Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 242 It’s good to be home, Duke Bertram’s troubles

The girls relaxed after seeing Lin Yong bringing Fang Yu and Xiao Luoluo back.

The three plain girls gathered in the room, not daring to go out, not even to the bathroom.

It's not that they're afraid of bad luck.

They were afraid that something would happen to them too, which would bring trouble to Lin Yong.

The news that Fang Yu and Xiao Luoluo disappeared made Lin Yong furious.

They could feel Lin Yong's anger.

They don't want Lin Yong to experience something like this again.

What makes the plain girls happy is that Fang Yu and little Luo Luo look good.

When Fang Yu took out the jewelry, jewelry, and crown from the Xumi ring, the girls' eyes lit up.

Fang Yu said generously, Plain girl, this crown suits you very well. I give it to you.



Little Luoluo...

The girls all praised Fang Yu's generosity, but Lin Yong was the only one who couldn't laugh or cry. The girls didn't know how many things Fang Yu put into the Xumi ring.

After playing in London for another two days, everyone took a plane back to Dong'an.

I got on the plane at 9:05 the night before and arrived at 9:25 the next night.

Originally the flight was sixteen hours, and there was still time difference, but it was better to be more than twenty-four hours.

When they arrived at the airport, Gu Haitao drove to pick him up.

Gu Haitao sent Lin Yong and the girls back to the bar.

When we arrived at the bar, we opened the door and put down our luggage, the girls all started shouting that they were tired.

Lin Yong took out a calligraphy and painting by Qi Baishi and gave it to Gu Haitao.

Obtained from Dracula's treasure house.

Gu Haitao likes calligraphy and painting very much. When he has nothing to do, he will practice calligraphy at home.

Lin Yong gave Gu Haitao a calligraphy and painting.

Gu Haitao was very happy.

He took the calligraphy and painting and drove away.

After entering the room, the girls began to pack up.

There are jewelry, perfumes, clothes, bags and many other things they bought.

Just paying taxes is a lot.

The girls were very excited.

Especially plain girls.

I didn’t expect that this world is so vast and that there are people with yellow hair and blue eyes.

What’s more, I didn’t expect that the country where Brother Yong lives is magical enough, and those countries are even more magical.

There is also a big steel bird flying in the sky. Yes, it is called a plane.

It’s great to be able to come to this world.

It's great to be by Brother Yong's side.

Lin Yong packed his luggage, walked downstairs, went to the kitchen, made a pot of tea, and turned on the TV.

Drinking tea, eating snacks, and watching TV, I really feel very comfortable.

It's still comfortable at home.

Gold silver nest nest as their own kennel.

The Red Carnation 41 Hotel is indeed very good, but it is not as comfortable and cozy as at home.

The girls also finished cleaning up and went downstairs one after another and entered the kitchen.

Tutu also ran out and said that he was very lonely during this period of time when everyone was not at home.

Fang Yu playfully tapped Tutu's tentacles.

She is just a witch, a little absent-minded.

Everyone knows that she is happy and worried about the teleportation array.

Fortunately, I finally found a way back.

The worry is that it would be a pity if the teleportation array cannot be used.

The girls showed off their jewelry, and Lin Yong looked on with a smile.

As long as the girls are happy, he is happy.

At this time, little Luoluo looked out the window and said, It's snowing. So heavy snow.

Everyone gathered around the window to watch.

It was indeed snowing.

The snow was really heavy, and pieces of snow fell like goose feathers from the sky, making no sound.

After a while, a thin layer was spread on the ground.

The room was very warm, the heater was very hot. I looked at the temperature and it was twenty-five degrees.

Lin Yong and the others were all wearing single pants and thin sweaters.

Not cold at all.

Seeing that it was snowing, the girls moved the table to the window and drank tea, talked and ate snacks while watching the snow.

Before I knew it, it was 12 o'clock.

No one cried out about hunger.

Lin Yong spoke, Okay, let's go to bed, we will open tomorrow night.

The girls went upstairs one by one.

Lin Yong took a look and saw that everything was fine at home, so he turned off the lights and went upstairs.

Lin Yong and others were leisurely, admiring the snowy scenery, drinking tea, eating snacks, and watching TV. Duke Bertram of London was almost worried to death.

At this time, the news had spread that the Dracula family had been wiped out.

Vampires have been around since time immemorial.

Although they are a member of the darkness, the Holy See and the British Knights of the Round Table have also made great efforts to eliminate vampires and werewolves.

However, the effect is not very good.

It cannot be completely removed.

Later, these practitioners in the Western world, especially the Holy See, the Knights of the Round Table, and the Nordic Protoss, also became accustomed to coexisting with vampires.

Duke Bertram is responsible for monitoring vampire affairs.

What he does is not to kill or eliminate vampires, but to control the traces of vampires and then minimize their harm to humans.

He also knew about the vampires of the Dracula family in England.

He even knew the name, identity, and title of each vampire.

That's the kind of work he does.

However, just the day before yesterday, someone discovered that the Dracula family had been destroyed.

It's all destroyed.

Each vampire was drained of blood and became a human being.

Including Duke Dracula.

I really don’t know what kind of creature can cause such an effect.

You know, there is one duke, a dozen marquis, dozens of barons, and viscounts.

Even if all the powerful nobles and knights of the Round Table in Britain were gathered together, this force could not be eliminated.

But now, they are really wiped out.


No signs of fighting were found.

How could Duke Bertram not be nervous?

I haven't heard of any powerful beings entering the country!

London, England still looks very lively, crowded with pedestrians, and a prosperous scene.

Banquets held by nobles, operas, movies, and concerts were also held as scheduled.

But only the highest aristocrats knew that London was dangerous.

All Knights of the Round Table who were out in the field were recalled.

Even the injured Michelle put on armor, led the twelve paladins, and began patrolling Buckingham Palace.

Duke Bertram even stayed at Buckingham Palace all night to protect the safety of the royal members.

One night, Lin Yong's face suddenly appeared in Duke Bertram's mind.

Earl Bertram was shocked: The Dracula family was destroyed just when that man was in England. Couldn't he have done it?

Duke Bertram had a horrified expression on his face: How is it possible? He is just a master of reasoning. He can't, absolutely not.

However, Lin Yong's figure and appearance could not be removed from Earl Bertram's mind.

Duke Bertram didn't know, he almost guessed the truth.

The next day, Lin Yong got up, finished washing, opened the window, and saw a vast expanse of white, with snow still falling.

Suddenly I saw a tricycle running over and stopping at the door of the bar.

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