Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 227: You are happy, no matter the flood behind you

Zhao Xu is still Zhao Xu, and his appearance has not changed much.

Even his eyes were much more fierce, and the look on his face was a bit ferocious.

It was Zhao Xu's clothes that Lin Yong didn't dare to compliment.

Zhao Xu was wearing a black leather jacket.

The leather coat was studded with copper nails and hung with copper chains.

He also held a leather whip more than one meter long in his hand.

The image of a street gangster.

It seems that this is what Zhao Xu wants himself to be.

Lin Yong looked at Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu was also a little surprised. Why wasn't Lin Yong surprised when he saw him?

Are you here to kill me? Wang Like, Bai Xuexi were killed like this, right? Lin Yong said.

Zhao Xu nodded, Well, it's good that you know. I'm not afraid to tell you that in the dream, I have unparalleled power. If you just surrender, I will kill you quickly without causing you any pain.

Lin Yong sneered, Okay, come on, I'll see how you kill me.

Lin Yong tried it. Although spiritual energy could not be used, physical strength, physical strength, and chaotic energy could be used.

Therefore, Lin Yong was not afraid at all.

Zhao Xu stepped forward and was about to strangle Lin Yong's neck with the whip. Lin Yong grabbed one end of the whip and used his strength.

Zhao Xu was defeated and lost his whip.

Zhao Xu was shocked.

Logically speaking, in the dream world, he is invincible.

Even if Wang Like escaped his first pursuit, it was because he was inexperienced and lost the pursuit and didn't know where Wang Like was hiding, not because of lack of strength or strength.

Zhao Xu's body suddenly began to grow, reaching a height of three feet, reaching through the roof of the bar.

Stretch out your feet and step on Lin Yong.

Suddenly, Lin Yong became angry.

The bar was left by his father. It was his place of residence and the home of the girls. Now it was destroyed by someone.

Lin Yong grabbed his fist and punched Zhao Xu in the stomach.

Suddenly, Zhao Xu curled up and asked, Why are you so powerful?

Lin Yong was not prepared to kill Zhao Xu all at once, so he punched and kicked Zhao Xu to vent his anger on Wang Like and Bai Xuerong.

Zhao Xu was bruised and swollen all over.

Lin Yong spoke, I specifically let you enter my dream to kill you. If you don't enter my dream, I really can't do anything to you. Now, you can't escape.

With that said, Lin Yong jumped on Zhao Xu's back and was about to strangle Zhao Xu's neck.

Who would have thought that Zhao Xu roared and turned into a tiger with yellow and black fur.

With a roar, he was about to bite Lin Yong's neck.

Lin Yong grabbed the whip and whipped the tiger on the head.

The tiger was in pain, screamed Ouch, and pounced on it regardless of the situation.

Finally, the tiger pounced on Lin Yong.

Lin Yong grabbed his fist and punched the old man on the head.

Suddenly, several bumps appeared on the tiger's head.

The tiger shouted, Why? Why are you so powerful? Why are you so powerful?

Lin Yong grabbed the tiger's head and was about to break the tiger's neck.

At this moment, Lin Yong suddenly felt that what he was grabbing was just a piece of tiger skin.

Looking up, Zhao Xu slipped out.

But now Zhao Xu looks very embarrassed, with bruises all over his body.

Zhao Xu moved his mind and wanted to leave Lin Yong's dream, but found that he couldn't leave.

Suddenly, I was shocked.

He turned around and transformed into a green wolf, running out quickly.

As long as Lin Yong wakes up from his dream, he will be saved.

The scene in front of Lin Yong began to change.

He saw a grassland.

A green wolf galloped on the grassland like a bereaved dog.

Lin Yong took up Light Rain without Trace and started chasing Qinglang.

Sure enough, Light Rain without Trace is not covered.

Even Qinglang's speed can't keep up.

Soon, Lin Yong caught up with Qing Lang.

Facing Qinglang, he whipped him down with one whip.

This time, Lin Yong used his strength, and a whip mark appeared on Qinglang's body, and his flesh and blood opened.

The green wolf had no strength to run, and fell to the ground with his tongue hanging out.

After a few seconds, Qinglang returned to Zhao Xu, Lin Yong, I know, you are not an ordinary person. Please let me go. I thank you. Tomorrow, tomorrow I will leave the company and never bother you again. is you.

Please let me go, please.

With that said, Zhao Xu knelt on the ground and began to kneel down.

He knew better than anyone what it would be like to die in a dream.

Wang Like is dead, Bai Xuerong is dead.

There are no visible wounds on the body, and it looks like he died of a heart attack.

If he died, no one would know that he was killed by Lin Yong.

No one would know that he died so unwillingly.

Since Zhao Xu values ​​​​the future and reputation so much, he naturally cares about his own life and death.

He cherishes his life more than anyone else.

Lin Yong smiled and said, If I don't kill you, what will Wang Like and Bai Xuerong do? Look, they are asking for your life behind your back.

Zhao Xu quickly turned around and saw two faint figures.

It's not Wang Like, it's not Bai Xuerong, who is it?

Zhao Xu was shocked.

Lin Yong smiled.

After a period of competition with Zhang Xu, he also slightly mastered the method of controlling dreams.

Of course, since this was in his own dream, he had control.

If it wasn't in his dream, he still wouldn't be able to control it.

Therefore, two figures of Wang Like and Bai Xuerong were found.

No matter how much, Lin Yong can't do it.

After all, he has not yet obtained the golden finger to control other people's dreams.

Lin Yong stepped forward, grabbed Zhao Xu, and was about to break his neck.

Who would have thought that Zhao Xu's face became ferocious, Then let's die together.

As he spoke, Zhao Xu's eyes turned red, his whole body swelled, and he actually activated the golden finger that changed other people's dreams.

I saw that Lin Yong's dream suddenly changed and turned into an apocalyptic scene.

Not far away, three volcanoes were erupting.

Nearby, the ground was shaking, and the earth was shaking.

A large number of zombies appeared on the horizon not far away. These zombies were heading directly towards Lin Yong and Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu looked ferocious, It's worth it for me to die with you. Finally, I've killed three people, so I've made a profit. I don't know, tomorrow, when I hear the news that both of us have died of heart disease, What will happen to others.”

Lin Yong suddenly understood that Zhao Xu was the kind of person who didn't care about the flood behind him as long as I was happy.

Such people deserve to die.

Keeping such a person around is definitely a disaster, not to mention that he has such a powerful golden finger.

Lin Yong looked at the zombies running towards him, and did not continue to talk nonsense with Zhao Xu. He grabbed Zhao Xu's neck and broke it with a click.

Zhao Xu died.

When we come down, we have to deal with these earthquakes, these volcanoes, and these zombies.

Lin Yong knew that if he didn't kill and get these things done this time, these things would appear in his dreams in the future, and this scene would never end.

Don’t even think about sleeping anymore.

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