Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 256 Congratulations, happy junior brother

Hearing Qi Liufeng ask this question, the other elders and He Pingfan also became nervous.

They don't know what's in Linglong Bi now. So very concerned.

After all, no one has entered Linglongbi for three thousand years.

As for those who entered Linglongbi three thousand years ago, they were carefully warned by the elders and masters of the sect not to reveal the secrets inside.

As for the matters related to Linglongbi, we will not resort to pen and ink.

Of course, it is not against the rules for elders and leaders like them to ask the disciples who enter what they encounter inside.

After all, it can be confirmed with some legends within the sect.

Lin Yong frowned, It's very strange, very strange, I don't even know what to say.

Qi Liufeng stared at Lin Yong.

Lin Yong began to narrate, At first, it seemed like a starry sky with a lot of light. I saw a colorful light...

Qi Liufeng asked hurriedly, What happened next? What color of light did you catch?

Lin Yong looked at Qi Liufeng with surprised eyes. He didn't know how Qi Liufeng knew this, I thought the colorful light was very beautiful, so I ran over and grabbed the colorful light. But I don't know if I caught it or not.

Have we met? Qi Liufeng asked.

Lin Yong nodded, I met him.

Qi Liufeng breathed a sigh of relief and exchanged glances with Xueyunfeng.

The eyes were full of joy, relief, and happiness.

Zhou Yaxuan also showed a smile.

Several other elders, including He Pingfan, have some inexplicable and strange things.

Qi Liufeng spoke, Today, what I say here is not allowed to be passed on to anyone else, not even to your direct disciples or successors.


Yes, Elder Qi...

Yes, I understand...

The other elders all bowed and agreed.

Qi Liufeng's eyes began to become confused, and he didn't know what he was thinking of. After a while, he came back to his senses and said, Entering Linglongbi, you can feel the original power of this world. Various colors represent the power of different systems, and the colorful light represents the most original power of the world. The power of everything, the source of all kinds of power.”

In other words, what he feels is the most original power of the world, the source of all kinds of power. No matter what system of power he cultivates in the future, he will be like a fish in water and will be very talented. The power system can no longer trouble him.

After hearing Qi Liufeng's words, except for the three elders in the immortal realm, the other elders, He Pingfan, were all shocked.

You can practice any power system, and you will all be very talented. Are you still a human being?

Simply a monster.

At this time, these elders looked at Lin Yong, as if they wanted to eat Lin Yong, and wanted to take Lin Yong into their sect.

Whoever lets such a genius go will regret it.

Xue Xuehua spoke, Is there also the source of ice-type power in it? In the past, the disciples who entered Linglongbi all learned some type of power.

Qi Liufeng spoke, Of course there is the source of power of the ice system. The disciples who entered Linglongbi in the past were the most aware of the power of the three systems. He has never experienced the colorful light that is the source of all power.

Xue Xuehua felt a little regretful. If his disciple Jiao Xue could enter Linglong Bi, he would surely be able to understand the origin of ice power.

In this way, when you practice ice power in the future, your talent will be stronger.

However, his disciples did not have this blessing.

But after listening to Qi Liufeng's last words, everyone understood that Lin Yong was definitely a precious egg, the most precious egg since the founding of the Kunwu Sect.

Many elders originally had thoughts of accepting Lin Yong as their disciples, but they gave up.

Such talents and precious eggs are not something they can get their hands on.

I didn't see that the three elders in the immortal realm didn't speak.

Qi Liufeng spoke, Now that you are a disciple of my Kunwu sect, you don't have a master yet, right?

Lin Yong nodded, but he really didn't want to become a disciple. After all, after killing Fifth Ming Lei, he still had to leave the Kunwu sect and leave this world.

Once a teacher, always a father, he still knows this.

When the time comes, when I leave, I won’t know what to say.

He hopes that in this world, he is free from worries.

As if he sensed Lin Yong's thoughts, Qi Liufeng sighed, and then said, Hey, your talent is really amazing. Even I don't dare to accept you as my apprentice.

Lin Yong had a regretful expression on his face, but he was happy in his heart.

Qi Liufeng said, I will replace my master and accept you as my apprentice. You will be my junior brother.

After listening to Qi Liufeng's words, Lin Yong quickly responded, Then where is the master now?

Qi Liufeng said with a smile, Of course he is in the immortal world. The master's name is Zhenren Ziyun, named Zirong Shui. He was also a famous figure in the human world back then. It is said that the master is now in the realm of the immortal emperor.

Lin Yong nodded.

It's not bad to have multiple cheap masters. After all, they can't control him. With this master, he can still pull the tiger skin to show his authority in the Kunwu sect. Even if he goes to the fairy world in the future, there will be someone to look after him.

You know, Ziyun Zhenren is in the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

Qi Liufeng spoke, Junior brother, kowtow to the south, which is regarded as worshiping the master.

Lin Yong knelt down facing the south and kowtowed three times seriously.

Qi Liufeng smiled, Okay, okay, okay, from now on, you will be my little junior brother.

After listening to Qi Liufeng's words, He Pingfan stood up first and said, Congratulations to your great uncle for your new junior brother.

Others followed to congratulate.

Congratulations to Senior Brother Qi on your birth of Junior Brother. This is Xueyunfeng.

Congratulations to your junior uncle, uncle. This is Cheng Jiutian.

Congratulations, great uncle, on your new junior brother. This is Xue Xuehua.

The group came down to congratulate them, and Qi Liufeng's face was filled with joy.

Qi Liufeng continued, Junior brother, I live in Fenghuo Peak. In the future, if you have problems in cultivation, lack of cultivation resources, or need spiritual stones, you can come to me.

Actually, I want you to move in with me...

Lin Yong waved his hand quickly, No, no, senior brother, I like living in the Spiritual Medicine Valley, and there is a little girl, I think it is very interesting.

Everyone laughed.

Qi Liufeng didn't even mention letting Lin Yong move in with him.

Lin Yong has many secrets. Qi Liufeng is so powerful that Lin Yong is afraid that Qi Liufeng will find out.

Qi Liufeng then spoke, You can publicize your identity as a junior fellow apprentice, but don't publicize other things we say here today. Okay, let's all disperse today.

Master, don't forget to put one million sect points into your junior's disciple nameplate tomorrow.

He Pingfan quickly said, I won't forget it. I won't forget what happened to my uncle.

Lin Yong was happy, and now he became the master's uncle.

After everyone dispersed, Lin Yong walked out of the meeting hall. When he reached the mountainside, he realized that it was already dark and the dining hall was closed.

I'm going to be hungry tonight, so I can only eat pickled tangerine flowers.

At this time, a man approached Lin Yong, and with him came the scent of emperor spiritual crab meat and spiritual lobster meat.

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