Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 239 First embrace? Blood food?

Lin Yong knew something was wrong.

Although Fang Yu is careless and little Luo Luo looks like a child, they are not ignorant people.

It is impossible to leave other girls and leave casually.

Unless they are captured and controlled by others.

Thinking of this, Lin Yong's heart felt stinging.

He swore that if he found the person who abducted the two people, he would never be lenient.

At this moment, a man in a black tuxedo came over and bowed to Lin Yong, I am Baron Barney. Your two friends were invited by Duke Dracula as guests.

In an instant, Lin Yong felt the bloody, dark power from Baron Barney that he felt from Duke Dracula.

He knew that Barney was also a vampire. not human.

Baron Barney is also handsome, with blond hair and blue eyes.

There was a warm smile on his face, as if he had a pearl of wisdom in his hand.

Let people see it and feel like a spring breeze.

However, Lin Yong really wanted to smash his smiling face.

Lin Yong gritted his teeth, I'm afraid he was taken captive.

Baron Barney smiled, After all, it's better to be a guest, not to become blood food, isn't it?

Lin Yong said coldly, What does Dracula want?

Baron Barney was still personable, Duke Dracula has no other ideas. He just wants to invite you to be a guest and visit our manor.

Lin Yong took a step forward and said, Lead the way.

Baron Barney made a polite gesture of invitation.

Lin Yong said to the girls, Stay together, don't separate, don't leave the hotel, wait for me to come back.

Su Nu nodded, Brother Yong, beat up those who kidnapped Sister Fang Yu and Little Luo Luo.

Dongli Yanran also nodded.

The Enchantress said, I'll go with you.

Lin Yong shook his head, I'll go by myself. You're a burden if you go.

There was a trace of emotion on Barney's face, It's so affectionate. Count Lin Yong's female companions are all beauties. Especially, they are so affectionate towards Count Lin Yong, which is touching.

Lin Yong glanced at Barney coldly, ignored him, and walked forward.

When they arrived at the door of the hotel, there was a car, and Lin Yong followed Barney into the car.

The car drove towards the outskirts of London.

On the way, Barney babbled to Lin Yong about how powerful the Dark Council was.

We not only have vampires, but we also have werewolves. You know the underground Dark World Adventurers' Guild. The people in it, mercenaries, and adventurers, are also people from the Dark World.

Lin Yong was noncommittal, with a calm face but anxious heart, wishing he could see the two girls as soon as possible.

Lin Yong is also a little worried. Duke Dracula is very powerful.

Lin Yong didn't know if he was his opponent.

However, regardless of whether they are opponents or not, Lin Yong will bring two girls back.

There is no doubt about this.

If the girls were hurt, Lin Yong would kill all the vampires and avenge the two girls.

Just when Barney was approaching Lin Yong and talking to Lin Yong, Lin Yong suddenly felt Kunpeng's heart beating weakly on the right.

After such a long time, Kunpeng's heart felt very calm and he didn't know why it was beating now.

Barney had a shocked look on his face. He felt as if he was being targeted by a wild beast. He also felt that the blood in his body seemed to be out of control and wanted to rush out.

Count Lin Yong, I'm just a little baron. It doesn't matter. I'm the one who takes you to see Duke Dracula. I hope you won't make any random moves. Barney was actually scared.

Lin Yong smiled. With this Kunpeng heart, at least he was no longer afraid of vampires.

The most important thing for a vampire is the original blood in their body. If their original blood is absorbed, they will only die.

Kunpeng's heart can absorb the essence and blood from the demon clan. The raw blood of vampires is similar to essence blood. Although vampires are not demons, Kunpeng's heart should be able to absorb it, so it would be too easy to deal with these vampires.

Lin Yong comforted Kunpeng's heart and told him that when he wanted him to do it, he would do it again.

Kunpeng's heart immediately calmed down.

And Barney no longer felt like he was being targeted by a beast.

The car drove for about an hour and arrived at a manor.

There is a huge castle in the manor. It is gray and black and looks a bit scary. It is evening and it looks shadowy. If it were night, it would look even more eerie.

A lot of alfalfa, clover, and lavender are planted on the manor.

Full of life.

It is unbelievable that this is a gathering place for vampires.

The car drove all the way to the castle.

The castle is huge and made of stone.

It looks eerie on the outside, but even more eerie on the inside.

The interior is very luxurious, using a lot of red, black velvet, and gold as accessories, but it just feels uncomfortable.

Lin Yong entered the hall of the castle and saw several vampires.

Among them is Duke Dracula.

The other vampires are not weak either.

Lin Yong looked at Duke Dracula coldly, Where is my friend?

Duke Dracula smiled and said, Dear friend, let's have a drink first.

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers, and a servant immediately brought a goblet.

Lin Yong discovered that the goblet was filled with blood.

The only thing I give myself is wine.

Lin Yong reluctantly drank the wine, and when he smelled it, he knew that there was nothing in the wine, and it was indeed a good wine.

Come to think of it, Duke Dracula didn't even bother to use the method of drugging wine.

After drinking, Duke Dracula spoke, Friend, what do you think about my invitation to join the Dark Parliament?

Lin Yong said coldly, It is impossible for me to join the Dark Parliament. I don't want to provoke you, I hope you understand. I am in China and will have no interaction with the Dark Parliament at all.

However, your behavior caused us to interact. As for the result, it is hard to say.

Duke Dracula laughed after hearing Lin Yong's words, You are threatening me. Let me tell you. The more powerful a person becomes a vampire, the stronger he will be. Today you accept my first embrace, I Just let your friend go. If you don't, then your friend can only become blood food.

The first love is to turn Lin Yong into a vampire.

Lin Yong is the most powerful and potential young man that Duke Dracula has seen in his more than a thousand years of life.

Duke Dracula was convinced that as long as he gave Lin Yong his first support, Lin Yong would at least have the strength of a marquis.

Don't blame him for recruiting young people everywhere to become vampires.

Recently, a monster appeared in the Holy See, the so-called Holy Son, who was so powerful that they couldn't deal with it.

Young vampires, especially, were hunted a lot.

Therefore, Duke Dracula very much hopes that a powerful young man will emerge from the vampires to fight against the Holy Son.

Lin Yong smiled coldly, I will not become a vampire, nor will I let my friends become blood food.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise.

There seemed to be a lot of panicked screams from vampires, as well as sounds of fighting.

Duke Dracula frowned.

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