Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 243 Grandpa Ma’s reminder, snowball fight

It's Grandpa Ma.

I don’t know what Grandpa Ma is doing in such a cold weather and snowing.

It just so happened that Lin Yong also had something to tell Grandpa Ma.

Lin Yong hurriedly went downstairs, opened the door, and let Grandpa Ma into the house.

After entering the kitchen, Lin Yong poured a cup of hot water for Grandpa Ma.

Grandpa Ma held the hot water and said, It's really cold.

Lin Yong nodded, Grandpa Ma, why are you coming out in such a cold weather?

Grandpa Ma spoke, I came today for two things. The first thing is to thank you for letting Mr. Mo bring me a lot of cultivation resources. The second thing is to tell you about your affairs in the UK. It has spread, and many people know that you are a master of reasoning.

Those who know they are invincible will naturally not be enemies with you. However, if someone sincerely wants to deal with you, they will naturally invite experts. You don't have many enemies. There are some arbiters in Zhejiang Province. There are some in the clan. You should be careful.

Lin Yong felt slightly warm inside.

Unexpectedly, just after he came back, Grandpa Ma came despite the heavy snow.

Still tell yourself to be careful about your enemies.

Lin Yong spoke, Grandpa Ma, I also have something to tell you.

As he spoke, Lin Yong's hand flashed, and the map he traced appeared, Look at this map.

Grandpa Ma looked at it, and his face became more serious the more he looked at it, These seem to be relatively famous places. Stonehenge, Mayan ruins, Nordic temples, Kunlun Mountain, Huashan Mountain, Wuyi Mountain, Dongting Lake... what are these?

Lin Yong began to describe his findings at Stonehenge in detail.

The more Grandpa Ma listened, the more excited he became, We have been looking for this interstellar teleportation array for a long time, but we didn't expect you to find it...

Grandpa Ma explained in detail, Lin Yong finally knew a lot of information about the adjudicator.

Judges have existed since ancient times.

It is a wisp of inheritance left behind by those great powers in ancient times when they left.

In order to control the humans, monsters, ghosts and spirits left on the earth.

The Centralized Department of Judges was established only after the founding of the Huaxia Kingdom.

It has been established for more than sixty years.

There was once a gap in the Arbiter, and a lot of information passed down from ancient times was lost.

Therefore, they know that there is an interstellar teleportation array on the earth, but they don't know where it is.

After the establishment of the Arbitrator Centralization Department, it has been committed to finding the interstellar teleportation array.

Unfortunately, there was little progress.

Now, what Lin Yong has discovered is exciting not only for China, but also for cultivators all over the world.

After you can open the interstellar teleportation array, you can communicate with the outside world.

You can know where those creatures from ancient times went.

You can also teleport people there.

The earth's aura is already very thin and is no longer suitable for the birth of more powerful creatures.

Many people are looking for a way out, and this interstellar teleportation array is the way out.

Grandpa Ma was very excited. He stood up as he spoke, walked back and forth in the kitchen, and waved his arms.

Lin Yong spoke, Grandpa Ma, let's find it first. Besides, it's hard to say whether it can be used. Even if it can be used, I don't know what the situation is over there.

Grandpa Ma calmed down and nodded, Yes. You are right. I will report this matter. Finally, this time, we Chinese people are one step ahead.

After saying that, Grandpa Ma drank the hot water in the cup in one breath, said goodbye to Lin Yong, and left.

Lin Yong looked at the falling snow outside the window and began to think deeply.

I really don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing to discover this thing.

The earth is relatively peaceful now, but the discovery of these interstellar teleportation arrays will cause another disturbance.

At least those cultivators and aristocratic families in Huaxia Kingdom will definitely mobilize one after another.

Many aristocratic families may not necessarily send their entire family over, but it is still possible to send a few or a dozen people over.

The wider world, although it means danger, also means opportunity.

Lin Yong suddenly thought, if the interstellar teleportation array could be used, would he have the opportunity to visit Mingli?

I still don’t want to think about it anymore. Can I leave these girls at home?

Even Fang Yu couldn't be left behind.

Not to mention little Luo Luo, who is like his father.

There are also plain girls who take him as their husband and follow him to the earth world.

And Dongli Yanran...

Needless to say, Enchantress, if there is an interstellar teleportation array to the planets near Vega, she will definitely leave.

While Lin Yong was meditating, the girls came down, quickly made lunch, and said they wanted to go out for a snowball fight. Lin Yong was a must-have boss.

Lin Yong smiled.

How many years have we not had a snowball fight?

I remember the last time I had a snowball fight was when I was in junior high school. It snowed heavily and I didn’t go home after school. I had a snowball fight with a group of girls and boys on the west playground of the campus.

Lin Yong was unlucky enough to sprain his foot, which took more than a month to heal.

Soon, the meal was ready, and everyone gathered around the table to have lunch.

Now, except for the enchantress, they are all pot-bellied men, eating very happily.

The plain girl started eating carefully, but now she is eating happily.

No regard for image at all.

Su Nu now knows. Fang Yu lied to her at first, saying that she had to work hard to support Lin Yong.

Lin Yong is very rich and has a lot of money. He doesn't need to do anything to support himself.

Of course, plain girls do not object to being a member of the bar, helping Lin Yong run the bar and serving as a waiter.

After eating, the girls cleaned up together, washed the dishes, and then went upstairs to change clothes.

Soon, everyone came down one by one, everyone was armed to the teeth.

Down jackets, hats, gloves, and masks were all worn.

So do plain girls.

Now I can no longer see any difference from Fang Yu and others.

Seeing that Lin Yong had not changed his clothes, the girl pushed Lin Yong upstairs.

Lin Yong had no choice but to go upstairs and change clothes.

In fact, according to his strength, even if he wears this thin clothes, he will not feel cold or get sick from the cold.

However, everything must have an atmosphere.

Lin Yong put on a down jacket, a hat, and gloves.

As he walked out of the bar, three snowballs were thrown at him.

Lin Yong stretched out his fist and smashed three snowballs.

Suddenly the snowball was smashed by Lin Yong.

However, the snow foam still splashed all over Lin Yong.

The girls laughed.

Fang Yu shouted, It doesn't count, it doesn't count, the boss used kung fu to deal with Xueqiu. It doesn't count...

Lin Yong bent down and grabbed a handful of snow, rolled it into a snowball, and threw it towards Fang Yu.

Suddenly, a snowball exploded in Fang Yu's chest.

Fang Yu's chest was covered with snow.

Fang Yu was so angry, The boss just bullied me.

Su Nu picked up a handful of snow, secretly stuffed it into Lin Yong's neck, and then ran away laughing, Sister Fang Yu, I've avenged you, I've avenged you.

Fang Yu was happy, Thank you, my plain girl sister.

Lin Yong couldn't laugh or cry, You guys ganged up to bully me.

Little Luoluo nodded, Well, I'm just bullying you. Who told you to be a boy?

With that said, the snowball in Xiao Luoluo's hand flew towards Lin Yong.

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