Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 244 Snowman, Thorn Necklace, Ring, New Mission

Lin Yong shook his head and hit Snowball.

The snowball exploded in Lin Yong's head. Lin Yong's head was covered with snow foam and he looked a little embarrassed.

The girls all clapped their hands.

Only then did Lin Yong realize that the girl wanted to make a fool of herself so much and was dumbfounded.

As long as Lin Yong throws a snowball at a girl, other girls will besieged.

The girls were sure that they were going to attack Lin Yong with snowballs.

Under the offensive of the girls, Lin Yong finally had to admit defeat.

The girls were still not happy and started to build snowmen.

I built a snowman as tall as one person.

The girls found things to make facial features for the snowman.

Inlaid with two small black briquettes are the snowman's eyes, a carrot is the snowman's nose, and a sausage is the snowman's mouth.

Looking at the snowman, the girls were happy.

Lin Yong looked at the girl's happy smiling face and the snowflakes in the sky, and his heart felt warm.

Originally, there was only Fang Yu, then there was Mingli, there was Xiao Luoluo, there was Dongli Yanran, and now there is also the plain girl and the enchantress.

Although Mingli left, Enchantress will definitely leave in the future, but it does not prevent him from remembering those happy days.

Lin Yong was a little worried, worried that Mingli's soft temper would suffer.

Mingli was so simple and beautiful that many male creatures would flock to her. Lin Yong was really worried that Mingli would not know how to refuse.

Lin Yong smiled and shook his head: There are so many galaxies apart, what do you want to do? I'll go see Mingli when I get a chance in the future. Thinking here won't help.

Went back into the house.

Everyone held a cup of hot tea and drank it.

Lin Yong went out in the afternoon and went to Winston's on South Street and sent a diamond to be made into a necklace and ring for a plain girl.

Mike received Lin Yong warmly.

Mike was actually very well-informed and knew that Lin Yong had become the Earl of the Queen of England.

His attitude towards Lin Yong was more respectful.

Lin Yong drew another design of a necklace and a ring.

The drawing this time is in the shape of thorns. It looks hooked and thorny, but it has a different kind of beauty.

Mike said that a master diamond craftsman came from Winston, Dongan, and this necklace and ring can be made in Winston, Dongan.

Half a month later, let Lin Yong pick it up.

He hoped to use Lin Yong's design and not charge for the production, but Lin Yong had to pay a platinum fee of 1.2 million.

Lin Yong immediately transferred 1.2 million to Mike.

After making an appointment to pick up the necklace and ring, Lin Yong left.

There was thick snow on the ground, and pedestrians and cars moved very slowly.

This kind of time is most suitable for drinking hot tea at home and looking at the snowy scenery.

However, the scenery of this city is really good. The snow is spread on the sloped roofs of ancient buildings, which makes it look even more ancient.

It makes people suddenly return to ancient times.

Lin Yong returned home and told Su Nu about custom-made necklaces and rings. Su Nu was very happy.

The girls prepared the meal, everyone ate together, and then they were ready to open the door for business.

It's snowing today, so business may not be very good.

But we still have to open the door.

The girls went to the bar in front to get busy, and Lin Yong turned on the TV to watch TV.

At this moment, a burst of light enveloped Lin Yong.

Fuck, I've only been back for a few days and I have to go on a mission again.

Ding Dong, please host kill Fifth Ming Lei and seize the golden finger of Fifth Ming Lei's deduction technique. The task is completed and you will be rewarded with 250,000 points.

Protagonist: The Fifth Thunder

Race: Human race

Golden Finger: The ability to deduce exercises

Time to get golden finger: seventy-six years

This task gives a lot of points.

Lin Yong knew it because his ability to deduce exercises was so powerful.

It is simply a matter of practice and upgrade to a heaven-defying golden finger.

I just don’t know what kind of person this Fifth Ming Lei is.

If the system told him to kill him, then he must not be a good person.

Lin Yong opened his eyes.

Lin Yong was outside a small town, on an official road.

Next to it is a wild field, where grass grows and warblers are flying, butterflies and bees are flying. It is spring.

Lin Yong walked to the town.

Although the town is not big, it is very lively and full of people coming and going.

Lin Yong found a teahouse and went in.

Sure enough, there were many people in the teahouse and they were talking about it.

Tomorrow the Kunwu faction will come to the town to recruit new students. I don't know how many children in the town will be selected this time. I remember five years ago, there were five children selected.

I'm going to send my child there too. Let's see if he has spiritual roots. If he can be chosen, he will become an immortal in the future.

I heard that the conditions have been relaxed this time. If you are under thirty years old, you can apply even if you are an artist, and you will have a chance to be selected.

Lin Yong didn't care at all about the Kunwu sect, the new recruits, or whether he had spiritual roots. He just wanted to find the fifth thunder, see if he could kill him, and seize his golden finger.

At this time, a person said, Don't you know? The conditions will be relaxed this time because the fifth Minglei Elder, the youngest of the Kunwu Sect, is going to celebrate his eightieth birthday. He will be chosen to have a mantle on his eightieth birthday. successor……

The Fifth Ming Lei Elder is really powerful. He is only eighty years old and is a master in the Nascent Soul stage. I heard that the Fifth Ming Lei Elder has been identified as the next candidate for the headmaster.

You all don't know. I heard that when the Fifth Ming Lei elder was born, the sky was filled with red clouds, the room was filled with fragrance, petals were falling from the sky, and fairies were singing...

Lin Yong smiled. He was twenty-eight years old and just met the requirements.

Sign up for the Kunwu Sect's selection tomorrow and see if you can get into the Kunwu Sect.

Only after entering the Kunwu sect can we find the opportunity to kill the fifth thunder.

Lin Yong threw down a golden bean, walked out of the teahouse, and started walking around the town.

Sure enough, I saw many people coming from all directions with their children.

I heard that children from nearby villages are selected in this town called Phoenix Town.

In the past, the selection conditions were that one should be no more than 18 years old and have spiritual roots.

The conditions for this year are that he is no more than thirty years old, has spiritual roots, and is able to carry out arts.

Many parents with their children have pilgrimage-like expressions on their faces.

Yes, if you have spiritual roots and can enter the Kunwu Sect, you will become an immortal in the future.

That's much better than any master.

Lin Yong didn't know if he had spiritual roots, but Lin Yong thought that those with spiritual roots were people with outstanding qualifications.

I have been practicing all the way, and my qualifications are pretty good. Most of them have spiritual roots.

I found an inn and wanted to stay, but all the rooms in the middle- and medium-sized rooms were full, and they were all people who came from nearby villages with their children.

Lin Yong had no choice but to ask for a lower-class room with another person.

This man's name is Zhang Mang, and he is also going to participate in the selection and enter the Kunwu Sect.

Zhang Mang is twenty-three years old. He is tall and has a dark face. He looks like a rough guy, but he knows a lot about the Kunwu Sect.

Zhang Mang rambled on and told Lin Yong about the Kunwu Sect.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, I wish you all a happy New Year. I wish you all a happy New Year and all the best. In the new year, your studies will go well, your career will go to a higher level, and everything will go well. Haha, bring me the red envelope.

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