Invincible Protagonist Terminator System

Chapter 257: Is the girl’s heart really the master’s uncle?

Lin Yong's stomach growled.

Hearing Lin Yong's stomach growling, the visitor chuckled, Junior Brother Lin, are you hungry?

Naturally, it’s Hua Yanyan.

Lin Yong looked at Hua Yanyan with pitiful eyes and nodded vigorously.

Hua Yanyan stuffed two lotus leaf bags into Lin Yong's hands.

Lin Yong opened it and saw that one lotus leaf contained emperor spiritual crab meat, and the other lotus leaf contained spiritual lobster meat.

Even the shell has been peeled off, and the meat is white and tender.

The lotus leaf outside is also a kind of spiritual plant, called spiritual lotus.

The leaves of spiritual lotus are used to wrap spiritual food so that the spiritual energy in the food will not leak out.

Lin Yong caught it and ate a large piece of crab meat, Well, it's really delicious.

Hua Yanyan looked at Lin Yong, I bought it and peeled off the shells. When I peeled the shells, I really wanted to eat them, so I left them for you to eat. I heard that you were called away by the elders. I guess Can’t have dinner.”

Lin Yong looked at Hua Yanyan, Did you really not eat a piece?

No, Hua Yanyan was a little embarrassed, Actually, I still ate a small piece of crab meat and a small piece of shrimp meat. Well, they were delicious.

Lin Yong was filled with emotion.

After spending so many days with Hua Yanyan, he understood better than anyone else how much this chubby woman valued and longed for food.

It takes a lot of perseverance to endure the temptation of food, not eat it, peel the shell and leave it for him.

Lin Yong grabbed a piece of crab meat and said, Open your mouth...

Hua Yanyan said, No, I've eaten five portions of rice today and I'm full. Oh, why are you... ummm, it's so delicious.

Lin Yong still stuffed the crab meat into Hua Yanyan's mouth.

Hua Yanyan chewed carefully, as if she wanted to savor the aroma of the food.

Lin Yong ate while walking. When he reached the foot of the mountain, he had already finished all the crab meat and shrimp meat.

Naturally, I also stuffed a few pieces into Hua Yanyan’s mouth.

Arriving at Lin Yong's cabin, Come in and sit down? I'll give you a jar of pickled tangerine flowers.

When Hua Yanyan heard Lin Yong say that there were also pickled tangerine flowers, she swallowed a mouthful of blood and went in with a smile on her plump face.

After entering Lin Yong's house, Lin Yong lit the candle.

Lin Yong slapped his head, How many spiritual stones did you spend on these?

Hua Yanyan said with a smile, There's not much left. I spent fourteen spirit stones. I still have six spirit stones left. When the Qingming Fruit I planted matures again in three months, I can Got twenty spiritual stones.

Silly girl... Lin Yong didn't know what to say.

In order to prevent herself from going hungry, this girl spent 70% of her income for several months to give herself a meal.

Lin Yong thought for a while, then opened the Qiankun bag Qi Liufeng gave him and took a look.

Inside are mountains of spiritual stones.

After counting, it seemed like it was indeed fifty thousand yuan.

Lin Yong flashed his hand, and five hundred spiritual stones appeared and were placed on the table, Take them all.

Hua Yanyan's eyes were dazzled when she looked at these spiritual stones.

He didn't seem to believe his eyes and rubbed them.

The spirit stone shone with a faint luster, reflecting the girl's deer-like black eyes, making Lin Yong feel that the girl was not that ugly.

Hua Yanyan spoke, How did you get so many spiritual stones? Did you steal them? Rob them? I don't want them, so you should put them away quickly. If someone discovers them, you'll be in trouble.

Lin Yong grabbed Hua Yanyan's hand and said, Put it away. Don't steal it or rob it. It was given by others. Don't worry, we will not be short of spiritual stones in the future. Today I sold another 10,000 kilograms of Juruohua.

The girl's hands were delicate and soft, like the finest mutton-fat jade, which made Lin Yong's mind wander a little.

Hua Yanyan said, Really?

Really, if you don't believe it, ask Mr. Zhou of Weedao. I sold him 12,000 kilograms of tangerine flowers today. As for how the tangerine flowers came from, don't ask. It's my secret.

The girl carefully put the five hundred spirit stones into the Qiankun bag, Well, I will follow you from now on. I heard that you have entered Linglongbi and your talent is very good. From now on, you have to take care of me.

Lin Yong smiled, No problem.

Hua Yanyan looked at Lin Yong worriedly, What do the elders want from you? Why did you talk for so long? Will there be any trouble? You know, the sect has been in existence for three thousand years, and no one has entered Linglongbi.

Lin Yong said carelessly, What trouble can there be? Don't you all think that my talent is amazing? Elder Qi accepted me as a disciple on behalf of the master. I am now Elder Qi's younger brother...

From now on, you are going to call me Master, Ancestor, do you understand?

Hua Yan's face was full of disbelief, You lied to me, I don't believe it. How could Elder Qi be your senior brother? It has been almost a thousand years since Elder Qi reached the immortal realm. He is the most powerful person in the sect.

Okay, I won't chat with you anymore. Give me the pickled tangerine flowers. I'm going back to practice. I have to work tomorrow.

Lin Yong nodded, took out a jar of pickled orange flowers and placed it on the table.

The girl put it into the Qiankun bag, said goodbye to Lin Yong, and left.

Lin Yong looked at it and saw that nothing happened. He took out the Encyclopedia of Medicinal Herbs in Various Worlds and Detailed Explanation of Alchemy Prescriptions from Levels One to Nine and started reading.

These things are a bit boring to talk about.

Think about the medical students on Earth who have a terrible headache when they memorize the names of medicines and prescriptions.

However, Lin Yong found it very interesting.

Looking at different medicinal herbs, their growth forms, growth patterns, seedlings, flowering, and fruiting...

There are also different places with different effects, which I find very interesting.

There are also pill recipes. After learning about some medicinal herbs, Lin Yong has begun to deduce what role these medicinal herbs play in it and what changes will occur.

In short, Lin Yong found it very interesting.

Why didn’t I find medicinal herbs and elixirs so interesting before?

Lin Yong saw it for the rest of the night before falling into a deep sleep.

Qi Shaoming was counting his income these days when he suddenly felt someone approaching. He looked up and was shocked to see that it was the leader.

He quickly stood up and saluted, Master.

Take me to see where my uncle lives. I have something to ask my uncle. He Pingfan said.

Uncle Master? Master, my ancestors lived in Fenghuo Peak and never come here. Qi Shaoming thought He Pingfan was talking about Qi Liufeng.

Speaking of which, Qi Shaoming was Qi Liufeng's main sect, but he was just a disciple of a side branch, and his talent was not very good. Although he joined the Kunwu sect because of Qi Liufeng and the Qi family, he could only be a handyman in charge.

He Pingfan frowned, I'm talking about Master Lin Yong's uncle.

Now Qi Shaoming knew it, but he didn't understand why the leader called Lin Yong his uncle.

He just thought he heard it wrong, Oh, look for Lin Yong, he lives in the cabin over there. I will take the leader there.

When he arrived at the cabin, Lin Yong also got up. After washing up, he was about to go to the canteen on the mountainside to eat.

Seeing Lin Yong, He Pingfan bowed respectfully, Master, uncle, are you getting up?

Lin Yong nodded calmly.

Qi Shaoming next to him was petrified: Is he really his great uncle? Is there something wrong?

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