Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 240 Two girls came out and were furious

After a sound of ping ping ping pong, Fang Yu was seen, and little Luo Luo appeared covered in blood.

It turned out that the two of them were knocked unconscious in the bathroom.

Later, he was put into a car and taken to the castle.

Seeing that they were girls and ordinary people, these vampires didn't pay much attention to them.

Just throw them in a room and let two vampires guard them.

After the two woke up, they found that they were in a strange place.

Fang Yunu's reputation as a Tyrannosaurus is not in vain.

Little Luoluo is also a restless girl.

The two girls woke up and asked the two vampires why they were catching them.

The two girls became furious when they heard that they would be used to threaten Lin Yong and make him a vampire.

Fang Yu directly crushed the head of one of the vampires.

Little Lolo shoots a vampire through the heart.

The two vampires couldn't be more dead.

The powerful vampires were all entertaining Lin Yong with Dracula in the hall, and the rest were all barons and viscounts, none of whom were very powerful.

Fang Yu and Xiao Luoluo worked together to kill them.

When they saw Lin Yong, they jumped into Lin Yong's arms.

Fang Yu pinched Lin Yong's face and listened to Lin Yong's heart, You can't become a vampire. Once you become a vampire, you won't be able to have children in the future. I will have ten or eight children.

Lin Yong smiled, Okay, when I get back, I will have a baby with you.

Suddenly, Fang Yu's face turned red.

Little Luoluo looked at Lin Yong, Big brother, I want a hug, I want a hug.

Lin Yong was very happy, picked up little Luo Luo, and lifted him high.

Little Luoluo smiled happily.

Seeing this scene, Duke Dracula's face turned ugly.

The other vampires also looked at the three Lin Yong with gloomy expressions.

Vampires are not created easily.

Therefore, every vampire is precious to them.

Now, how could they not feel heartbroken after so many people were killed by Fang Yu and Xiao Luoluo.

Duke Dracula spoke, Lin Yong, if you can accept my first embrace and become a vampire, I won't care about your two female companions killing so many vampires today.

If you don't agree, the three of you will die here today.

Lin Yong put down Little Luoluo and stood in front of Fang Yu and Little Luoluo, I will not become a vampire, and we will not die today.

Little Luoluo pulled Lin Yong's sleeve, Brother, that old man is very powerful. Very scary. And the dozen vampires around him are all very powerful. You are no match.

Later, I will hold them back while you take Sister Fang Yu away. Sister Fang Yu is not as strong as me, so you must take her back to a safe place.

Fang Yu and Lin Yong both heard what Xiao Luoluo said.

Fang Yu almost shed tears.

At this time, for the first time, Fang Yu felt regretful that she did not practice hard on weekdays.

In the past, there were very few practitioners who came into contact with her. She has the power of ten images and several cyclones in her body, which is enough to deal with ordinary people.

She also always thought she was very powerful.

I realized today that my abilities are still not good enough.

Thinking about it, she felt sad that Xiao Luoluo was asked to stand up for her.

Lin Yong was even more moved in his heart.

He knew that Xiao Luoluo was planning to hold off these vampires himself, and then let him and Fang Yu escape.

Lin Yong turned around and pinched Little Luoluo's cheek, Don't be afraid, big brother has a way to deal with them. Let's go back together today. The plain girls are waiting for you to go back and eat ice cream.

Seeing Lin Yong's confident look, Xiao Luoluo said Yeah.

Dracula smiled, Do you Easterners like to talk big words? Lin Yong, let me tell you, it is impossible for you to escape from the hands of a duke or a dozen marquises. Just obey us. Become a vampire and still have a long life. ,Why not do it?

Lin Yong said nothing, and with a flash of his hand, Poyou appeared.

Duke Dracula's face became serious, It seems that you really want to die here.

Duke Dracula waved his hand, and a dozen marquis surrounded the three of them.

Duke Dracula spoke, Okay, children, enjoy to your heart's content. They are the most delicious blood food of Eastern practitioners.

Duke Dracula always remembers that a century ago, when the East was in chaos, he brought vampires into that country and sucked the blood of many Eastern cultivators.

It's really delicious.

Compared with ordinary people, it is simply too delicious.

Later, powerful practitioners from that country came out and drove them out of that country.

However, he always thought of that delicious blood.

Among these dozen marquises, five or six had followed Dracula to China and had tasted the blood of Eastern cultivators.

They licked their lips.

Marquis Acheson spoke, Yes, the blood of Eastern cultivators is really a treasure. It is much more delicious than the blood of virgins. Thinking about it, I really miss it.

Marquis Bessie spoke, I remember that I tasted the blood of an Eastern cultivator who was a virgin, and it was more delicious. These two women should be virgins, and their blood must be more delicious.

I once sucked the blood of a child among Eastern cultivators. It was really fresh, but the child's blood was too little. I sucked it for a little while and he died.

Lin Yong was filled with rage after listening to the conversation between these people.

It turns out that they once invaded the Huaxia Kingdom with the army, and in that era of war and chaos, they also sucked the blood of the Huaxia Kingdom's cultivators.

Among these people, there are women and children, all of whom are practitioners.

Lin Yong felt sad when he thought of this.

When the country is not strong, anyone can come and take a bite.

Of course, practitioners have protected the country, but when the country becomes stronger, it also provides the practitioners with backing.

Now, there is absolutely no such thing as a cultivator having his blood sucked from a large area.

Lin Yong suddenly had no regrets at all about joining the Judge Advocate Central Department.

In the past, he was also a little unhappy. He felt that the internal struggle for power among the arbiters was too serious.

I think it's a waste of my time.

Now, there is no such feeling.

Yes, the Centralized Department of Adjudicators also has a function, which is to resist and monitor cultivators and non-human beings from other countries who enter the Huaxia Kingdom, so that they do not dare to mess around in the Huaxia Kingdom.

Fang Yu and Little Luoluo also felt Lin Yong's rage. Fang Yu pulled Lin Yong's arm, and Little Luoluo pulled Lin Yong's sleeve.

Lin Yong laughed angrily, Okay, you vampires should all die. You have all sucked the blood of Chinese cultivators. You should all die...

After listening to Lin Yong's words, these vampires were haha big and small.

Boy, you are the one who is going to die today.

Boy, it's useless no matter how angry you are. No one will come to save you. Those old monsters in China are indeed powerful, but they are in the UK and Europe now.

Boy, they all want to taste the blood of virgins, but what I want to taste is your blood.

Only Duke Dracula frowned slightly: Why does it feel like something is wrong?

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