed down.

Can the company be taken down? Zhao Xu asked.

Yu Mingming spoke, I guess the problem is not big. Party A said that each company will come up with two design plans and then bid. Those big design institutes will not take this project, and other companies do not have the strength of Feiyao Company. powerful.

The smile on Zhao Xu's face became gentler, Has your marketing department heard about how many groups this project will be handed over?

Yu Mingming smiled and spoke, Then kiss me, kiss me, and I will tell you.

Zhao Xu hugged Yu Mingming and kissed Yu Mingming fiercely.

After a few minutes, the two separated. Yu Mingming chuckled and said, I said I would give it to your second group and the third group led by Li Zheng to come up with a design plan each.

Zhao Xu nodded.

Lin Yong began to meditate. As long as he stood out in this project, he would arouse Zhao Xu's jealousy, and it would be easy for Zhao Xu to attack him.

As long as he enters his dream and doesn't believe it, he can't deal with him in his dream.

Therefore, the top priority is to enter Feiyao Design Company.

Early the next morning, Zhao Xu and Yu Mingming went to work in the company one after another.

Feiyao Design Company is on Zhenxing Road, on the 23rd floor of the Guomao Building.

Lin Yongyin got into Zhao Xu's car.

Soon, we arrived at the Guomao Building.

Lin Yong followed Zhao Xu into the elevator and went to the twenty-third floor.

Feiyao Design Company is really big, occupying half of the twenty-third floor.

Working area, thousands of square meters.

The design department alone is divided into five groups.

At least five people per group.

Zhao Xu is in the second group, and Li Zheng is the chief designer of the third group.

One group, five groups, are working on the design of a residential area.

Four groups are designing a shopping mall.

Groups 2 and 3 are relatively free. These designers can do anything.

Some people are reading comics, some are reading books, some are drawing pen sketches, and some are eating.

Lin Yong felt bored and wandered around the entire floor. Wandering around, he wandered to the bathroom.

I saw two people looking at the bathroom where there was no one else, lowering their voices and whispering.

I don't know who the next person is. There are already two people, both of whom died of sudden heart attacks. Are we designers really short-lived? said a chubby man.

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