Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 228 Obtaining the Golden Finger

Ding dong, the host killed Zhao Xu and took away Zhao Xu's golden finger that can enter other people's dreams, change other people's dreams, and kill others in their dreams.

Mission completed, points increased by 150,000.

Lin Yong looked at it and saw that he had 184,500 points.

Cure Gold Finger.

Drip...curing gold finger...drip...curing successful.

Lin Yong had an enlightenment in his heart.

The golden finger that can enter other people's dreams and change other people's dreams can be very powerful if you say it is powerful, but if you say it is not powerful, it is like Zhao Xu.

In ancient times, some people used this golden finger to kill people in their dreams.

However, those ancients were all powerful monks, and they killed all monks, so the power they used was naturally more powerful.

What serves as the foundation in dreams is powerful spiritual power and soul power.

Zhao Xu could be killed by Lin Yong not only because Lin Yong could bring the power of reality into dreams, but more importantly, Lin Yong's soul was much stronger than him.

As for Bai Xuerong, Wang Like's spirit is similar to his.

Therefore, he used his golden finger to kill the two women easily.

Lin Yong looked at the erupting volcano not far away, looked at the zombies that were attacking him, and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, everything changed.

No more volcanoes, no more earthquakes, no more zombies.

The surrounding area is surrounded by birds and flowers, and is a dense jungle.

There is a lake in the distance, azure, azure, and looks very comfortable.

There is a high mountain not far away, covered with snow.

It looks absolutely beautiful.

Lin Yong also discovered many strange creatures in the jungle.

Such as Suanni, such as Jian, such as Ji Yu, such as Phoenix, such as all strange creatures that Lin Yong has thought about but has never seen in reality.

One bug in particular, called a mayfly, looks stunning.

There was a little bit of light emitting from the body, wandering near the lake.

Unfortunately, this bug only has one day to live.

Yes, since you can change other people's dreams, how can you not change your own dreams?

Zhao Xu's idea of ​​dying together with Lin Yong was in vain.

Lin Yong walked in this jungle and felt relaxed both physically and mentally.

After walking for a while, I felt bored, and then I exited my dream.

When I got up, I saw that it was already past eight o'clock.

Several missed calls.

Lin Yong took a look and saw that they were all calls from Bai Xuexi. This little girl was quite concerned about him.

Lin Yong called Bai Xuexi back and said that he accidentally fell asleep and everything was fine.

Bai Xuexi breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Yong once again told Lin Yong not to sleep if he could.

Or, wait until Zhao Xu can't sleep before going to bed.

What a smart girl. Through Wang Like's email, she immediately guessed how Zhao Xu killed people.

Lin Yong finished washing, got dressed, and went directly to work.

Lin Yong likes this job very much, and even more likes the design of the Water Church.

Lin Yong would be very happy if the Water Church could be shown to people in this world.

Sure enough, Zhao Xu didn't come.

Three days later, Zhao Xu's body was discovered.

Lin Yong, as the last person to come into contact with Zhao Xu, was questioned by the police.

Lin Yong didn't hide anything and told everything clearly, including how he went home with Zhao Xu and how Zhao Xu asked him to go to work together the next day.

When she heard that Zhao Xu was dead, Bai Xuexi was very happy and called Lin Yong, This bastard is finally dead.

Lin Yong asked with a smile, Do you still think Zhao Xu is the murderer who killed your cousin and Wang Like?

Bai Xuexi spoke, Of course. I think he might have been killed by a more powerful person. And that person is you.

Lin Yong smiled and said nothing.

Another week later, the design plan was completely finalized and the renderings were produced.

The day before the bidding, Lin Yong handed everything to Zhou Jiong.

Zhou Jiong looked at Lin Yong, Are you leaving?

Lin Yong was slightly surprised, Why do you say that?

I always feel that you are here to deal with Zhao Xu. If Zhao Xu dies, you will naturally leave. My family is quite powerful, I have checked you, don't mind. There is no such person as Lin Yong in the world. . In other words, you are a gangster. Zhou Jiong finished what he wanted to say in one breath.

Lin Yong said nothing and patted Zhou Jiong on the shoulder, Come on, you will definitely become a design master.

Zhou Jiong looked at Lin Yong, his eyes shining, and nodded.

Lin Yong entered the bathroom and saw that no one was there, Go back to the Earth Century.

I opened my eyes in my bedroom and realized that only a few hours had passed.

Girls are busy at the bar.

Indeed, many guests asked about Mingli, which gave Fang Yu a headache.

The girls all agreed that Mingli had returned to his hometown.

The guests were full of regret.

Lin Yong entered the bar with scissors, grabbed Fang Yu's hair, and the scissors clicked.

Fang Yu chased Lin Yong and wanted to beat him, bastard boss, why did you cut my hair?

Lin Yong didn't speak, he just laughed.

Walking in front of Dongli Yanran, Dongli Yanran hugged her head and looked at Lin Yong pitifully, Boss, don't cut my hair.

Lin Yong ignored it, stepped forward and cut a strand with a click.

Lin Yong came to Xiao Luoluo and said, Little Luoluo, give me a lock of your hair. In a few days, I will buy you a lot of dried fish.

Okay. Little Luoluo stuck out his head.

Lin Yong cut off a handful.

Arriving in front of Su Nu, Su Nu looked at Lin Yong with a smile, Brother Yong, do you want to marry me? You can cut it. You can cut as much as you like.

Lin Yong smiled and cut off a strand.

Cut the enchantress's hair again.

He took the girls' hair upstairs, burned it, and drank it all with water.

Although the feeling of burning hair and mixing water was not good, Lin Yong felt happy.

Tonight, you can enter the dreams of girls.

See what their dreams are like.

Thinking about it, Lin Yong felt as if he had secretly eaten iced watermelon in the summer, and felt very happy.

At one o'clock, the bar closed.

After having supper with the girls, Lin Yong said, You are too tired today. Go to bed early and have a good rest.

Fang Yu was a little surprised. How could his always careless boss care about people?

Little Luoluo said hmm.

Dongli Yanran was also full of doubts.

Only plain girls were silly and happy, feeling that Brother Yong cared about them.

After finishing their supper, the girls finished washing up and went upstairs together.

Lin Yong also went upstairs and entered his bedroom.

Not long after, Lin Yong heard the gentle breathing of the girls.

Apparently all asleep.

Lin Yong was ready to enter the girls' dreams.

Zhao Xu is not strong enough, so he can only enter other people's dreams by falling asleep himself.

Lin Yong is very powerful, and his soul is also very powerful. He doesn't need to sleep at all, he can just enter directly.

After thinking about it, Lin Yong first entered Fang Yu's dream.

Entering Fang Yu's dream, Lin Yong felt a little distressed.

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